Accounting Simulation

This is a large problem that deals with journal entries and various financial statements. All intructions should be available on the attached file.

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Academic Integrity


Chart of


– GL

Chart of Accounts – AR

Chart of Accounts – AP




Receipts Journal

Cash Payments Journal

General Journal Pg 1

General Journal Pg 2

General Journal Pg 3

General Ledger

A/R Sub-Ledger

A/P Sub-Ledger


Inventory Control Card






Table 1
You’re a Davenport University student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in business and employed at the AC Speed Company this semester as an intern. You’ve worked in various departments and on several projects so far, learning a lot about the company’s business operations. Management seems impressed with your enthusiasm and the quality of your work.The company’s accountant has just been called away for a family emergency and will likely be absent for a month or so. The General Manager asks you to take over the accountant’s regular duties on an interim basis. You’re nervous about doing so, but are confident that what you’ve learned in accounting class, plus your personal problem-solving skills, will make this a successful experience. What a great learning opportunity, not to mention an enhancement to your resume! b. Part 2 is an activity that requires you to analyze the company’s year-end financial statements to assist management in assessing the company’s position and making decisions about its future direction. b. You are encouraged to use your textbook’s table of contents (front) or index (back) to locate helpful references. h. Appearance counts! Pay attention to the format, to spelling, and to other details of appearance. This reflects on management’s perception of you as a professional. a. Final submission of all parts of this project must be in electronic (not paper) form. That is, you will submit your completed work via an assignment link in a Blackboard course site or via an email attachment. Follow your instructor’s directions. c. At the end of the month, total each column in each special journal and post that total to the general ledger. EXCEPT for entries in the “


” columns, which must be posted individually to the general ledger. f. At this point in the closing process, the balances of all subsidiary ledger accounts would be totaled and that total compared to the balance of the corresponding control account in the general ledger. That is, the total of inventory control cards would be compared to the

Merchandise Inventory

balance; the customer subsidiary ledger total to the

Accounts Receivable

balance; and the vendor subsidiary ledger total to the

Accounts Payable

balance. Any discrepancies would be investigated and corrected. Given the limited scope of this project scenario, reconciliation between subsidiary ledgers and control accounts is not possible. F. Part 2 of this project requires you to analyze the company’s year-end financial statements to assist the management of AC Speed in assessing the company’s financial position and making decisions about its future direction. c. After you calculate the ratios, consider whether there is a trend over the three-year period. Also compare the ratios you calculated for AC Speed with those listed as industry averages. Review the information in Chapter 17 to help you determine what the ratios are telling you about various aspects of AC Speed’s business operations.d. Use Word to prepare a memo (minimum


words) to AC Speed’s general manager, addressing the three questions listed at the bottom of the ratios tab. This should be formatted as a business memo, not an APA paper. Be sure to include a brief introduction and conclusion in the memo. Each question should be addressed in one or two paragraphs in the body of the memo. Remember that the general manager will expect details/facts/ratios to support statements you may make about the status of the business. Your writing should be concise, clear, and readable, with a fairly formal tone (since it’s addressed to AC Speed’s general manager, who is likely to share it with other members of management). Your instructor will provide the due date and submission requirements for this part of the project.

would be entered as $96.84.

i. Update general ledger account balances after posting adjusting journal entries.

these columns. The entry of net income should cause the debit and credit columns to equal one another.

, a summary of ratios, will be particularly useful.

Company Background & Scenario Project Overview & Instructions
A. Overview c. This is an individual, not a team, project. While you may discuss this project with others, you must prepare and submit your own work. Refer to the academic integrity statement in the project workbook. d. Before starting work, review the entire project: all instructions, business transactions descriptions, workbook sections, check figures, due dates, and submission requirements.
B. General Instructions a. The parts of this project, including specific business transactions and steps in the accounting cycle, must be completed in sequence. This is particularly important with business transactions relating to purchases and sales of inventory. c. These project instructions will not address every detail of every task. If you have questions, ask your instructor.
e. If rounding is required, round to the nearest cent. For example, $96.8

