expository paragraph

due today 

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its eaither with or againgst. i would like to have both, each needs aprox(150-200) words.


Writing Assignment #2:
Expository Paragraph

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(ESL 202/2 G)

What, exactly, is an expository piece of writing?

A good expository paragraph is the key to clear written communication.


 A quality paragraph prepares the reader, presents the relevant data, and then summarizes the information.  The opening sentences need to first identify the topic of the paragraph and then name the specific supports that are to be used.  The body of the paragraph presents specific information that clarifies and provides examples of the topic. The final element is that the paragraph needs to summarize the evidence and close with a strong call to action.  By preparing the reader, presenting strong relevant evidence and summarizing succinctly, a good writer can persuade or convince an astute reader.  Good communication starts with a clear formula.*

A good expository paragraph has all the following elements:


– a topic sentence that identifies the general topic of the paragraph

Ex. A good expository paragraph is the key to clear written communication

– a directional sentence that names the supports or examples that will be used

Ex. A quality paragraph prepares the reader, presents the relevant data, and then summarizes the information.

– three supporting examples to illustrate, or explain the topic, presented in the same order as in the directional sentence

Ex. The opening sentences need to first identify the topic of the paragraph and then name the specific supports that are to be used.  The body of the paragraph presents specific information that clarifies and provides examples of the topic. The final element is that the paragraph needs to summarize the evidence and close with a strong call to action. 

– a summarizing sentence to remind the reader of the three supports or examples

Ex. By preparing the reader, presenting strong relevant evidence and summarizing succinctly, a good writer can persuade or convince an astute reader.

– a closing sentence that strongly confirms the topic and may include a call to action.

Ex. Good communication starts with a clear formula.

retrieved from


, October 12, 2011

Writing Assignment #2:
Expository Paragraph

(ESL 202/2 G)


Write an expository paragraph (approx. 150-200 words) in which you choose and clearly support ONE side of the following topic (based on information presented in DAES, Unit 5):

Every person should EITHER live with his/her family until getting married OR live on his/her own before getting married.

Assignment Parameters:

· Clear, effective topic sentence

· Specific examples to support the topic sentence

· Effective, logical “conclusion”

· Sentence variety (simple, compound, complex, compound-complex)

· Transition signals

Write first draft and bring a hard copy (i.e. not electronic) to the next class (Week #7 Day 1)

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