Information Management (R)

Report on an IT Problem

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  In this assignment you must choose an IT problem that your company or organisation has and which will include the need for the building of a small database.Items to upload for the Information Management assignment:Report3000 wordsDatabaseif this is password protected, provide this with your submissionRemember that you must also submit an hardcopy to the dropbox and include an electronic copy of the database (this can be saved onto either a CD or USB) NOTES THAT I HAVE DONE ALL THE  ASSIGNMENT BUT I DIDNT PASS IN A GOOD MARK SO THE UNI ASKED ME TO RE DO IT TO PASS THE MOUDLE SO DONT HAVE TO RE DO THE ALL REPORT AGAIN JUST EDIT IT TO GET A BTTER MARK I WILL PUT THE COPY OF THE ASSIGNMENT ATER WE DO THE HAND SHAKE PLEASE READ THE PAPER QUSTION ?


Foundation Degree in Professional Administration

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It should be submitted by 13:00 on Wednesday May 2nd 201


No late projects will be accepted unless accompanied by an

appropriately signed extension form

Aims of the assignment:

 To develop an awareness of the importance of IT in the new business


 To understand the development of operational systems for real-life business and


 To learn how to analyse IT problems and how to design and implement IT


Title of the assignment:

Report on an IT problem: (3000 words)


Choose an IT related problem that your company or organization has and which will

include the need for the building of a small database:

1) Define the problem

2) Describe the various dimensions and parameters of the problem.

3) Create a feasibility analysis (economic, technical, organizational, operational

problems and dimensions).

4) List the requirements and explain the reasons for this requirements specification.

5) Derive the requirements specifications if necessary through the use a

questionnaire and or use of interviews.

6) Analyse the problem through a Context Diagram.

7) Use a simple Dataflow diagram to describe the solution(s).

8) Define the various entities and use an Entity Relationship Diagram to describe

the relationships between the various entities (not necessary but beneficial).

9) Create a recommended model / solution to the problem.

This will consist of a small Access Database with a minimum of two related

tables. You should show and explain the table structures and relationships.

10) List the various security and maintenance problems and discuss their potential

solutions when implementing the solutions.

The report should be in a professional business style; word processed, properly bound

and should have no more than 3000 words.

11) An electronic copy of the report and the relevant files and appendices should

be submitted on Blackboard in addition to the above hardcopy. You must also

submit a copy of the Access database file electronically.

12) A pass mark of 40% must be obtained to pass the module.


Assignment Marking Scheme for Information Management

Foundation Degree for Business & Professional Administration

(Incl Law stream)

Clarity of Structure, Style and Report Presentation (cover page,

titles names dates etc, contents generated by word, different

headers and or footers in even and odd pages, references,

appendices number separately, etc):


Systems Analysis

 Organisational Background (Executive Summary)

 Problem Definition including

description/weaknesses/failings of current system.

 Project initiation

 Cost Benefit Analysis

 Requirements definition and analysis

 Statement of Requirements


Systems Design

 Information Flow Diagram

 Data Flow Diagram showing key processes

 Entity Relationship diagram

 Data Dictionary with explanations and key fields



 Creation of a small database with at least one relationship

 Additional marks awarded for Queries, Forms and Reports

according to relevance and complexity

 (Two tables is sufficient, with an absolute maximum of five

tables. Maximum two forms, two queries and two reports)


Conclusions Related to Organisational Context and System

usefulness. Recommendations as Appropriate, Executive





Foundation Degree in Business and Professional Administration

Information Management

Lecturer: Mrs. Anna Birch

Presented by: Rola Cherri

Student ID: 1072510

Year: 2012

Submission Date: 02 of May 2012

Table of Contents

Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………Page 3

I-Organisational Analysis……………………………………………………………………Page 4

II-System…………………………………………………………………………………….Page 4

III-Current process………………………………………………………………………Page 4

IV-Weakness of current system………………………………………………………….….Page 5

V- Idea ………………………………………………………………………………………Page 5

VI-Project Initiation….. …………………………………………………………………….Page 6

VII-Feasibility Analysis….. …………………………………………………………………Page 6

VIII-Systems Design……………………………………………………………………… Page 10

IX-Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………Page 11

X-Recommendation… …………………………………………………………………….Page 12

XI-References………………………………………………………………………………Page 13

Appendices…………………………………………………………………………………Page 14

Executive summary

This report will be introducing an IT problem that GTEC Distribution Ltd has been facing with its database management. It will specify and explain the dimensions and parameters of the problem and introduce other alternative solutions that could solve the IT problem. The report will also include analysis and the characteristics of each of the systems consisting of both software and hardware characteristics. Furthermore, it will list all the financial, economical and technical benefits that may rise after applying the new software which will have a huge impact on the decision of GTEC on whether to choose Microsoft Access as its new database manager.