35 f. Use the check figures provided to check your work as you progress through the project. Investigate any discrepancies and correct them as you go along. g. Refer to the project rubric to determine how components of the project will be assessed. C. Submission Requirements
b. Save backup copies of your work. If you have multiple versions of the project, clearly label them for your own reference and to ensure that you submit the appropriate version to your instructor. c. You must read the academic integrity statement in the project workbook and enter your student ID number on the form to signify your agreement with and adherence to that statement. Final project submissions will not be accepted without this. D. Credit Terms & Inventory Accounting
a. When AC Speed purchases merchandise from a supplier or vendor on account, they receive credit terms of 2/15, net 30. b. When AC Speed sells merchandise to a customer on account, they offer that customer credit terms of 2/30, net 45. d. AC Speed uses a perpetual inventory accounting system and a last-in, first-out (LIFO) inventory costing method. E. Financial Accounting Steps:
a. Record each business transaction, in sequence by date, in the appropriate special journal or the general journal. Also, immediately record any transaction involving inventory, a customer, or a vendor in the appropriate subsidiary ledger record. b. At the end of the month, post each entry in the general journal to the general ledger. d. When posting is completed, bring the balance in each general ledger account up to date. e. When posting is completed, bring the balance in each subsidiary ledger account up to date.
g. List all general ledger account balances in the unadjusted trial balance columns of the worksheet. Use the sum function in Excel to total the debit and credit columns. These totals should be equal.
k. Sort the dollars recorded in the adjusted trial balance columns into either the income statement or the balance sheet columns.

Total l. Use the income statement information on the worksheet to prepare a multi-step income statement in good form. Look at examples of this income statement format in your textbook. m. Prepare a statement of retained earnings in good form. Look at examples of this statement in your textbook. Remember that net income from your just-completed income statement is a necessary component of this statement. n. Use the balance sheet information on the worksheet to prepare a classified balance sheet. Remember that the ending retained earnings balance from the just-completed statement is a necessary component of the equity section of the balance sheet. o. Prepare the end-of-month closing entries. Record these entries in the general journal and post them to the general ledger. Update balances in the general ledger accounts.
p. List the general ledger accounts that have balances other than zero on the post-closing trial balance. The totals of the debit column and the credit column should be equal. a. Before beginning this part of the project, you will find it helpful to review Chapter 17 on financial statement analysis. Page


Main Menu

Main Menu

Table 1

June 1

units on Credit from

for $35.00 per unit.

June 1

June 1

for $75 per units, Invoice #


for $52 per unit, Invoice #5556.

June 2

June 2

docking stations for $64 per unit and 1950 GPS units for $83 per unit on account to

, Invoice #5560.

th, payable on


June 4

June 5


to Michigan Utility Co. for utilities bill that was recorded in May as an Account Payable,


June 11

0, payable upon receipt, for bond consulting fees, Check #5282.

June 12

DVD players on account from

for $48 per unit.

June 13

for $33 per unit.

June 15

docking stations on credit from

for $42 per unit.

June 17

June 20

. Management Decided to write off this accounts receivable.

0 docking stations on credit to Kia for $64.50 per unit, Invoice #5559.

June 23

for $175,000 of the $

,000 owed from May 5.

international phone card for one of the sales representative’s upcoming European business trip, Check #5286.

for $61 per unit, Invoice 5558.

June 27


June 29

st, Check #5291.

June 29

June 30


on June 30 and found the following to be on hand:

in the prepaid insurance account at the beginning of June represents 4 months of coverage. Record the amount of insurance for June.

JUNE JOURNAL TRANSACTIONS June 1 Signed a one-year 18.5%, $180,000 note payable with First Bank. Purchased 3,000

GPS Navistar
Issued 5,500 shares of common stock for $11 per share (Refer to General ledger for description of common stock). Sold 2,000 DVD players on account to

Toyota 55 June 2
Sold 3,500 GPS units on account to

Kia Purchases office supplies from Office Max on credit for $1,200. Sold

900 Nissan
June 3 The Board of Directors declared a cash dividend of $5 per share for shareholders of record on

June 5 June

12 June 4 Received payment from Toyota for May 11th sale
Rented part of the warehouse to a new tenant and received $4,900 for three months rent (June, July, August). Paid $2,

