Tait Electronics
AMRM600 Research Methodology
Assignment One-A
Student Name:
Student ID:
Tutor Name:
Due Date: 19 May 2011
Question One
Defining Research Objective:
Research Design:
Data Collection and Analysis:
Formulation of Findings:
Question Two
Interview with a representative of Tait Electronics and brief report on learning’s from the guest speaker and the implications for research questions and questionnaire.
Q1. What will be the target market for your new product i.e. mobile digital radio?
Q2. How you see the completion in the market?
Q3. What potential Market Size you are expecting?
Q4. How you will build awareness about your product?
Q5. How you will position your product?
Question Three
Design a questionnaire, show evidence of coding and sampling method used as part of your primary data collection process. Suggest ways of analyzing the data that could be collected from your questionnaire.
Sampling Methodology to be adopted:
Screening Questionnaire:
Question Four
Pilot Testing and necessary modifications to questionnaire
Question Five
a) How does qualitative research differ from quantitative research?
b) In conducting the questionnaire for this research study there are three main types of error possible – response error, interviewer error, and nonresponsive error. What is the difference between each of these types of error and what can be done to minimize each of them?
c) Outline for the manager seven (7) characteristics of research using the scientific method.
d) Describe five (5) steps that you can undertake that will help you ensure ethical treatment of participants before and after the participants take part in your research.