Moreover, the report will include analysis on the effects of having Microsoft Access in GTEC as an alternative solution for their current database software QuickBooks. This will include the effect on productivity and savings. Furthermore, it will list some requirements for having the Microsoft Access from quantification, functional and non-functional requirements.

Lastly, this report will answer every question needed before implementing the new Access software and will have all changes that this software could make on GTEC Distribution Ltd which they could use to make a decision on whether to choose Access and benefit from its advantages or choose alternative solutions.

Comments from teacher A system designed to do what ?

I-Organisational Analysis

GTEC Distribution is a private limited company. It was established in 2002 and situated in London, UK.

GTEC is well established and recognized in the UK Security Industry and is a distributor of wide range of CCTV products, alarms, access controls and security services. With over 10 years of experience and a vast network of strong relationship that have been built with suppliers and installers, GTEC looks forward for continuous growth in terms of sales, size, coverage and market shares in the UK and Worldwide.

That clearly represents the main motive of the company for the customer’s satisfaction. Moreover; the company’s vision is to always improve its after sales services, breaking through innovation in order to keep up with the technology advancements and developments. Therefore, the 15 employees working now at GTEC work as a team to achieve the future goals of GTEC’s growth and reputation.


The current applicable system in GTEC is QuickBooks. The current system is designed to support many tasks including, creating purchase order and invoices, counting remote access capabilities, remote payroll assistance and outsourcing, online banking and reconciliation, electronic payment functions, mapping features through combination with Google maps, marketing options through Google, and improves e-mail functionality through Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express. The data file that stores all the information about your company and its finances.

III-Current process

The IT problem considered is the gap in the current system for managing customers’ database by automatically assigning the customer’s account to its sales representative. To enable GTEC’s business development unit and marketing support members to classify customers based on locations (the location process) the system needs to have the feature of categorizing database based on any data entered, e.g. postcode or county. The location’s process helps categorizing customers by either local customers (within 25 miles radius from the head office quarter) or by distant customers. Furthermore, it will also allow users to refine their search based on what they are looking for i.e. customers within 10 miles, customers who have an email address, etc…

Once the new locality process is applied efficiently, this will help GTEC’s team to have a clear understanding of their database and enable them to create efficient search and reports which will eventually lead to better productivity and results. For example, organizing local meeting with local customers will be easier through the use of searching by distance, and then this will allow GTEC to make actions with their local customers for better sales and relationship.

The current system QuickBooks lacks this feature in addition to other ones. Currently, the GTEC’s staff is using Microsoft Excel sheets for data management. After filling the documents of registration, they sort the data by postcode and miles distance, and then they break them down into 2 main categories local customers and distant ones. After this stage they send the information over to all sales executives where everyone then chooses their customers based on their agreed customers list by the sales director.

With the new process, the procedure of entering database and managing them will be more efficient and much easier, especially for the staff who are constantly using the database like sales people and marketing staff.

IV-Weakness of current system

The weakness of the current system of QuickBooks is the fact that it does not have the feature which enables the user to categorise customers based on distance as well as not being able to produce reports on customers’ information, for example producing a report which lists all the customers who are in Middlesex. Both features are extremely important for marketing and sales purposes as well as database management and efficiency of productivity.


In order to solve the problem stated above a brainstormed idea has been considered.

Different ways have been discussed earlier to solve the problem; one of them is by approaching new software which has advanced features that helps in refining searches and reports to reach accurate and needed results.

The software which has the above advanced features is known Devsuite provided by Tech Excel. The software can be designed to fulfil our requirements and needs. Unfortunately, the main disadvantage is its high costs as well as other costs as maintaining it and training employees on how to use the new features.

A suitable way or solution has been considered by using the Microsoft Access where basic implementation can help in building data. Microsoft Access is considered to be the cheapest and most feasible solution compared to the current process as well as Tech Excel which appeared to be very expensive. Furthermore, Microsoft Access will also not require advanced training and maintaining is quite feasible.

