For the 18 spying activities listed as follows

For the 18 spying activities listed as follows, indi-cate whether or not you believe the activity is ethical or unethical and legal or illegal. Place either an E for ethical or U for unethical, and either an L for legal or an I for illegal for each activity. 
1. Buying competitors’ garbage
2. Dissecting competitors’ products
3. Taking competitors’ plant tours anonymously
4. Counting tractor-trailer trucks leaving competitors’ loading bays
5. Studying aerial photographs of competitors’ facilities
6. Analyzing competitors’ labor contracts
7. Analyzing competitors’ help-wanted ads
8. Quizzing customers and buyers about the sales of competitors’ products
9. Infiltrating customers’ and competitors’ business operations
10. Quizzing suppliers about competitors’ level of manufacturing
11. Using customers to buy out phony bids
12. Encouraging key customers to reveal competitive information
13. Quizzing competitors’ former employees
14. Interviewing consultants who may have worked with competitors
15. Hiring key managers away from competitors
16. Conducting phony job interviews to get competitors’ employees to reveal information
17. Sending engineers to trade meetings to quiz competitors’ technical employees
18. Quizzing potential employees who worked for or with competitors

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