MS Excel, Access

hi there you will find three attachments in this email.
it is a lab assignment on the software Access.i have to submit this assignment by 
Oct 21st, 10 Am Eastern Standard Time
.please i really have to score A Grade on this Lab assignment as it worth so much of my Labs grade.
the first file is the database, and the second file is the instruction for this assignment, the third file is the grading instruction for the assignment.

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grading system x


Did Not Meet Expectations

Partially Met Expectations

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Met All Expectations



0 (0%)

Incomplete written ½ page to 1 page review of data site explored. Did not include all of the URL of the site, source of the data, credibility of the data, nature of the data, value of the data, accessibility, and documentation.


.3 (15%)

Poorly written ½ page to 1 page review of data site explored.


.6 (30%)

Well written ½ page to 1 page review of

data site explored including all of the URL

of the site,

source of the data, credibility of the data,

nature of the data, value of the data,


and documentation.

Import into MS Excel (2 Trials)


0 (0%)

No problem or observation documented in tabular format for import of 2 different file types into MS Excel.


.1 (5%)

Incomplete problems and observations documented in tabular format for import of 2 different file types into MS Excel. Each of the 2 trials did not clearly document the file type and the action.


.2 (10%)

Problems and observations

documented in tabular format for

import of 2

different file types into MS Excel.

Each of the 2 trials clearly documented

the file type

(e.g., tab delimited) and the action

(e.g., import into Excel 2007).

Import into MS Access (2 Trials)


0 (0%)

No problem or observation documented in tabular format for import of 2 different file types into MS Access.


.1 (5%)

Incomplete problems and observations documented in tabular format for import of 2 different file types into MS Access. Each of the 2 trials did not clearly document the file type and the action.


.2 (10%)

Problems and observations

documented in tabular format for

import of 2 different file

types into MS Access. Each of the

2 trials clearly documented the file

type and the action.

Export in MS Excel (1 Trial)


0 (0%)

No problem or observation documented in tabular format for one export in MS Excel.


.05 (2.5%)

Incomplete problems and observations documented in tabular format for one export in MS Excel. Each trial did not clearly document the file type and the action.


.1 (5%)

Problems and observations

documented in tabular format for one

export in MS Excel.Each trial clearly documented the file type (e.g., comma separated values) and the

action (export from Excel 2007 to CSV).

Export in MS Access (1 Trial)


0 (0%)

No problem or observation documented in tabular format for one export in MS Access.


.05 (2.5%)

Incomplete problems and observations documented in tabular format for one export MS Access. Each trial did not clearly document the file type and the action.


.1 (5%)

Problems and observations

documented in tabular format for

one export in MS Access.Each trial

clearly documented the file type and

the action.

2 Screen Captures


0 (0%)

No screen capture taken during import and export that are clearly annotated with captions that explain what is happening in the screenshot.


.2 (10%)

Missing 1 of the 2 screen captures, or screen captures are not clearly annotated with captions that explain what is happening in the screenshot.


.4 (20%)

2 screen captures taken during import

and export that are clearly annotated

with captions that explain what is

happening in the screenshot.

2 Paragraph Descriptions


0 (0%)

2 Incomplete paragraph descriptions on pros and cons of 2 data set formats. Did not include all of the compatibility of data format during import and export, file capacity, vitality of data, and additional observations/details about the data formats in the course of your experiment.


.2 (10%)

2 Poorly written paragraph descriptions on pros and cons of 2 data set formats.


.4 (20%)

2 paragraph descriptions on pros and

cons of 2 data set formats, including

all of the compatibility of data format

during import and export, file capacity, vitality of data, and additional

observations/details about the data

formats in the course of your


. (hint: can’t write on format

CSV or XML as indicated in instruction)

The purpose of this assignment__ is to introduce the student to the difficulties in importing and exporting files in both MS__ Access and MS Excel x

The purpose of this assignment is to introduce the student to the difficulties in importing and exporting files in both MS Access and MS Excel, as well as researching the background information on a data source. Students should expect this lab to take on average three times as long as previous labs.However, students do not have to allocate time for the lab skills tutorial or a quiz.

Due to the vast number of potential file formats, students may have to problem solve difficulties that they encounter that were not discussed in lecture. Students are encouraged to search the Web for help and ask other students. If you get stuck, by all means, talk to the instructor.

Before you start, please download dataset x and read it over (this a partially completed lab 10 that corresponds to the in-class demo for lab 10). You should use dataset x as your template (to ensure you have created the correct headings, the table with the correct column headings, et cetera). Do NOT copy any of the written work in dataset x. Also, do NOT copy any text from the web-site itself. This is considered plagiarism and students will be penalized, as outlined in the course syllabus.