Therefore, and after GTEC has been given an estimation of 15000£ for the Tech Excel software excluding any hardware, other maintenance and training costs, it is of GTEC’s favour to choose the Microsoft Access software as it is cheaper, saves a lot of costs that comes with using another alternative software like Tech Excel and finally does the job efficiently.

VI-Project Initiation

The planning phase of a project can span a significant length of time and involve many people, so it is important to define the project’s

objectives (objective: The quantifiable criteria that must be met for the project to be considered successful. Objectives must include, at least, cost, schedule, and quality measures. Unquantified objectives increase the risk that the project won’t meet them.)


assumptions (project assumptions: Factors that, for planning purposes, are considered to be true, real, or certain. Assumptions generally involve a degree of risk.)

, and

constraints (constraint: A restriction set on the start or finish date of a task. You can specify that a task must start on or finish no later than a particular date. Constraints can be flexible [not tied to a specific date] or inflexible [tied to a specific date].)

. The planning phase is also the time to prepare a scope management plan for handling changes to the project’s objectives. (Appendix A)

· Project Objectives:


Clear project objectives are fundamental because our project’s success will be determined by how closely we meet the objectives set.

A clear project objective is both specific and measurable. Avoid vague objectives such as “Create state-of-the-art deliverables.” A project’s objectives may include:

· A list of project deliverables (deliverable: A tangible and measurable result, outcome, or item that must be produced to complete a project or part of a project. Typically, the project team and project stakeholders agree on project deliverables before the project begins.).

· Specific due dates, both for the ultimate completion of the project and for intermediate milestones (milestone: A reference point marking a major event in a project and used to monitor the project’s progress. Any task with zero duration is automatically displayed as a milestone; you can also mark any other task of any duration as a milestone.).

· Specific quality criteria that the deliverables must meet.

· Cost limits that the project must not exceed.

For objectives to be effective, all project stakeholders (stakeholders: Individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project or whose interests may be affected by the project.) as well as sponsors, who are funding the project, must officially agree to the objectives. Often the project manager creates an objectives document that becomes a permanent part of the project.

If the document was created in a program other than Microsoft Office Project 2007, such as Microsoft Office Word 2007 or Microsoft Office OneNote 2007, you can attach the document to your project file for easy access.

You can learn how to get started with OneNote 2007 at Microsoft Office Online.

Server.), you can easily upload supporting documents at the start of a project. This is useful if your team doesn’t have a shared folder or Web site that contains information that is relevant to projects or other corporate endeavors.

If you are using Microsoft Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 (Project Portfolio Server: The Web-based user interface that is used with Project Server to help organizations achieve maximum portfolio value through managing investments and evaluating them against performance metrics and business objectives.), you can also upload documents. In addition, you can track projects through initiation and the approval process before you implement them. As new projects are initiated, you can assess them against the goals of the organization.

You can learn more about Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 by reading the product overview.

 Note   You can also place project-level information in the Comments box of the Properties dialog box for a project. This helps you to locate documents and projects after a project begins.


· Project Assumptions: To clarify unanswered questions and to search for solutions in advance.To begin planning, you make educated guesses and then use those estimates to create your schedule.

It is important to keep track of the assumptions you make, so that:

· Project stakeholders and sponsors can critique the assumptions and then formally agree to a set of project assumptions.

· You can update the schedule when you have additional information about these factors.

Consider these project areas when you identify your underlying assumptions:

· Handoffs from other projects or departments: If your project depends on the work of others, do they understand your dependency and agree to the handoff dates?

· Resource availability and usage (including people, materials, and equipment): If you do not manage some of the people who are working on your project, who does? And has that person approved your use of these resources?

· Task durations (duration: The total span of active working time that is required to complete a task. This is generally the amount of working time from the start to finish of a task, as defined by the project and resource calendar.): Are your task estimates based on solid information or guesses?

· Project costs (cost: The total scheduled cost for a task, resource, or assignment, or for an entire project. This is sometimes referred to as the current cost. In Project, baseline costs are usually referred to as “budget.”): How important is cost to your project? Who is required to approve your budget (budget: The estimated cost of a project that you establish in Project with your baseline plan.) or increase it if necessary?

