Psychology Emotion & Motivation Case Analysis Assignment

Emotion & Motivation Case Analysis Assignment Due: Week SevenPoints: 100Case AnalysisJoe, Stacie, and Shannon are all employees within the same organization.  Consider each employee’s characteristics below. Then address the questions following the employee descriptions.Employee 1: Joe enjoys coming to work each day. He finds pleasure in the outcome of his work.  He believes his work helps others.  He seeks out new ways to make his work more effective, and often initiates new work projects.  He likes to stay busy throughout the day. He sometimes has a hard time if there is not enough work to do.  He has no desire to leave the organization and would like to continue to be promoted within the company as he gains experience.Employee 2: Stacie finds, that although she used to like her current position within the company, she now finds it less rewarding. She has been in the same position for a few years, and in the past, enjoyed working on the team she was assigned. Recently, she had the opportunity to work on a special project, but this work was temporary. She found the brainstorming, planning, and development related to the project invigorating and engaging. Once the project was completed, she returned to her prior position. She no longer finds her current position as satisfying as she used to prior to working on the special project. She is considering changing positions within the company, if possible, or seeking out a job in another organization.Employee 3: Shannon comes to work every day on time. She does her job as assigned, works very hard, takes on challenging tasks to improve performance, and ensures that this is noticed by others. She is very clear about the expectations for her position as well as the criteria for evaluation.  During annual evaluations, she hopes her evaluation scores are high enough for her to be eligible for a merit raise. One of her primary goals for this year is to be nominated for the employee of the year award at the company’s annual dinner, which comes with both a preferred parking space and a cash bonus.  a)  Select two of the employees above.  For each employee, select one of the theories/models below, and explain why that model/theory applies to the selected employee.  (Use a different model for each employee)    – Achievement Motive (3 aspects of achievement-oriented behavior)    – Arousal Theory     – Drive Reduction Theory        – Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation    – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needsb) Consider how emotions might influence the motivation of the employees you selected.  Which emotions might decrease motivation in one of the above employee scenarios?  Which emotions might increase motivation in one of the above employee scenarios? Explain.c) How could an individual or organization use knowledge about the motivation theories and models above to increase motivation within the workplace?

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PSY111 Emotion & Motivation Case Analysis Rubric – 100 Points

Student Name_______________________

Excellent/Exceeds Expectations

Good/Meets Most Expectations

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Incomplete/Meets Partial Expectations

Points Possible





(30 points)
(a1) For first employee, select and explain how one of the theories/models applies to describe employee’s motivation.

Complete discussion of how motivation theory/model describes employee. Fully supports description that demonstrates investigation of major theories of motivation.

Describes how one of the theories/models describes employee’s motivation. Needs minor additional detail or support to be complete.

Partial description of how theory/model describes employee’s motivation OR incorrect use of a model. Needs significant detail or support to be complete.

Feedback Comments:

Points Possible





(30 points)
(a2) For second employee, select and explain how one of the theories/models applies to describe employee’s motivation. (Different model than used on first employee.)

Complete discussion of how motivation theory/model describes employee. Fully supports description that demonstrates investigation of major theories of motivation.

Describes how one of the theories/models describes employee’s motivation. Needs minor additional detail or support to be complete.

Partial description of how theory/model describes employee’s motivation OR incorrect use of a model. Needs significant detail or support to be complete.

Feedback Comments:

Points Possible





(10 points)

(b) Consider how emotions influence motivation. Explain which emotions might decrease motivation, and which emotions might increase motivation.

Considers fully how emotions influence motivation to explain the range/variation in human thoughts and behavior. Considers and discusses all items indicated in directions. Fully supports description.

Discusses how emotions influence motivation. Considers and discusses most items indicated in directions. Needs minor additional detail or support to be complete.

Partial discussion of how emotions influence motivation. Considers and discusses some items indicated in directions. Needs significant detail or support to be complete.

Feedback Comments:

Points Possible





(10 points)
(c) Discuss how an individual or organization uses knowledge about the motivation theories and models to increase motivation within the workplace.

Thorough application of theory to real-life settings. Describes how an individual or organization could use knowledge about motivation theories and models to increase motivation within the workplace. Fully supports description.

Considers how an individual or organization could use knowledge about motivation theories and models to increase motivation within the workplace. Needs minor additional detail or support to be complete.

Partial application of how an individual or organization could use knowledge about motivation theories and models to increase motivation within the workplace. Needs significant detail or support to be complete.

Feedback Comments:

Excellent/Exceeds Expectations

Good/Meets Most Expectations

Incomplete/Meets Partial Expectations

Points Possible





(10 points)

Writing Mechanics
sentence structure, run-ons, fragments, agreement, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, etc.

Demonstrates knowledge and use of writing mechanics, enhances the readability

Demonstrates knowledge and use of writing mechanics but with errors that may detract from the readability

Difficulties with readability due to inappropriate use of writing mechanics

Feedback Comments:

Points Possible





(10 points)

Writing Organization
Coherence: all writing fits together, makes sense, and flows in effective order – beginning, middle, end

Clarity: all writing is consistent and logical

Coherence: Well organized and purposeful writing; has beginning, middle, and end; strong and appropriate transitions
Clarity: Expresses ideas clearly and logically

Coherence: Sequence of information difficult to follow; lacks a clear beginning, middle, and end; few or inappropriate transitions
Clarity: Attempts to express ideas clearly; sometimes difficult to follow

Coherence: Unclear; lacks beginning, middle and end; fails to use transitions appropriately

Clarity: Disjointed connection of ideas; difficult to follow

For each requirement not completed, points(s) will be deducted as explained below.

(Maximum Deduction 10 Points)


Requirements for basic APA document formatting and citations

(Maximum Deduction 10 Points)

Your assignment requires the following:
– Name at top of document (-1 point)
– 1 inch margins (-1 point)
– Times/Times New Roman font (-1 point)
– 12 point font (-1 point)
– Double spaced (-1 point)
– Informal citations within the worksheet (-1 point)
– Informal list of references (-2 points)
– Quotation marks when directly quoting a source (-2 points)

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