Make sure you choose a data web site where you can download at least 2 different file formats. If this is not the case, make sure you pick another data web-site (to save yourself time, do not do any other part of the lab until you have verified this. Select one of the data set web sites in the sample list below (or locate another data set site of your choice):

· The World Bank – Data

· PEW Research Centre

· GVU’s WWW Survey Data

· Economic Growth Data Sets

· Statistics Canada (for fee)

Referring to the attached dataset as a template, do the following steps below for your own chosen data set:

1. Explore the data set web site, collecting notes on all of the following key features:

. source of the data (identify the people and processes behind the data being being available)

. credibility of the data (authority of its creators, process by which it was collected, etc.)

. nature of the data (How was it collected? What is it about? How current is it?)

. value of the data, to whom (What sort of users might be interested? How well is the data documented? Is currency an issue? What level of knowledge is assumed by the site or required to use the data?)

. accessibility (format of the data, any sort of obstacles to use such as “membership”, any copyright restrictions, etc.)

. documentation (how well is the data explained, can the site be navigated easily)
Write a short (1/2 page to 1 page) review of the data set site you explored, reporting on the featured you collected notes about. Be sure to include the URL of the site, itself. Also include the name of the site, as it identifies itself, in words. Create your review in a file nameddataset x using MS WORD. The heading for this part of the assignment should be “Review of xxx” where you substitute the name of the site (as it identifies itself) for the xxx part.

· Download at least two data sets, each a different
 file type (e.g., csv and tab delimited), from the web site you selected and identify each one’sdata type and any additional data structure (such as comma separated text). If the data type is text based, try opening it in Wordpad to see how it is structured.

. Practice importing both
 file types into each of the following programs and keep notes on any problems encountered or observations made.



· Practice exporting the data to portable data set formats. Export at least once from each of the programs listed below, and keep notes on any problems encountered or choices you had to make.



· Report your findings in a table. Also provide screen clippings of two, distinct parts of your work to document what you are reporting on. The table should be headed “Import and Export Trials” and included in the file dataset x. Include the two pictures either as image files, with annotated explanations of what it is that each is meant to illustrate, or include them in the WORD file dataset x, with captions explaining what each one illustrates.

· Write a 2 paragraph description of data set data formats, citing the pros and cons of at least TWO data formats, informed by your experimental experience. Make the heading for this description “Data Set Formats”. Make your case based on the following sorts of criteria:

· how compatible is the data format (e.g. can ACCESS and EXCEL both import it? Can they both export it?)

· how large are the files concerned?

· can all that is vital about the data be stored in the format concerned

· any details about the data formats that you have looked up or discovered in the course of your experiment

· Submit your work to the assignment inbox for lab 10. The name of the file you submit should be dataset x. If you decide to submit the twoscreen clippings separately (i.e. do not include them in the WORD file), name them something short and meaningful. (e.g. if you chose to illustrate an import of data in CSV format, into ACCESS, a possible name might be csvImportAccess.gif)

dataset x
Dataset Import and Export Report by [name of Student goes here]

Review of [URL for dataset site goes here]

Assignment description, item 1, goes here.

Import and Export Trials

Assignment description, item 2 (except screen captures), goes here.

File name

Data type



Text, tab separated

Import into EXCEL 2007

Had no problem with import, except I started at row 6 so that I would not get the title, subtitle, and field names which were split across multiple rows. Had to add in the field names after import.

Text, tab separated

Import into ACCESS 2007

Had to change the tab delimited file with notepad to have the first line contain the field names tab delimited. Then it added a primary key field ID (autonumber). First time I tried, I accidentally got the information about the table as part of my table.


Excel 4.0 document

Import into EXCEL 2007

Found it very difficult to import the data. Best solution found was to simply open the file in MS Excel (backwards compatibility), copy the table, and then paste special in the destination Excel file (skip blanks option selected).


Excel 4.0 document

Import into ACCESS 2007

Had to change the MS Excel 4.0 file with Excel to have the first line contain the field names. First time I tried, I got information about the table as part of my table.


EXCEL 2007 File

Export form EXCEL 2007 to CSV

Went off without a hitch, although EXCEL only allowed one of the sheets to be saved in CSV format.


MS Access 2007 File

Export from Access 2007 to HTML

No difficulties using context sensitive menu to export, except was not given the option to give the Web page my own title (defaulted to html file name). I also lost the field names and primary key upon export.

[Your actual results will vary, of course. Your files will have different names, etc.]

Illustrations [Note, you can prove as separate image files with annotation on the image file if you prefer. Illustrate the two experiences you found most interesting.]

Assignment, item 2’s screen captures goes, here.

Illustration 1: Importing tab-delimited into EXCEL to HTML. This went off without a hitch.

Illustration 2: Importing a (unmodified) tab delimited file into ACCESS via context sensitive menu for Table tab. When I asked for the first row to be taken as field names, ACCESS warned that the first row contains some data that can’t be used for valid Access field names.

Data Set Formats

Assignment description, item 3, goes here.

Format CSV [note: you may not have picked this format to discuss]


Format XML [note: you may not have picked this format to discuss]




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