· Available time: If you are working toward a known deadline (deadline: A target date indicating when you want a task to be completed. If the deadline date passes and the task is not completed, Project displays an indicator.), can you realistically complete all tasks with an acceptable level of quality?

· Deliverables: Does your list of project dependencies and deliverables (deliverable: A tangible and measurable result, outcome, or item that must be produced to complete a project or part of a project. Typically, the project team and project stakeholders agree on project deliverables before the project begins.) match what the customers and other stakeholders (stakeholders: Individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project or whose interests may be affected by the project.) expect? If you must compromise on a deliverable, have your stakeholders agreed on what aspects of the deliverable would be compromised first?

These are just a few issues to consider before you begin any complex project. The ultimate success of the project depends on identifying assumptions and making backup plans as much as it does on carrying out what you planned.

The 2007 Microsoft Office system offers a number of software solutions that you can use to help you understand a project’s complexities before you begin working with Project. For example, you can create a complex cross-functional flowchart or a blog to capture team members’ ideas as they brainstorm project plans.

· Learn how to create a cross-functional flowchart (or swimlanes) by using Microsoft Office Visio 2007.

· Learn how to create a blog by using Windows SharePoint Services.

· Typically, the three major constraints are:

Schedule (schedule: The timing and sequence of tasks within a project. A schedule consists mainly of tasks, task dependencies, durations, constraints, and time-oriented project information.), such as a fixed end date or a deadline date for a major milestone (milestone: A reference point marking a major event in a project and used to monitor the project’s progress. Any task with zero duration is automatically displayed as a milestone; you can also mark any other task of any duration as a milestone.).

· Resources (resources: The people, equipment, and material that are used to complete tasks in a project.), such as a predefined budget (budget: The estimated cost of a project that you establish in Project with your baseline plan.).

· Scope (scope: The combination of all project goals and tasks, and the work required to accomplish them.), such as a requirement that three models of the product be developed.

A change in one of these constraints usually affects the other two and can affect overall quality.

For example, decreasing the project duration (schedule) may increase the number of workers you will need (resources) and reduce the number of features that can be included in the product (scope).

The project manager then determines whether this trade-off is acceptable. This concept is called “the triple constraints of project management” or “the project triangle.”

During the planning process, list your project’s constraints to ensure that all project stakeholders (stakeholders: Individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project or whose interests may be affected by the project.) are aware of them and have the opportunity to comment on the list.

It is also worthwhile for stakeholders to agree on how to respond to unexpected constraints that arise during the project.

For example, if labor costs turn out to be higher than anticipated, stakeholders may be willing to reduce the scope of the project in specific, predefined ways.

 Note   In Project, the word “constraint” means a restriction or limitation that you set on a task (task: An activity that has a beginning and an end. Project plans are made up of tasks.). For example, you can specify that a task must start on a particular date or finish no later than a particular date.

· Time & Plan management: After identifying our project’s objectives and assumptions, we are ready to outline a management plan and timeline.

VII-Feasibility Analysis


By using Microsoft Access system, training sessions should be established and arranged for team members’ especially business development and marketing support team who are in charge of the customers’ database classification and organisation. The main economical advantage is the number of hours saved by managing the database manually using Microsoft Excel. By saving that amount of hours, business development executives can utilize that time to target new customers especially those who are local. By deriving customers’ information from the Microsoft Access software, it will help increasing productivity and sales through the use of managed database to make efficient sales and marketing tasks accomplished. Furthermore, that scenario will save staff time which will eventually result in a foreseen future staff growth.

The way the database will be managed using Microsoft Access, will benefit the staff at GTEC by improving their contribution at work, as after the database is managed, everything becomes very easy to do when it comes to approaching a specific type of customers. It will also allow people’s work to be more organised and avoid mistakes which eventually leads to better productivity which reduces overall costs and increases sales through improved overall efficiency (Lai, 1997).

By using Microsoft Access, the result will be accomplished in a most feasible way compared to the previous software provided by Tech-excel using Devsuite, the cost of setting up the software was quite expensive especially the cost per hour training which reached an amount of


0£ per hour.

Tech Excel’s consultants recommended having up to 5 working days for a basic training on their software which is about 40 hours. Technically, the basic training cost would be around 9200£ for training purposes with a monthly maintaining support of 360£ per software license/ individual computer.

