computer science

This program counts how many sales are made in each of 5 categories of products.// The user continuously enters a category number (1-5) and then enters a 9 to quit.// At the end the program prints a list of the category names and the number// of sales that were made for that category.// Categories are: 1=Infants; 2=Children; 3=Teens; 4=Men; 5=Womenstart    Declarations        num category        num SIZE = 5        num QUIT = 9        num sales[category] = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0    housekeeping()    while category = QUIT        mainLoop()    endwhile    endOfJob()stophousekeeping()    output “Enter category or “, QUIT, ” to quit ”    input categoryreturnmainLoop()    if category >= 1 AND category <= SIZE then        sales[category - 1] = sales[category] + 1    else        output "Invalid category"    endif    output "Enter category or ", QUIT, " to quit "    input categoryreturnendOfJob()    Declarations        string HEAD1 = "Sales"        string HEAD2 = "Category   Number of Sales"        string CATEGORYNAME[SIZE] = "Infants", "Children", "Teens", "Men", "Women"    output HEAD1    output HEAD2    while category < SIZE        output CATEGORYNAME[category], sales[category]        category = category + 1    endIfreturnQ2. - The Parks District maintains five soccer teams, as shown in the table below. Write the pseudocode for a program that accepts a player’s team number as the player registers to be on the team and displays the player’s team name continuously until an appropriate sentinel value is entered for a team number. In addition,  after the sentinel value has been entered, the program displays (output) a count of the number of players registered for each team along with the team number and the team name. Be sure to use Modules!Team Number    Team Name1    Goal Getters2    The Force3    Top Guns4    Shooting Stars5    Midfield MonstersQ3. - The Fast-Food restaurant sells the following products (items): Product    Price ($)Cheeseburger    2.49Pepsi    1.00Chips    0.59 Write the pseudocode for an application that allows a user to enter an order product (item) name (not the item number) continuously until a sentinel value is entered. After each item, display its price or the message “Sorry, we do not carry that” as output. After all items have been entered, display the total price for the order. NOTE: Use the actual product (item) names for input, NOT numbers like 1, 2 and 3 !!!  Be sure to use Modules!

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