BSOP326 -Total Quality Management – Check Point – Week 2


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Question :         (TCO 4) Deming claimed that higher levels of _____ lead to higher levels of _____.


automation, quality


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quality, productivity


inventory, quality


inspection, quality



 2.        Question :         (TCO 4) Which of the following is the primary reason for Deming’s position that slogans should be eliminated?


Most problems depend on the system and cannot be controlled by workers.

Slogans benefit customers more than workers.


Not all workers can read the slogans.


Slogans are costly to maintain and periodically update.


 3.        Question :         (TCO 4) Deming was virtually unknown in the United States until the broadcast of a program entitled “If Japan Can … Why Can’t We?” When did this broadcast occur?










 4.        Question :         (TCO 4) Two U.S. consultants who worked with Japanese managers during the 1950s to improve the quality of Japanese products were which of the following individuals?


Crosby and Deming


Juran and Crosby


Crosby and Feigenbaum


Deming and Juran


 5.        Question :         (TCO 4) Meeting quality goals during operations is which of the processes of Juran’s Quality Trilogy?


Quality control


Quality design


Quality improvement


Quality planning


 6.        Question :         (TCO 3) ISO 9000 recertification is required every _____.



3 years


5 years


7 years


9 years


 7.        Question :         (TCO 3) The

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

was established by which of the following?


Several American automobile industry executives


The American Society for Quality (ASQ)


An act of Congress


The Baldrige Consulting Group


 8.        Question :         (TCO 3) The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award serves several purposes, except _____.


to recognize the achievements of high-quality companies


to establish guidelines and criteria for evaluation of quality-improvement efforts

to provide detailed information on how award-winning enterprises achieved success


to encourage the use of quantitative analysis to improve quality


 9.        Question :         (TCO 3) Over the years, the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria have been improved to include all of the following shifts in emphasis, except _____.


from quality assurance and strategic quality planning to broad focus on process management

from a focus on current customers to a focus on current and future customers and markets built on long-term relationships

from human-resource administration to high-performance work systems


from intraindustry rivalries to intraindustry alliances


 10.      Question :         (TCO 3) The criteria for the Canadian Awards for Excellence are most similar to which of the following?


Deming Prize


American Society for Quality Control Award

  Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award 

ISO 9000 certification program


Question :         (TCO 4) Match the following:


   : Juran’s definition of quality is


   : Higher quality leads to


   : Institute training is


   : Variation is


   : Theory of knowledge is part of Deming’s profound knowledge and       


 2.        Question :         (TCO 3) The aligned approach of the Baldrige Award is designed to achieve what results in what three areas?


 3.        Question :         (TCO 4) What are two of Deming’s 14 points?


 4.        Question :         (TCO 3) What are two of the five objectives of ISO 9000?


 5.        Question :         (TCO 3) Briefly explain how there are no losers in the Deming Prize process.


 6.        Question :         (TCO 4) Deming’s Point 3 is: Understand inspection. Briefly explain what Deming means.


 7.        Question :         (TCO 4) Briefly explain Juran’s Quality Trilogy.

Question :



) Deming claimed that higher levels of _____ lead to higher levels of _____.


Student Answer:

 automation, quality


 quality, productivity


 inventory, quality


 inspection, quality


Instructor Explanation:

See p. 9



Points Received:

2 of 2



Question :


(TCO 4) Which of the following is the primary reason for Deming’s position that slogans should be eliminated?

Points Received:

2 of 2

Student Answer:

 Most problems depend on the system and cannot be controlled by workers.


 Slogans benefit customers more than workers.


 Not all workers can read the slogans.


 Slogans are costly to maintain and periodically update.

Instructor Explanation:

See p.



Question :




(TCO 4) Deming was virtually unknown in the United States until the broadcast of a program entitled “If Japan Can … Why Can’t We?” When did this broadcast occur?

Points Received:

2 of 2

Student Answer:








Instructor Explanation:
See p. 92

Question :


(TCO 4) Two U.S. consultants who worked with Japanese managers during the 19


0s to improve the quality of Japanese products were which of the following individuals?

Points Received:

2 of 2

Student Answer:

 Crosby and Deming


 Juran and Crosby


 Crosby and Feigenbaum


 Deming and Juran

Instructor Explanation:

See p. 104

Question :


(TCO 4) Meeting quality goals during operations is which of the processes of Juran’s Quality Trilogy?

Points Received:

2 of 2

Student Answer:

 Quality control


 Quality design


 Quality improvement


 Quality planning

Instructor Explanation:

p. 105

Question :


(TCO 3) ISO 9000 recertification is required every _____.