Technically the company will manage to save an amount of 5000£ per training only where employees can go for Microsoft Access course which is worth 800£ per employee totally, 3 employees should be fully be trained and certified for an estimated cost of 2400£. Both software MS Access and Devsuite will provide the same result only the processes and costs are different.


Currently, our office computers’ specifications meet the Microsoft Access requirement.

The operating systems used in every computer would be sufficient to run the Microsoft Access Software. The Company’s IT team keeps the company computers up to date software wise.

The Microsoft office package has been upgraded from MS 2003 to MS 2007. Technically, the whole IT infrastructure is already setup to be used by team members after being trained professionally on MS Access use. MS Access affords having a larger volume of data to be processed. Generally, MS tools are mature products where a lot of professionals use it and getting support is quite easy by accessing FAQ sections from different sources.


The organizational behaviour will improve as the database is systematically organized and updated. By using MS Access, customers’ classifications will be more organized and arranging follow up and promotions will be much easier as well. Hence, sales team will be able to access the MS Access database.

Then, sales director can arrange a marketing campaign with the support of the marketing manager. The campaign might be locally or distantly launched, based on the data generated using the MS Access.

Generally, the main benefit will be considered where the organization can monitor its sales performance and customer’s database growth.

Operational Dimensions

Operational strategies must be considered. First, an initial training course must be conducted to the team members responsible of using Microsoft Access. The course would be given by a recognisable institution which is a certified academy by Microsoft.

A leader in the marketing department must be assigned. He will conduct training sessions for any new candidates, especially if the candidate was internal candidate and going to be promoted.

Bigger understanding of the Microsoft Access will confirm better and smoother operations and workflow.

System Requirements

By assigning a leader for the marketing department, the leader will be able to brainstorm with his assistants in order to clarify and agree on the benefits of using the database software known by Microsoft Access.

Microsoft Access requires some features which are more likely available on most of the computer’s Hardware wise and software wise.

The leader and his team member will create some checklists which will provide them with constructive information for decision making.

Quantification of requirements

The quantification of requirements will help measuring and evaluating the quality of tasks workflow.

The customers’ information process will help in getting new customers and focusing on product promotion which will increase sales by an estimated percentage of 25% and reduce stock by an estimated value of 40%.

Functional requirements

Functional requirements consist of the number of activities that are implemented within the business. In our process suggested, the functional requirements will include updating the customers information for existing customers (if needed), creating new customers informations database, classifying customers by locations as postcode and locality from the office location (within 25 miles), and finally assigning customers to different sales members who will take care of products sales and customers follow up.

Non-Functional requirements

The Non-Functional requirements consist of the conformity of business level. For example, the business development unit highly perform while interacting and searching for new potential customers and the response time in order to get and process orders.

In addition the non-functional requirements consist of the feedback and complaint processes.

The quick response will insure customers’ satisfaction and high professionalism which both lead to good reputation and faster business development.


The software requirements are generally provided on most of GTEC computers. The computers’ platforms should be a Windows platform XP, Vista and 7 in addition to the readymade Microsoft office package. It is also stated that the main language platform used for the Microsoft Access is known by SQL which developers use in their database software development.


The marketing department requires having 3 main computers for it is 3 main marketing analysts. Another 2 computers are required for both business development members.

Each system out of the five above requires main screen, probably 21 inch size which will make work easier from the sight point of view and 5 keyboards and 5 mice.

System reliability must be insured by the use of UPS (Universal Power Supply) is needed to insure data recovery in case of any power cut-off.

According to Microsoft Office website, the computer specification should be as follows:

– Processor speed 500MHZ or faster.

– 256 MB of memory 512 MB is highly recommended for graphic featured and certain advanced functionality.

– 3GB of available hard disk space is required.

– Operating System:

· Windows XP (must have service pack 3) (32-bit).

· Windows 7 or Vista with SP.

· Windows server 2008 or later 32/64 bits.

· Graphics hardware acceleration requires a direct X 9.0 graphics card with 64 MB or more video memory.

VIII-Systems Design


Context Diagram

(Appendix C)

The context diagram shows the flow of tasks and processes via the marketing support and business development units.

The first two entities represent the new and existing customers’ database. Those database are usually collected by the marketing and business development units where customers are classified by size, locations, capitals, etc, then assigned to sales members.

Sales members then follow up sales calls, approach customers and report feedback for business development units in order to insure good and professional after sales service.

