
You want to be part of the Green Revolution and are looking to find ways to reduce your energy use. But first, you must know what your energy use is. Make and save a chart in a Microsoft Word or Excel file to keep track of your energy use for 2 days this week. Include the following: What types of energy/fuel did you use (including any alternative sources of energy) What was the purpose of the energy/fuel use (heating/cooling, recreational, etc.)? Save your chart, and present it with 2–3 paragraphs containing the following information. Which primary energy source does your electric company generate electricity (coal, nuclear, etc.)? How did you find out? What changes could you make to decrease your energy use? What changes could you make to increase your energy efficiency? What do you think would change if your heating oil or coal supply came from Russia? What environmental law, currently up for debate before a state or federal government, do you support and why?

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