MIS-589 Networking Concepts & Apps – Full Course, A Graded Solutions

Week, TCOs, and Topics

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Readings and Class Preparation

Activities and Assignments

Week 1TCOs A and B

Introduction and the Application Layer

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Data Communications

Chapter 2: Application Layer

Appendix C: IP Telephony

Textbook Questions and Mini Cases

Graded Discussion Questions


Week 2TCOs B and C

Physical Layer and LANs

Chapter 3: Physical Layer

Chapter 6: Local Area Networks

Textbook Questions and Mini Cases

Supplemental Textbook Questions


Graded Discussion Questions

iLab – ITGuru Introduction (ungraded)

You Decide Activity


Week 3TCO B

The Data Link Layer

Chapter 4: Data Link Layer

Textbook Questions and Mini CasesSupplemental Textbook Questions (ungraded)Graded Discussion QuestionsQuiz

Week 4TCO B

Network and Transport Layers

Chapter 5: Network and Transport Types

Textbook Questions and Mini CasesGraded Discussion Questions

iLab – Office Network Expansion

Week 5TCO C

Backbone and Wireless Networks

Chapter 7: Wireless Local Area Networks

Chapter 8: Backbone Networks

Textbook Questions and Mini CasesSupplemental Textbook QuestionsGraded Discussion Questions

iLab – LAN Modeling

Week 6TCOs C and D

WANs, MANs, and the Internet

Chapter 9: Metropolitan and Wide Area Networks

Chapter 10: The Internet

Textbook Questions and Mini CasesGraded Discussion Questions

iLab – Web Report

Week 7TCOs E, F, and G

Network Design, Management, and Security

Chapter 11: Network Security

Chapter 12: Network Design

Chapter 13: Network Management

Textbook Questions and Mini CasesGraded Discussion Questions

Quiz covering Chapters 11, 12, and 13

Week 8All TCOs

Final Exam

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