Anyone able to do assembly language

The goal of this game is to eat all the dots, kinda like Pac-man.The little dots will be 3 points a piece and the big dots willdouble(2x) your score. Each move will deduct 1 point from yourscore. The object of the game is to get the highest scorepossible. The game terminates when the user has eaten all thedots.

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readFileName(1 param)Your program should read in the file name as astring.

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update (4 params)Update the current location based on keyboardinput Update the previous location (for scoring)


updateScore(1 param)Update the score for the program.


updateDrawing(1 param)Update the data buffer to reflect changes made inupdate


asm_mainMust terminate when the game is finished.Must call all the function above at least once.Documentation:Each function must have documentation stating (extrafunctions included)-what registers are used.-what the function does-what the parameters to the functions are


Mazes:Your program should include two mazes that you havedesigned yourself.


Turn in:final.asm (you must name it this, or you will lose all thepoints!)maze1.txtmaze2.txt

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