Article Review


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I have an articel need to be reviewed with 7 questions. 

I will opload the fils.

question number 6 is related to my memo, I will opload the memo too to read it.

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Would like it to be done after 12 hours from now. 


Name___________________ Group________

BCOM9302—Article Review

1. Title of your Review (your words):


2. Work Cited Citation (proper APA format):


3. Background for why you chose this article (your words, in complete sentences):



4. Explain the central idea of this article (your words in complete sentences):


5. Which
one sentence from the article
best summarizes its main idea? (Citation):


6. Please summarize the article below—i.e., explain how the article educates you about your group’s topic.


7. After you have filled out the answers of this page, combine this information to write a 250 word summary of the article.

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