10 Check # June 7 Received and paid expense reports for travel and entertainment totaling $925, Check #5279.
June 8 Paid for office supplies purchased on June 2nd, Check #5280. June 11 Paid in full for the June 1 purchase from Navistar, Check #5281.
Received a bill from the law firm of Larry, Moe & Curly for $5,

40 Paid the dividend that was declared on June 3, Check #5283. June 13 Took advantage of a special deal to purchase 3,

250 JVC
Purchased 850 GPS units on credit from

Magellan June 15 Sold 2,000 DVD players on credit to Fort Motor Co. for $89.00 per unit, Invoice 5557.
Check # 5284 was issued for payroll: $14,500 for salaried and $4,750 for wages. June 16 Purchased 1,

800 Samsung June 17 Issued a credit to Kia for the return of 350 defective units from the June 2nd sale. These units has a cost basis of $35 per unit.
Returned the 350 defective units received from Kia to Navistar. June 18 Received payment in full from Toyota for the June 1st sale. June 20
While inspecting the June 13th purchase, it was discovered that the GPS units were programmed for South America instead of North America. AC Speed returned the entire order to Magellan. A bankruptcy judge disallowed AC Speed’s claim for $5,000 due from

General Motors June 22 Sold 1,

June 23 Paid $75,000 of the $162,500 owed to JVC from May 25, Check #5285. Received payment from

Ford Motor Co. 300 June 24
Purchased a $

100 June 25 Paid in full for the purchase from JVC on June 13, Check #5287 June 26 Purchased 1,250 docking station from Samsung for $41 per unit paying in cash, Check #5288
June 27 Sold 1,500 docking stations on credit to

Honda Hired and paid a consultant $75,000 to devise a marketing plan. AC Speed’s management felt this was necessary to develop brand awareness. Check #5289. June 28
AC Speed is behind in its mortgage payments to Bank of America. Paid a total of $10,000 ($2,000 principal and $8,000 interest), Check #5

290 June 29 Received payment in full from Honda for the June 25th transaction. Paid in full for the purchase from Magellan on May

Check #5292 was issued for payroll: $14,500 for salaries and $4,750 for wages. June 30 Paid the first month’s principal payment of $15,000 on the note payable. In addition, paid one month’s interest, Check #5293
Issued bonds payable at face value for $350,000 *All purchases on account terms of 2/15, n/30 **All credit sales have terms of 2/30, n/45 June Month-end

Adjustments ( A )
AC Speed has earned one month of the prepaid rent received from their tenant at the beginning of June. ( B ) The Company took a physical count of

Office Supplies Office Supplies – $2,465 ( C )
AC Speed estimates bad debt expense on a monthly basis rather than waiting until year-end. The company uses the allowance method. Based on recent industry estimates, AC Speed estimates that the allowance account should be 2.5% of accounts receivable. ( D ) The Company took a physical inventory count on June 30 and found the following inventory on hand: Merchandise Inventory – $122,221 ( E )

Balance ( F ) Depreciation on the company’s fixed assets for the month of June is as follows: 1. The furniture and equipment for the warehouse was purchased a few years ago for $10,000. These assets have a 5-year life, an expected salvage value of $1,000, and are depreciated using the straight-line method. 2. The furniture and equipment for the office was purchased last year for $8,500. these assets have a 7 year life, an expected salvage value of $1,500, and are depreicated using stright-line method.

Main Menu

Table 1


Product Name Description In vehicle GPS unit DVD Player
In vehicle DVD player Docking Station Cell phone / Mobile Communications Docking Station