Data Flow Diagram Solution Model
(Appendix D)

The data flow diagram will determine the solution suggested using the MS Access 2007. That solution is a full process which will take place at the marketing support and business development entities.

The marketing and business development entities will gather the whole information related to new and existing customers. The solution using MS Access is to classify customers by locations local or distant customers with a distance of 25 miles radius from the company’s warehouse and trade counter location.

Customers will be first categorised by locations, then different ID will be given to them within the MS Access tables.

Entity Relationship Diagram (Appendix E)

The entity relationship diagram shows the customers’ classification process by location. The process will collect companies’ addresses and will arrange them into 2 main different categories. First category is the “Local customers” within 25 miles radius from GTEC’s office. Second category is “Distant customers” who are located far of 25 miles radius from GTEC’s office.

The sales team will be in charge of customers’ accounts, local and distant sales teams will provide different services and promotions. For example, Local team services will be such as free deliveries and repetitive local site visits. Whereas, Distant sales team will provide free deliveries on orders above 1000£ and additional promotions in order to compete with any competitors located near our distant customers. Finally, the whole process will be approved by the Sales director and processed orders will be cleared by the accounts team.

Comments from teacher This is not an ERD have you are relating to the flow of info and what happen at ead stage of the procss

Table structure

The MS Access database has 2 main tables. Each one is holding information about different entity. (Appendix F)

A screen shot of the system tables and their relationship have been shown. In each table, there are 2 unique primary keys linking the tables. Tables hold names and addresses. We do assign for each company individual ID. The relationship between both tables is some additional details, example the type of product in focus, CCTV, Alarms, vehicle CCTV and access control. The product type will notify sales team what products to promote and what the customers are focusing on. In addition to size field which will give an idea about the customers size example medium sized (15 employees and more), big (above 40 team members).

The tables’ relationship will build an efficient understanding of GTEC customers. That will give a clear guide for sales team and efficient lookup for details. The key lookup is the customer’s location based on which sales decisions and customers approach are assigned.


This report provided simpler solution development by providing an out of the box solution known by Microsoft Access 2007 for GTEC’s customers database rather than using an efficient system named QuickBooks but lacking some operational features.

The advantage of the new system is the number of hours saved by managing the database manually using Microsoft Excel. An additional advantage is to insure high productivity and sales by business development executives who can utilize the saved time to target new customers especially those who are local. By deriving customers’ information from the Microsoft Access software, it helped increasing productivity and sales through the use of managed database, and benefit GTEC’s staff improving their contribution at work. After having the database managed, everything becomes very easy to do when it comes to approaching a specific type of customers. It also allows team members being more organised and avoid mistakes which eventually leads to better productivity, reduces overall costs and increases sales through improved internal operational system efficiency.

By using Microsoft Access, the result will be accomplished in a most feasible way compared to the previous software which was supposed to be provided by Tech-excel using Devsuite, the cost setting up the software was quite expensive compared to MS Access.

Finally, the MS Access solution suggested lead into a successful design with a reasonable cost. Moreover, staff accepted the use of MS Access more easily as they are used to use Microsoft packages and being trained on the MS access was much more feasible because of it high popularity.


In order to develop team members’ skills professionally and to provide an efficient operational workflow within different departments, MS Access is the most suitable and feasible solution for GTEC medium size company in order to sort out customer classification by location as Quickbooks doesn’t provide that solution. We highly recommend moving into more detailed features within the MS Access while attending extensive courses sessions conducted by Microsoft certified bodies. Extensive training and knowing the MS Access in details will lead into improvement scenarios within other departments’ example accounting and returns department. We might recommend that the next stage is the implementation of the MS Access within the returns and warranty departments in order to keep record of customers’ returns history, hence creating statistical faults reports which help improving products quality and reliability.


Lai L. S. (1997). A synergistic approach to project. International Journal of Project Management. Vol 15 (3), pp. 173-179.


Tesch D.,Sobol M. G., Klein G, Jiang J.. (2009). User and developer common knowledge: Effect on the success. International Journal of Project Management. Vol 27 (3), pp. 657–664.

Zhou H. (2012). Design of Student Information Management Database. Physics Procedia. Vol 25, pp. 1660 – 1665.

