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A Raisin in the Sun
 focus on hopes and dreams.  Choose one character from each of the dramas (such as Troy/Walter Lee, Cory/Beneatha, Mama or Lena/Rose and write a 2-3 page double-spaced essay describing the similarities and differences 
in the dreams
 of these two characters. 

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These two pages should should insightful reading and thinking about the two plays as a whole, should be well-written and grammatically correct, and should incorporate literary terms and quotes where appropriate.


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For Essay #1, you need to choose a work of literature we have already studied or that is on the assignment sheet for future study. Thanks!

Choice # 3:  Character Analysis Essay

For this assignment, you must address one of the following options:

1)  Choose one character from a short story or drama read thus far and analyze that person’s growth and development.  NOTE:  YOU MAY NOT CHOOSE TO WRITE ABOUT AYLMER FROM “THE BIRTHMARK” BECAUSE A SAMPLE ESSAY ABOUT HIM IS INCLUDED BELOW.

Be sure that your response is thesis driven (see pages 31+ in text) and that it cites and discusses specific passages of the text in question.  While class discussion and lectures should serve as a catalyst to your own thinking, be sure your paper is not simply a rehash of what happens during class; be sure your response is uniquely yours.  You are not required to use outside sources—in fact it is best that you don’t. 

Manuscript Preparation:  (See above).  Page numbers in parentheses will suffice for citations to the text.  See sample paper.


INTRODUCTION:  Besides introductory information about the character, the introduction should including the author, title of the drama, and thesis statement (see text, pages 31+ and 47+).

BODY:  The organization you choose should be designed to illustrate and support your thesis statement.  You have freedom in organizing the analysis; as along as your paper shows a thorough treatment of the character, the method of analysis is your choice.  Some possible methods follow:

1)  Organization around a development or change in the character.  In this type of analysis you would attempt to show the character traits that a character possesses at the beginning of the work and then describe the changes or developments that occur.  (Consider the terms dynamic and static).

2)  Organization around central incidents/conflicts that reveal primary characteristics.  Certain key incidents might stand out in a work, and you can create an effective body by using three or four of these as guides for your discussion of the character, taking care to show that your purpose is to illuminate character, not the incidents themselves.  In other words, regard the incidents only as they bring out truths about character.

3)  Organization around a realization or revelation that a character experiences.  How does the writer prepare the reader for the moment of enlightenment?  What is the nature of each realization or revelation?  How does it affect the character?  How does the author prepare the reader for the final action the character takes in the end?

CONCLUSION:  Ties all details together and brings back idea from thesis.   Reader should have a thorough understanding of the character.


Incorporate literary terms when appropriate:  round character, flat character, dynamic character, static character, stock character, conflict, plot, theme, determinate vs. indeterminate ending, foreshadowing, etc.  (WE WILL COVER THESE TERMS THROUGHOUT THE SEMESTER).

Locate specific quotes in the drama to support your character analysis.  YOU MUST USE ACTUAL QUOTATIONS FROM THE SHORT STORY TO SUPPORT YOUR ANALYSIS.  See pages  37+ of text for information about organizing paper and using quotations correctly.  Consider how the quotes/details you choose illustrate and reinforce your analysis.  If, for example, you say a character is submissive and then quote a section showing him following his wife’s orders, you need to explain HOW and WHY this behavior shows submissiveness.  Don’t leave it up to the reader to make the connection.

Choose the most vivid, significant character traits.  Choosing an insignificant trait that the author does not really develop will make your character analysis weak.  Avoid choosing isolated traits and characteristics that are not fully developed in the drama.



The Arrogance of Aylmer

The above link will take you to a sample paper written by a former student.  I have made comments throughout the paper, pointing out particular features you should notice.  THIS PAPER ALSO CONTAINS OUTSIDE REFERENCE SOURCES. 


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