Main Menu

Table 1

100 Cash

Accounts Receivable

Merchandise Inventory

Office Supplies

201 Accounts Payable 202






Cost of Goods Sold






AC Speed Corporation Chart of Accounts – General Ledger BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS Assets Current Assets
Acct # Account Name 102
103 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 104
105 106 Prepaid Insurance Property, Plant and Equipment
140 Land 145 Building 146
Accumulated Depreciation – Building 151 Equipment & Furniture – Warehouse 152 Accumulated Depreciation – Equip & Furn. – Warehouse
153 Equipment & Furniture – Office 154 Accumulated Depreciation – Equip & Furn. – Office Liabilities
Current Liabilities Wages Payable
203 Interest Payable 204 Dividends Payable 205
Unearned Rent Long-Term Liabilities Notes Payable 251
Bonds Payable 252 Mortgage (Warehouse) Payable Capital (Equity)
Common Stock, $1 Par, 100,000 Authorized; 60,000 shares Issued/Outstanding 301 Paid In Capital – Excess of Par 330 Retained Earnings
510 Sales Discounts
511 Sales Returns & Allowances
Cost of Goods Sold 600 Operating Expenses 700
Wage Expense (hourly workers) 701 Salaries Expense (Exempt Staff) 702 Marketing Expense
703 Travel and Entertainment Expense 704 Bad Debt Expense
Property Tax Expense 706 Office Maintenance & Repair Expense 707 Legal Expenses
708 Insurance Expense 709 Utilities Expense 710
Office Supplies Expense 711 Telecommunications Expense 712 Depreciation Expense – Equip & Furniture – Warehouse
713 Depreciation Expense – Equip & Furniture – Office Other Income Rent Income
Other Expenses Interest Expense 1000

Main Menu

Table 1

AC Speed Corporation

Account Name General Motors Ford Motor Co.

Toyota Honda Kia Nissan
Chart of Accounts – Accounts Receivable Ledger

Main Menu

Table 1

AC Speed Corporation

Account Name



Navistar Samsung

Chart of Accounts – Accounts Payable Ledger Garmin
Michigan Utility Company Motorola

Main Menu

Table 1

AC Speed Corporation


Sales Journal Invoice No. A/R

Account Debited Post Ref
A/R – DR

Sales – CR CGS – DR Inv – CR

Main Menu

Table 1

AC Speed Corporation Purchases Journal Date

Post Ref

Creditors Account Credited Other Account – Debited A/P – CR Inventory – DR
Office Supplies – DR Other – DR

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Table 1

AC Speed Corporation


Post Ref Sales – CR

Cash Receipts Journal Acct – CR Customer Acct Other Acct A/R – CR Other – CR Sale Discount – DR Cash – DR CGS – DR Inv – CR

Main Menu

Table 1

AC Speed Corporation Cash Payments Journal Date Check #

Account Debited Post Ref

Other – DR

Payee Cash – CR Inventory – CR
A/P – DR

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Table 1

AC Speed Corporation

Date Accounts Post Ref

General Journal

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Table 1

AC Speed Corporation General Journal Date Accounts Post Ref DEBIT


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Table 1
AC Speed Corporation General Journal Date Accounts Post Ref


Main Menu

Table 1


100 Transaction



CREDIT Balance

Account: Accounts Receivable Account No. 102 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref


Account: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Account No. 103 Transaction Account Balance


Account: Merchandise Inventory Account No.

104 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Balance


Account: Office Supplies Account No. 105 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT
CREDIT Balance

Account: Prepaid Insurance Account No. 106 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref



Account: Land Account No. 140 Transaction Account Balance Date


2000600 Account: Building Account No.

145 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Balance Carried Forward


Account: Accumulated Depreciation – Building Account No. 146 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT

DEBIT CREDIT Balance Carried Forward 1500000 1500000 Account: Equipment & Furniture – Warehouse Account No. 151 Transaction Account Balance Date

Account: Accumulated Depreciation – Equip & Furn. – Warehouse Account No. 152

Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Balance


Equipment & Furniture – Office Account No. 153 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT

Account: Accumulated Depreciation – Equip & Furn. – Office Account No. 154 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT


Account: Accounts Payable Account No. 201 Transaction Account Balance Date


Account: Wages Payable Account No. 202

Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Interest Payable Account No.
203 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Dividends Payable
Account No. 204 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account:
Unearned Rent Account No. 205 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT
Account: Notes Payable Account No. 250 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT
CREDIT Account: Bonds Payable Account No. 251 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT
DEBIT CREDIT Account: Mortgage (Warehouse) Payable Account No. 252 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT

Account: Common Stock, $1 Par, 100,000 Authorized; 60,000 shares Issued/Outstanding Account No. 300 Transaction Account Balance Date Item



Account: Paid In Capital – Excess of Par Account No. 301 Transaction

Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT

Account: Retained Earnings Account No.

