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Spanish 3 project

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Final product: Be able to produce an original brochure in Spanish using the following concepts:

Section 1– research your topic (see examples)

Section 2- Mi meta- write about your personal goal

Section 3- Alcanzalo! Achieve it- give 6 commands to achieve your goal

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Section 4- Consejos- advise your reader

Section 5– Final product- Include 3 pictures and make a hard copy to present & turn in to teacher.

Section 6- Presentation


Pts Earned




Section 1

Excellent grammar and was able to communicate in writing.
Little English interference but minor grammar points.
Major English interference. Poor grammar and/or used online translator
Section 2

Able to write personal goals

Section 3

6 commands
3 commands
Less than 3
Section 4

Used subjunctive tense
Incorrect use of subjunctive mood
Used another verb tense instead of subjunctive mood.
Section 5

Creative, well,done, 3 pics
Neat & presentable
Messy, unorganized, no pics
Section 6

Well prepared, clear voice, good pronunciation 25 pts
Understandable with minimum interference & pronunciation- 15 pts
Low tone of voice, distracted 5
Hard to understand. 10 pts

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