SCI 207 Week 3 Assignment Outline of the Final Lab Report

SCI 207 Week 3 Assignment Outline of the Final Lab Report

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Outline of the Final Lab Report. Review the Final Lab Report instructions in Week Five of the online course or in the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide as well as the Sample Final Lab Report (PDF can be found in your online course). I would also recommend you review Week Two’s Laboratory, “Water Quality and Contamination,” before beginning this assignment. You are then to write a complete outline for your Final Lab Report.

The outline must contain:

a. Title Page

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Include the same information as the Final Lab Report (see instructions in Week Five of the online course or in the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide).

b. Introduction

Provide an outline of your introduction including background, objective, and hypothesis, as well as all sources that will be used to back this information.

c. Materials and Methods Provide an outline of steps used to conduct the experiments as well as all sources used to conduct the experiments.

d. Results Provide an outline of results, including any tables and graphs that will appear in your Final Lab Report

e. Discussion

Provide an outline of discussion, including meaning of findings, outside factors effecting results, and future experiments based on results.

f. Conclusions

Provide an outline of the summary of all work.

g. References


Provide a list of references in APA format.

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