330 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT


Account: Treasury Stock Account No. 340 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT
CREDIT Account: Sales Account No. 500 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT
DEBIT CREDIT Account: Sales Discounts Account No. 510 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT
CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Sales Returns & Allowances Account No. 511 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref
DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Cost of Goods Sold Account No. 600 Transaction Account Balance Date Item
Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Wage Expense (hourly workers) Account No. 700 Transaction Account Balance Date
Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Salaries Expense (Exempt Staff) Account No. 701 Transaction Account Balance
Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Marketing Expense Account No. 702 Transaction
Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Travel and Entertainment Expense Account No. 703
Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Bad Debt Expense Account No.
704 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Property Tax Expense
Account No. 705 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account:
Office Maintenance & Repair Expense Account No. 706 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT
Account: Legal Expenses Account No. 707 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT
CREDIT Account: Insurance Expense Account No. 708 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT
DEBIT CREDIT Account: Utilities Expense Account No. 709 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT
CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Office Supplies Expense Account No. 710 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref
DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Telecommunications Expense Account No. 711 Transaction Account Balance Date Item
Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Depreciation Expense – Equip & Furniture – Warehouse Account No. 712 Transaction Account Balance Date
Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Depreciation Expense – Equip & Furniture – Office Account No. 713 Transaction Account Balance
Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Rent Income Account No. 800 Transaction
Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Interest Expense Account No. 900
Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Income Summary Account No.
1000 Transaction Account Balance Date Item Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT
Account: Account No. Account Balance Item


Balance Carried Forward 2000600

Balance Brought Forward 3


Main Menu

Table 1

General Motors Transaction Account Balance


5000 Account: Ford Motor Co. Transaction Account Balance Date Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT



300000 Account: Toyota Transaction Account Balance Date Post Ref


185000 Account: Honda Transaction Account Balance

Date Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Kia Transaction Account Balance
Date Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account: Nissan Transaction Account Balance



Main Menu

Table 1

Account: Garmin Account No. Transaction Account Balance Date Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT

Account: Magellan Account No. Transaction Account Balance Date Post Ref DEBIT

CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT 30000 Account: Motorola Account No. Transaction Account Balance Date

Account: Navistar Account No. Transaction

Account Balance Date Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT 50000 Account: Samsung
Account No. Transaction Account Balance Date Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT Account:
JVC Account No. Transaction Account Balance Date Post Ref DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT

2500 162500

Main Menu

Table 1


Adjustments Trial Balance


Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. 100 Cash 102 Accounts Receivable 103 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 104
Merchandise Inventory 105 Office Supplies 106 Prepaid Insurance 140 Land 145 Building 146 Accumulated Depreciation – Building 151 Equipment & Furniture – Warehouse 152
Accumulated Depreciation – Equip & Furn. – Warehouse 153 Equipment & Furniture – Office 154 Accumulated Depreciation – Equip & Furn. – Office 201 Accounts Payable 202 Wages Payable 203 Interest Payable 204 Dividends Payable 205
Unearned Rent 250 Notes Payable 251 Bonds Payable 252 Mortgage (Warehouse) Payable 300 Common Stock, $1 Par, 100,000 Authorized; 60,000 shares Issued/Outstanding 301 Paid In Capital – Excess of Par 330 Retained Earnings 340
Treasury Stock 500 Sales 510 Sales Discounts 511 Sales Returns & Allowances 600 Cost of Goods Sold 700 Wage Expense (hourly workers) 701 Salaries Expense (Exempt Staff) 702
Marketing Expense 703 Travel and Entertainment Expense 704 Bad Debt Expense 705 Property Tax Expense 706 Office Maintenance & Repair Expense 707 Legal Expenses 708 Insurance Expense 709
Utilities Expense 710 Office Supplies Expense 711 Telecommunications Expense 712 Depreciation Expense – Equip & Furniture – Warehouse 713 Depreciation Expense – Equip & Furniture – Office 800 Rent Income 900 Interest Expense



