Analyze the post-purchase process of your target consumer.

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Existing Target Markets and Positioning Against the Competition

IPhone 5 being the latest of the Apple company products has come up with the phone, which tailors to most people in the corporate world as well as those people who use handsets for entertainment purposes. IPhone 5 offers much more of what the ordinary Smartphone’s from various mobile phone companies offer in terms of durability, among other specifications that outmatch other phones in the wide mobile phone market.

Apple’s ability to innovate sustains loyalty. Their capacity to satisfy new user demands through innovation should sustain phone unit sales growth. With the advancements coming with Apple’s iPhone 5, there will be high customer loyalty above the heightened competitive pressure in the mobile phone market. The existing target market for iPhone 5may include those customers who want to have a whole new experience in social media because it integrates all the social media applications, such as Facebook, My space, or Twitter into one piece. Furthermore, people working in the corporate world can use the iPhone 5 because its features allow fast access to the Internet. It is user-friendly that allows faster access to the applications and web pages. It is useful in posting large documents, accessing Wi-Fi, and serves as a portable hotspot. iPhone 5 is a modern world phone. It offers much better services compared to its competitors.

“Apple seems to be the absolute winner in product positioning craft. It shouldn’t be confused with product placement, but it is obvious that the company has an excellent record of placing its devices into TV shows, movies and music videos (News Scream, 2013).” Product positioning of iPhone 5 is a vital element of a marketing plan that ensures this product perceives well to existing customers based on its design and defect-free production. Its attributes communicate well to the target customers based on carefully crafted key messages, customer needs, and available communication channels. By carefully studying the demographic, psychographic (personality and lifestyle) attributes of the existing market, the value of iPhone 5 can easily conveythose willing to buy or upgrade to iPhone 5.

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