Timed Quiz- MGMT 501 Research Methods- multiple choice

I need help with a short quiz on APA formatting, plagerism, etc. It’s a timed quiz which is one hour to complete. Once I get a handshake with someone and you are availble to take the quiz, I will log into the quiz and give you the questions. From when I open the file, the one hour clock starts,

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Question 1 of 10 10.0 Points

According to the APUS Plagiarism policy, which of the following are examples of academic dishonesty:

A. Using information from a source without giving credit in-text and in the reference page to that source

B. Using another student’s paper as your own

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C. Helping another student cheat or be dishonest in class

D. All of the above

Question 2 of 10 10.0 Points

Examine this original passage from the APUS Plagiarism Policy: The most frequently observed form of academic dishonesty is plagiarism. Plagiarism is the adoption or incorporation of another’s ideas without proper attribution of the source. It is more simply defined as taking the writings of another person or people and representing them to be one’s own.

Consider this passage from a student’s essay: A simple definition of plagiarism is taking the writings of another person and adopting or incorporating their ideas without proper source attribution.

The student’s sentence above is considered:

A. A paraphrase because it expresses only the idea of the passage and does not use key phrases or groups of words from the original

B. A rearrangement of the author’s words, therefore not a paraphrase

C. Neither

D. Both

Question 3 of 10 10.0 Points

Here is the original sentence from Bingham and Conner (2010), page 8: Social tools are powerful building blocks that can transform the way we enable learning and development in organizations.

Consider this passage from a student’s essay: One of my sources states that “social tools are powerful building blocks that can transform the way we enable learning and development in organizations.”

The student’s passage is:

A. Cited correctly and does not need the author’s name, year, or page number

B. Missing the publisher

C. Missing the book’s name

D. Missing the authors’ last names, the year, and the page number parenthetically at the end of the quote with the period to follow.

Question 4 of 10 10.0 Points

Here is the original text from Bingham and Conner (2010), page 23: Rather than ban the use of social tools, educate people how to use them effectively for work. They are the future of collaboration and learning at work, so the more you prepare people for how to use the tools respectfully and how to apply good social practices, the better.

Consider this passage from a student’s essay: According to Bingham and Conner (2010) the use of social media can elevate learning and teamwork within organizations so long as people are properly trained in their appropriate use.

The student’s passage is:

A. Cited correctly as a paraphrase because it expresses the source’s idea and is totally reworded

B. Missing the publisher
C. Missing the book’s name

D. Missing the year and the page number parenthetically at the end of the quote with the period to follow.

Question 5 of 10 10.0 Points

Here is the original text from Bingham and Conner (2010), page 41: Online communities create ambient awareness, which is what social scientists call this sort of incessant online contact. It is, they say, very much like being physically near someone and picking up on his or her mood through actions—body language, signs, stray comments—our of the corner of your eye.

Consider this passage from a student’s essay: Online communities create ambient awareness, which is what social scientists call this sort of incessant online contact. It is, they say, very much like being physically near someone and picking up on his or her mood through actions—body language, signs, stray comments—our of the corner of your eye.

The student’s passage is:

A. Correct as is and does not need a citation.

B. Incorrect. This should be presented as a block quotation with the citation given after the final punctuation in the sentence because it is over 40 words in length.

C. Incorrect. This should be cited as a paraphrase because it is written in the student’s own words.

D. Incorrect. The book’s title should be mentioned somewhere in the sentence.

Question 6 of 10 10.0 Points

Here is the original text from Bingham and Conner (2010), page 116: Emerging technology and the need for speed drive the creation of living content sites.

Consider this passage from a student’s essay: Emerging technology and the need for speed drive the creation of living content sites (Bingham & Conner, 2010, p. 116).

The student’s passage is:

A. Correct as is.

B. Incorrect. The authors’ first names and book title are missing.

C. Incorrect. Quotation marks are missing.

D. Incorrect. The citation should appear at the beginning of the sentence.

Question 7 of 10 10.0 Points

Here is the original text from Bingham and Conner (2010), page 118: When shared space includes information that can be easily linked, searched, and tagged, anyone new to the organization or to a task can get up to speed quickly on a topic . . .

Consider this passage from a student’s essay: “When shared space includes information that can be easily linked, searched, and tagged, anyone new to the organization or to a task can get up to speed quickly on a topic” (Bingham & Conner, 2010. The new social learning. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, p. 118).

The student’s passage is:
A. Correct as is.

B. Incorrect. Quote marks are not needed when publication information is supplied.

C. Incorrect. A period is missing at the end of the quote and before the citation.

D. Incorrect. Publication information belongs in the References section, not in the citation.

Question 8 of 10 10.0 Points

Here is the original text from Bingham and Conner (2010), page 8: The new social learning is enabled by easy-to-use, socially focused, and commercially available “Web 2.0” tools and “Enterprise 2.0” software that move services, assets, smarts, and guidance closer to where they are needed . . .

Consider this passage from a student’s essay: “The new social learning is enabled by easy-to-use, socially focused, and commercially available “Web 2.0” tools and “Enterprise 2.0” software that move services, assets, smarts, and guidance closer to where they are needed” (Berrett & Koehler, 2010, p. 8).

The student’s passage is:

A. Correct as is.

B. Incorrect. The inner quotes should use single quote marks and the authors’ names, not publisher, should be used in the citation.

C. Incorrect. The authors’ names and publisher should be used in the citation and the quotation marks are correct as is.

D. Incorrect. Quotation marks are not needed in the inner quotes and the authors’ names, not publisher, should be used in the citation.

Question 9 of 10 10.0 Points

Here is the original text from Bingham and Conner (2010), page 133: Think about experiences you and those in your organization need to have in real life but can’t because of some limitation. These experiences are where organizations should start applying the value of virtual immersive environments.

Consider this passage from a student’s essay: “Think about experiences you and those in your organization need to have in real life but can’t because of some limitation. These experiences are where organizations should start applying the value of virtual immersive environments.” (The New Social Learning, 2010, p. 133).

The student’s passage is:

A. Correct.

B. Incorrect. There should not be quotation marks anywhere in the sentence.

C. Incorrect. The period should be only after the closed parenthesis and the authors’ last names should be used instead of the book title. The year and page number are correct.

D. Unnecessary. This passage expresses common knowledge and does not need to be cited at all.

Question 10 of 10 10.0 Points

Examine the following reference listings and indicate the one that is correct:


Bingham, T., & Conner, M. (2010). The New Social Learning: A Guide to Transforming Organizations through Social Media. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.


Bingham, T., & Conner, M. (2010). The new social learning: A guide to transforming organizations through social media. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.


Bingham, T., & Conner, M. (2010). The new social learning: A guide to transforming organizations through social media. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.


Bingham, T., and Conner, M. (2010). The new social learning: A guide to transforming organizations through social media. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.

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