Unadjusted Adjusted Bal. Sheet Trial Balance Statement Stmt. Own. Equity Acct. No. Account Title Dr. Cr.
Net Income (Loss)

Main Menu

Table 1

AC Speed Corporation

Income Statement

Main Menu

Table 1

AC Speed Corporation

Statement of Retained Earnings

Main Menu

Table 1

AC Speed Corporation

Balance Sheet

Main Menu

Table 1

AC Speed Corporation


Cash Accounts Receivable Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Merchandise Inventory Office Supplies
Prepaid Insurance Land Building Accumulated Depreciation – Building Equipment & Furniture – Warehouse
Accumulated Depreciation – Equip & Furn. – Warehouse Equipment & Furniture – Office Accumulated Depreciation – Equip & Furn. – Office Accounts Payable Wages Payable
Interest Payable Dividends Payable Unearned Rent Notes Payable Bonds Payable
Mortgage (Warehouse) Payable Common Stock, $1 Par, 100,000 Authorized; 60,000 shares Issued/Outstanding Paid In Capital – Excess of Par Retained Earnings Treasury Stock


Post-closing Trial Balance For Month Ended June 30, 2010

Main Menu

Table 1

Ratio (One decimal place)


(One decimal place)

Dec. 31, 2010 Dec. 31, 2009 Dec. 31, 2008



35 34 31

Dec. 31, 2010 Dec. 31, 2009 Dec. 31, 2008 INDUSTRY Liquidity Current Ratio

(One decimal place) 2.2000000000000002 Acid

1.5 Receivables Turnover (One decimal place) Inventory Turnover (One decimal place) 9.5 Profitability Profit Margin (% with two decimal places) 0.035000000000000003
Asset Turnover (two decimal places) 1.8999999999999999 Return on Assets (% one decimal place) 0.105 Return on Common Shareholders’ Equity 0.183 Earnings per Share (EPS) (Two decimal places)
3.0499999999999998 Price-Earnings (P/E ) Ratio (Two decimal places) 14.800000000000001 Payout Ratio (% One decimal place) 0.14999999999999999 Solvency Ratios Debt to Total Assets Ratio (% One decimal place) 0.42199999999999999
Common Dividends 19200 16130 Weighted Average Common Shares
65000 63750 Market Price per Share INSTRUCTIONS: (also refer to the Instructions tab in this workbook)
Evaluate the company’s performance trend relative to liquidity, profitability and solvency. Evaluate the company’s performance relative to liquidity, profitability and solvency for their industry for the three years. Use Word to prepare a memo (500 word minimum) to AC Speed’s management, addressing the following questions: 1. How efficiently is AC Speed using its assets to produce sales? How does it compare to other firms in the industry in this respect? 2. Is AC Speed able to effectively leverage its profitability? Why or why not? 3. AC Speed’s general manager mentioned that the company may be seeking some additional bank financing (both short- and long-term) in the near future. Explain how you think the bank will view the company’s request, based on the evidence of liquidity and solvency ratios.

Main Menu

Table 1







12 12

1.02 1.02 1.02

1.01 Dec. 31, 2010 Dec. 31, 2009 Dec. 31, 2008

Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted

Adjusted Trial Balance Trial Balance Trial Balance Trial Balance Trial Balance Acct. No. Account Title Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr.
Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. 100 Cash


102 Accounts Receivable

490000 103 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts


15000 104

Merchandise Inventory

334000 105 Office Supplies


2000 106 Prepaid Insurance

14000 140 Land 2000600 2000600 2000600

2000600 2000600 145 Building 1500000 1500000 1500000 1500000 1500000 146 Accumulated Depreciation – Building
1500000 1500000 1500000 1500000 1500000 151 Equipment & Furniture – Warehouse

10000 152 Accumulated Depreciation – Equip & Furn. – Warehouse

1900 153 Equipment & Furniture – Office

8500 154

Accumulated Depreciation – Equip & Furn. – Office


1600 201 Accounts Payable

948600 202 Wages Payable

203 Interest Payable
204 Dividends Payable
205 Unearned Rent
250 Notes Payable 251 Bonds Payable
252 Mortgage (Warehouse) Payable


