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2200 DS +/-



Assignment Title: Human Factors in Aviation


A 2200 word report based on AWN47 that highlights “tiredness and fatigue can adversely affect performance……and individuals should be fully aware of the dangers of impaired performance due to these factors and of their personal responsibilities.

· Explain what is meant by fatigue and what it’s causes are.

· Describe the symptoms and effects of fatigue that one might experience or observe in a colleague.

· What actions you would take to prevent or reduce the effects of fatigue

You must submit a bound report containing the three elements described above. The report should include a cover page with the following information.

Section A: Record of Submission

Record of Submission and Plagiarism Declaration

I declare that this assignment is my own work and that the sources of information and material I have used (including the internet) have been fully identified and properly acknowledged as required in the referencing guidelines provided.

Fit to Sit Policy

The University operates a Fit to Sit policy whereby all students, in submitting or presenting themselves for any assessment, are declaring that they are fit to sit the assessment. Students cannot subsequently claim that their performance in that assessment was affected by extenuating circumstances.

Student Number:

You are required to acknowledge that you have read the above statements by writing your student number(s) above.

(If this is a group assignment, please provide the student numbers of ALL group members)

Details of Submission


· An electronic copy of your work should be submitted via Blackboard.

· Work should also be submitted to the member of academic staff responsible for setting your work.

· Work not submitted to the lecturer responsible may, exceptionally, be submitted (on the submission date) to the reception of the Faculty of Advanced Technology, which is on the 2nd floor of the Glynneath Building (Room G221).

· Late Submission – Work must be submitted by the submission date. If you fail to do this, you will be allowed a further five working days to submit the work but the work will be awarded a maximum mark of 40%. If you fail to submit work within five working days of the submission date, you will be deemed to have failed this assessment which will be given a mark of 0%. However see extenuating circumstances below.

Extenuating Circumstances: if there are any exceptional circumstances that may have affected your ability to undertake or submit this assignment, make sure you contact the Faculty Advice Shop on 01443 482540 (G221) and also see

Section B : Marking and Assessment

This assignment will be marked out of 100%

This assignment contributes to 50% of the total module marks.

This assignment is bonded / non- bonded. Details :

It is estimated that you should spend approximately

______15__ hours on this


Date Set: 15/10/13

Submission Date:01/11/13

Feedback Date: 15/11/13

This assignment addresses the following learning outcome(s) of the module:

1) LO1 To assess the impact of human factors in the aerospace industry.
2) LO2 To analyse and evaluate human factors within a commercial aircraft maintenance environment.

Learning Outcomes

Marking Scheme

Marks Available

Marks Awarded

1. Provide a brief description of the two major causes of fatigue


2. Describe symptoms and causes of fatigue


3. Actions to be taken to prevent or reduce effects of fatigue





Assessment Criteria

Performance Level



(< 40%)

No evidence of relevant research undertaken. Little or no explanation of air incident. Report lacking structure and no evidence of originality or research

3rd Class / PASS

(40% – 49%)

Limited evidence of relevant research undertaken and explanation of air incident. Report lacking structure but some evidence of originality

Lower 2nd Class / PASS

(50% – 59%)

Relevant referenced research undertaken however little discussion. Good explanation of air incident. Report shows reasonable structure with evidence of originality

Upper 2nd Class / MERIT

(60% – 69%)

Evidence of relevant research undertaken and discussion. Good level of detail, appropriate use of referencing. Clear explanation of air incident. Original structure with appropriate case study


(70% +)

Relevant research referenced, analysed and discussed in depth. Information displayed to a high standard. Excellent structure to report.

Section C : Marker’s Feedback

Lecturer’s Comments:


Areas to concentrate on next time:

Report structure



Team work



Lecturer’s signature:


Mark awarded:

All marks are subject to confirmation by the Board of Examiners

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