Points Received:

2 of 2

Student Answer:

 3 years


 5 years


 7 years


 9 years

Instructor Explanation:

See pp. 129–131

Question :


(TCO 3) The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award was established by which of the following?

Points Received:

2 of 2

Student Answer:

 Several American automobile industry executives


 The American Society for Quality (ASQ)


 An act of Congress


 The Baldrige Consulting Group

Instructor Explanation:

See p. 112

Question :


(TCO 3) The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award serves several purposes, except _____.

Points Received:

2 of 2

Student Answer:

 to recognize the achievements of high-quality companies


 to establish guidelines and criteria for evaluation of quality-improvement efforts


 to provide detailed information on how award-winning enterprises achieved success


 to encourage the use of quantitative analysis to improve quality

Instructor Explanation:
See p. 112

Question :


(TCO 3) Over the years, the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria have been improved to include all of the following shifts in emphasis, except _____.

Points Received:

2 of 2

Student Answer:

 from quality assurance and strategic quality planning to broad focus on process management


 from a focus on current customers to a focus on current and future customers and markets built on long-term relationships


 from human-resource administration to high-performance work systems


 from intraindustry rivalries to intraindustry alliances

Instructor Explanation:

See p. 119

Question :


(TCO 3) The criteria for the Canadian Awards for Excellence are most similar to which of the following?

Student Answer:

 Deming Prize


 American Society for Quality Control Award


 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award


 ISO 9000 certification program

Question :

(TCO 4) Match the following:

Student Answer:


 : Juran’s definition of quality is

   »   3 : fitness for use



 : Higher quality leads to

   »   2 : higher productivity



 : Institute training is

   »   4 : one of Deming’s 14 Points



 : Variation is

   »   1 : part of profound knoweldge



 : Theory of knowledge is part of Deming’s profound knowledge and

   »   5 : a branch of philosophy

Instructor Explanation:

See pp. 99, 104, 106,109 and 110

Points Received:

10 of 10



Question :

(TCO 3) The aligned approach of the Baldrige Award is designed to achieve what results in what three areas?

Student Answer:

The aligned approach of Baldrige Award is designed to achieve in three areas that are; 1. Delivery of ever improving values to customers resulting in improved marketplace success 2. Improvement of overall company performance and capabilities, and 3. Organizational and personal learning (Evans & Lindsay, 2011). References James R. Evans & William M. Lindsay. (2011). Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Instructor Explanation:

See p. 114

Points Received:

5 of 5



Question :

(TCO 4) What are two of Deming’s 14 points?

Points Received:

5 of 5

Student Answer:

1. Create and publish to all employees a statement of the aims and purposes of the company or other organization. The management must demonstrate constantly their commitment to this statement. 2. Learn the new philosophy, top management and everybody.

Instructor Explanation:

See p. 93


Question :

(TCO 3) What are two of the five objectives of ISO 9000?

Points Received:

5 of 5

Student Answer:

The two objectives are; 1. To achieve, maintain and seek continuous improvement of product quality in relation to requirements 2. To improve the operations quality in order to meet continually the implied and stated needs of the stakeholders’ and customers’ (Evans & Lindsay, 2011) References James R. Evans & William M. Lindsay. (2011). Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Instructor Explanation:

See p. 129


Question :

(TCO 3) Briefly explain how there are no losers in the Deming Prize process.

Points Received:

5 of 5

Student Answer:

The application process of the Deming prize has no losers because for the companies that don’t qualify, the examination program gets extended up to two times over the period of three years (Evans & William, 2011). References James R. Evans & William M. Lindsay. (2011). Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Instructor Explanation:

See p. 123


Question :

(TCO 4) Deming’s Point 3 is: Understand inspection. Briefly explain what Deming means.

Points Received:

5 of 5

Student Answer:

Deming comprehended that the routine inspection leads to the identification of the fault, however no action is taken to remove it. Deming wanted the workers to take responsibility and remove the fault without leaving the problem for other production staff.

Instructor Explanation:

See p. 100


Question :

(TCO 4) Briefly explain Juran’s Quality Trilogy.

Student Answer:

Juran prescribes three main quality processes that are known as quality trilogy. These are; Quality Planning – This involves the process of preparations to achieve the goals of quality, Quality Control – The process of meeting the goals of quality during operations, and Quality improvement – The process of breaking-through to new levels of performance (Evans & Lindsay, 2011). References James R. Evans & William M. Lindsay. (2011). Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Instructor Explanation:

See p. 105














































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