200000 300 Common Stock, $1 Par, 100,000 Authorized; 60,000 shares Issued/Outstanding 65000 65000

65000 65000 60000 301 Paid In Capital – Excess of Par

1545000 1545000

1545000 1341000 330 Retained Earnings

366000 340 Treasury Stock

500 Sales

510 Sales Discounts

511 Sales Returns & Allowances

600 Cost of Goods Sold

700 Wage Expense (hourly workers) 120000


10000 701

Salaries Expense (Exempt Staff) 360000

30000 702 Marketing Expense

24000 703 Travel and Entertainment Expense

704 Bad Debt Expense

705 Property Tax Expense
706 Office Maintenance & Repair Expense 6000


707 Legal Expenses


708 Insurance Expense

24000 24480

2000 709 Utilities Expense 12000


1000 710 Office Supplies Expense

290 711 Telecommunications Expense 660

55 712 Depreciation Expense – Equip & Furniture – Warehouse

165 713 Depreciation Expense – Equip & Furniture – Office 1680

140 800

Rent Income 900 Interest Expense



B/S Adjuster 1.

12000 1.0600000000000001 1.1000000000000001 1.0900000000000001 I/S Adjuster 1.02
1.01 Dec. 31, 2007
294000 311640 342804

360000 75000 948800 846728 931400.80000000005 1015226.8720000001
1680 17808 19588.800000000003 21351.792000000005
601856 637967.35999999999 701764.09600000002 764922.86464000004 2240
2374.4000000000001 2611.8400000000001 2846.90

56000 15680.000000000002 16620.800000000003
18282.880000000005 20111.168000000005
11200.000000000002 11872.000000000002 13059.200000000003
14234.528000000004 2128 2255.6800000000003 2481.2480000000005 2704.560320000001
9520 10091.200000000001 11100.320000000002 12099.348800000003
1792.0000000000002 1899.5200000000004 2089.4720000000007 2277.5

812432 861177.92000000004 947295.71200000017 978338.32608000026

131440.00000000003 144584.00000000006 157596.56000000008
1166744 1065744 956030 1238479
8874000 9051480 9141993.8000000007 725000
7656000 7661551 7625748.0200000005 7852005.5002000006
638000 12240 124848 126096.48
367200 374544 378289.44 288000
293760 299635.20000000001 302631.55200000003 27600 28152
28715.040000000001 29002.190399999999 2300
6120 6242.4000000000005 6304.8240000000005
198600 202572 206623.44 208689.67440000002 165
24969.600000000002 25219.296000000002
12484.800000000001 12609.648000000001 3480 3549.5999999999999
3620.5920000000001 3656.79792 673.20000000000005 686.6640000000001
693.53064000000006 1980 2019.6000000000001 2059.9920000000002 2080.5919200000003
1713.6000000000001 1747.8720000000001 1765.3507200000001
14083896 14064324.759999998 14064325.120000001
14233548.756000001 14233549.232000001 14652742.923239999 14652742.56288 5159100

Table 1


Purchases Sales



BI $


Purch $


EI $


115500 Shoe:

DVD Player Beginning Inventory (BI) Purchases Sales Ending Inventory (EI) Date BI Units

BI $ Purch Units

Purch $ Sale Units (CGS)

Sale $/Unit (CGS) Sale $ (CGS) EI Units

EI $ 2500 65 162500 162500 Shoe: Docking Station

Beginning Inventory (BI) Purchases Sales Ending Inventory (EI) Date BI Units BI $/Unit BI $ Purch Units Purch $/Unit Purch $ Sale Units (CGS) Sale $/Unit (CGS)
Sale $ (CGS) EI Units EI $/Unit EI $ 1400 40 56000 56000
Shoe: Beginning Inventory (BI) Ending Inventory (EI) BI Units BI $ Purch Units Purch $
Sale Units (CGS) Sale $/Unit (CGS) Sale $ (CGS) EI Units EI $ 3300 115500
BI $/Unit Purch $/Unit
EI $/Unit

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Table 1



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