Adult Development


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Final Reflective Paper
During Week Five, you will revise and proofread your rough draft and incorporate a conclusion at the end of your paper. This is the time to reflect upon and to integrate the changes suggested by your instructor. If necessary, consult the PSY 202: Writing resource and Sample reflective paper to understand the language and formatting suggestions. For your final paper, make sure to include a conclusion paragraph at the end and make any necessary revisions to your rough draft:

  1. Conclusion Write a conclusion for your paper at the end of the body. The conclusion creates closure for your paper and for your reader. It includes a brief summary of your paper and provides your final perspective on the topic. Your thesis statement should also be restated in the conclusion. The conclusion should consist of at least four to five strong sentences and can be one to two paragraphs in length. 
  2. Revise, Proofread, and Compile Your Final Paper Be sure to incorporate your instructor’s feedback and proofread your paper for clarity and grammatical errors. Also, remember that your final paper should incorporate your textbook and a source from the Ashford Library at least once apiece with elaboration on how they apply to your own experiences. The final version of your Reflective Paper must be submitted in one document and be a compilation of the following: Title page  Outline  Introduction  Body of the paper  Conclusion  Reference page (last page)

The body of your final paper must be four to five double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to 6th edition APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Writing the Final Reflective Paper
The Final Paper:

  1. Must be seven to eight double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. This includes a title page, your outline, four to five pages of the body of the paper, the conclusion, and the reference page.
  2. The title page must include the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name  Date submitted 
  3. Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. 
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. 
  5. Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph. 
  6. Must contain at least one reference from the course text. 
  7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. 
  8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center


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[Type text]

Brianna Williams
Yelena Gidenko

What was my family like?

A. Oldest of 3 sisters

B. Military Life

C. Moved every 3 years

What things do I remember about my childhood?

A. Traveled all over the world (Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Africa)

B. Always got what we wanted

C. Always ate out celebration as a family tradition for birthdays

D. Meeting new friend being the new kid on military base

What was I like as a teenager?

A. Outgoing

B. Loved Fashion

C. Partying

D. Cheerleader

What are some of my favorite memories?

A. Visiting my grandmother every summer

B. Going to Walt Disney in France

C. Going to Rom

D. Moving

Personal, Professional and academic goals

A. Finishing my master’s degree by age 30

B. Getting a healthcare government civilian job.

C. Demonstrating importance of college education to my children


[Type text]

Brianna Williams
Yelena Gidenko

What was my family like?

A. Oldest of 3 sisters

B. Military Life

C. Moved every 3 years

What things do I remember about my childhood?

A. Traveled all over the world (Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Africa)

B. Always got what we wanted

C. Always ate out celebration as a family tradition for birthdays

D. Meeting new friend being the new kid on military base

What was I like as a teenager?

A. Outgoing

B. Loved Fashion

C. Partying

D. Cheerleader

What are some of my favorite memories?

A. Visiting my grandmother every summer

B. Going to Walt Disney in France

C. Going to Rom

D. Moving

Personal, Professional and academic goals

A. Finishing my master’s degree by age 30

B. Getting a healthcare government civilian job.

C. Demonstrating importance of college education to my children

Growing up and bring the oldest of 3 girls played a lot on my responsibility on me growing up. There was a 6 year age difference between me and my middle sister. So once she was born I took on a lot more independence being that my mother had a new born. Right after having her my other sister followed so I was really pushed to the side with a newborn and toddler running around the house. I had a lot more freedom and independence because my mother was busy tending to the younger ones to really keep and me on me. I always respected my mother and never did anything she wouldn’t approve but I did get the independence pretty early due to it being younger siblings in the house. I also felt like I was looked up to from the younger ones and had to set an example because a lot of things that I did early they too wanted to do.

Coming from a military back grounded life. I felt shelter and watched at a sense, where ever I went. Majority of my life I’ve lived in military housing or on a military base so I’ve always knew and been around the military life. Being around former military children and parents a lot of the families watched your children, or were together majority of the time.

Both my mother and my father was active duty military, so we moved faithfully every 3 years. As early as I can remember being born in Corpus Christi, Texas I was there for 6 weeks and moved from state to state and even overseas to Sigonella, Sicily. That is one thing that I did indeed love about the military life I had the benefit of traveling to different countries and states and seeing different people. Meeting new friends and learning different languages and cultures.

 In my Childhood, I most likely remember as well as enjoyed traveling. I traveled to many different countries at a young age. Tasted different foods, experienced different cultures and lived in different places for large amounts of time. I loved living in Italy. I enjoyed the lifestyle, the shopping, especially the food, and the people were very humble and wanted to know about our culture just as well as me wanting to know about there’s. Going to Africa, I learned that eating with your hands is with respect and shows that you appreciate their culture and is there way of life. In France I ate many different desserts that I loved so much. I traveled a lot growing up and I loved every bit of it and wouldn’t trade it.

Living in a 3 child house hold with both parent’s active duty and working. We were spoiled a lot. Majority of the time we got what we wanted. From shopping in different places, traveling, picking vacations, etc. I knew that a lot of children my age didn’t grow up with the thing that I had and was able to do the things I was so I was always forever grateful.

One of the best past time memories, growing up was going out to eat for birthday celebrations. Every birthday for someone in our household they always got to pick their birthday dinner location and also it was a tradition that they had to try something new. We still as adult continue this tradition and to this day still do it whenever we can. I think that this is one of the best memories of me growing up.

As a teenager growing up I was very outgoing and loved being in the spotlight. I did a lot of school activities like NJROTC and cheerleading to keep myself busy and out of trouble. My mother always stated that an idle mind wonders so I did things to make sure I was busy. I couldn’t wait until I got my first job which I did at 15 and worked until I was 18 and joined the military. I knew that I loved clothes and shoes and fashion and I wanted my own responsibility of buying those items so I got a job so I would be able to shop on my own and pick out my own items.

My Childhood and my life as lead me to be who I am today. I was raised to have goals, set limitations, and to work hard for what you want. In my life span I’ve always set long term as well as short term goals and I know that in due time I will accomplish them all. I know the importance of education and it was instilled in me to always strive for the best. Being a mother of one and pregnant with my second I know that I have to set examples for them, I have to lead their way and pave a road for success. My parents both are college graduations and were great role models and I owe it to my children to also do the same.

Upon finishing school an Academic goal is to finish my master’s degree by age 30. This goal that I have set forth I gave it plenty of enough time to accomplish. This also works in with my short term goal because I have deadlines academically all the way up until completing my masters, degree. With a master’s degree it opens a lot more doors and avenues for anyone and I strive to do more than just bachelors because a lot people have accomplished and you’re competing with them.

After accomplishing my education goals in due time I see myself back with the military. I don’t want to be active duty; however a government civilian job is something that I dream of having. The military looks out for all of their people, in reference to career wise, housing, and always being taking care of having that sense of security. I love the military lifestyle and I wouldn’t trade any of my experiences for the world. I think that sharing little bit of that with my children would give them a different aspect on life.

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