Appendix A

Appendix B























































Cost Benefit Analysis



Rate per Hour (£)


Initial (£)

1st Year(£)

2nd Year


3rd Year


Project Manager










Other Staff Costs



Hardware (Total)


Software (Total)







Maintenance PA (Total)

Total (£)



1st Year

2nd Year 3rd Year

Reduced Processing Costs (PA)


Reduced Inventory Costs (PA)

Sales (Year 1-3 )




Fewer Returns






Cash Flow (Benefit- Cost)





Cumulative Flow-Cash




Total Costs


Total Benefits


Depreciation=Total Initial

Appendix C

Context Diagram

Appendix D

Data Flow Diagram Solution Model

Teacher comments Data flow seen to be missing relationg to your outputs

Teacher comments This is not ERD its expected that the mpe of relationship one/may would be shar this is have inflow

Appendix E Entity Relationship Diagram

New Companies
) (
Existing Companies

Company Details (Locations, Product in Focus

Located in

Local within (25 miles)
) (
Distant (Over 25 miles)

Sales Team (
Accounts Holders
) (
Sales Team (
Accounts Holders

Arranging for
local visits
) (
Free Deliveries
) (
Free Deliveries
(Orders over 1000£
) (
Special Offers

Sales Director Approval & Accounts Clearance
) (
Sales Director Approval & Accounts Clearance


Rola Cherri ID: 1072510

false true

true true true true

Big true true true true

Small false true false true

Big true false true true

Small false true true false

Big true true false true

Small true true true false

within 25 miles Size Cctv Alarms Access contro Vehicle cctv
TW12 2NB Small false true
Tw14 18HR Big
TW14 6NP
TW14 8HR
TW19 6NP



Hounslow TW9 5NP


Hounslow TW14 6NP

Hounslow TW19 6NP


Hounslow TW12 2NB

Hounslow TW3 8NB


Hounslow TW14 8HR


Hounslow Tw14 18HR

company name Title customer ID Address 1 Address 2 Postcode Contact NO,
A A alarms (within 2 miles) Mr Sam 108 spring grove Hounslow 02078989571
A cctv (within 10 miles) Johen 111 spring grove 02089765129
A one (within 14 miles) Marvin 26 Whitton dene 02019834578
Be safe (within 15 miles) Mrs Mary 38 Whitton dene 02089457832
Cctv cameras (within 16 miles) Joy 11 kingsley road 02098754314
Cctv four (within 16 miles) Miss Alina 6 Kingsley road 02089765433
D cctv (within 19 miles) Basher 34 kingsley road 02095467382
Eye cam (within 22 miles) Abel 40 kingsley road 02022985431

SELECT [Tbl customer info].[company name]
FROM [Tbl customer info]
ORDER BY [Tbl customer info].[company name];
SELECT [Tbl customer info].[company name]
FROM [Tbl customer info]
ORDER BY [Tbl customer info].[company name];

Category_ID Type
1 New
2 Existing

8 spring grove


1 1



2 2

Customer_ID CName CAdderss CPost-code CDistance CTelephone Product_ID CCategory

Alarms 10 TW4 5NP 02078989571
A cc tv 111 spring grove TW9 5NP 02089765129

1 Alarms



PName PType

SELECT [Category].[Customer_ID]
FROM Category;
SELECT [Products].[Product_ID]
FROM Products;
SELECT [Category].[Customer_ID]
FROM Category;
SELECT [Products].[Product_ID]
FROM Products;
SELECT [Category].[Customer_ID]
FROM Category;
SELECT [Products].[Product_ID]
FROM Products;
FROM Customer;
FROM Products;
SELECT Customer.[Customer_ID], Customer.[CName], Customer.[CAdderss], Customer.[CPost-code], Customer.[CDistance], Customer.[CTelephone], Customer.[Product_ID], Customer.[CCategory]
FROM Customer
WHERE (((Customer.[CDistance])>=5));
SELECT Customer.[Customer_ID], Customer.[CName], Customer.[CAdderss], Customer.[CPost-code], Customer.[CDistance], Customer.[CTelephone], Customer.[Product_ID], Customer.[CCategory]
FROM Customer
WHERE (((Customer.[CDistance])<=5)); SELECT Customer.Customer_ID, Customer.CName, Customer.CAdderss, Customer.[CPost-code], Customer.CDistance, Customer.CTelephone, Category.Type FROM Category INNER JOIN Customer ON Category.Category_ID=Customer.CCategory WHERE (((Category.Type)="New"));

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