Project Mgmt Second Edition, 2010 -MCQs – Set2

26. The efficient frontier in project management is the set of portfolio options that offer a

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_____________ return for a _____________ risk.

a. minimum; minimum

b. minimum; maximum

c. maximum; minimum

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d. maximum; maximum 

27. Which statement about the use of the profile model is best?

a. The profile model requires careful calculation of the percentage risk for each possible


b. The scale used for the profile model can be any two numerical variables that a

company deems important.

c. The efficient frontier in the profile model is where return is 100% (or greater) and risk

is 0%.

d. For a given level of risk, a positive move on the return axes would indicate a superior


28. Regardless of which selection method a firm uses, it should always


a. be able to predict how much revenue will be returned to the firm each year

b. know which project will ultimately succeed and which ones will fail

c. be objective in their selection method

d. use a weighted scoring technique

29. The systematic process of selecting, supporting and managing a firm’s collection of projects

is called _____________.

a. heavyweight project management

b. matrix project organization

c. profile management

d. project portfolio management

30. The concept of project portfolio management holds that firms should _____________.

a. regard all projects as unified assets

b. manage projects as independent entities

c. focus on short-term strategic goals

d. focus on long-term constraints

31. A project with the chance for a big payout may be funded if an important criterion is


a. cost

b. opportunity

c. top management pressure

d. risk

32. Group maintenance behavior would be exhibited by a project manager that ______________.

a. provides the necessary support and technical assistance

b. plans and schedules activities and resources appropriately

c. contributes to the completion of project assignments

d. works with subordinates to understand their problems

33. The group maintenance behavior of gatekeeping helps to ______________.

a. increase comprehension

b. reduce tension and hostility

c. regulate behavior

d. increase and equalize participation

34. The task-oriented behavior of summarizing accomplishes which specific outcome?

a. check on understanding and assess progress

b. guide and sequence discussion

c. check on agreement

d. increase comprehension

35. Tim slapped together his first webpage and proudly showed it to all his colleagues, pointing

out what he thought were obvious and overwhelming advantages in simplicity and

portability. His championing of webpages that he had read about in a trade journal

ultimately shamed everyone else into adopting a web-based approach for all communication

and cemented his status as a true ______________.

a. creative originator

b. entrepreneur

c. godfather

d. project manager

36. Michael wants to carry out his mentor’s long range strategic vision of expanding the

company’s customer base by entering the casino business in Las Vegas. He issues a series of

memos that explain the importance of these projects and makes sure that all necessary

resources are at the disposal of the project management team, which is fortunate to have

such a(n) _____________.

a. creative originator at the helm

b. entrepreneurc. godfatherd. project manager

37. Which of the following is a traditional duty of a project champion?

a. cheerleader

b. visionary

c. politician

d. technical understanding

38. Which of the following is a nontraditional role of a project champion?

a. cheerleader

b. leadership

c. administrative

d. control

39. In order to allocate costs more precisely, a company will assign ______________.

a. bar codes to each activity

b. activity codes to each subdeliverable

c. WBS codes to each activity

d. level 4 codes to each package element

40. Which of these statements about subdeliverables is best?

a. Subdeliverables have durations of their own.

b. Subdeliverables consume resources.

c. Subdeliverables have direct, assignable costs.

d. Subdeliverables summarize the outcomes of work packages.

41. A young professor becomes obsessed with the latest release of Halo and completely loses

sight of his research commitment to his colleagues, falling hopelessly behind schedule and

consuming 80% of the department’s computing budget. Addictive behavior notwithstanding,

this sad tale would never have happened had ____________.

a. configuration

controls been established

b. trend monitoring been regularly performed

c. design

controls been appropriately deployed

d. document control

been conducted assiduously

42. Systems for monitoring the project’s scope, schedule, and costs during the design stage fall

under the heading of _____________ control.

a. configuration

b. acquisition

c. design

d. specification 

43. As the 80th change order floated across his desk, the project manager wished that he had

kept the first seventy-nine. What money he had saved in scrap paper might as well be lost in

charges that could never be recouped from the client. What he needs is better ___________.

a. trend monitoring

b. configuration control

c. specification control

d. document control

44. Which step in project management requires project managers to consider the types of

records and reports they and their clients will require at the completion of the project?

a. project closeout

b. completion phase

c. reporting

d. planning

45. A priori consideration of information needs is performed ______________.

a. several years after a project is completed

b. before a project begins

c. at the start of a project

d. during the project

46. Conflict begins as team members begin to resist authority and demonstrate hidden agendas

and prejudices in the _____________ stage of

group development.

a. storming

b. performing

c. forming

d. norming

47. Everyone in the Tagi tribe agreed to vote out Gervasse at the next tribal council. Their 39-

day project to make it to the final four together was two steps away from completion. This

project group is in the ______________ stage of group development.

a. stormingb. performingc. formingd. norming

48. It appeared that everyone on the project team was finally on board; Jim would bring the

doughnuts to all team meetings and Jenny would make the coffee. Fully caffeinated and on

a sugar high, the team was coming together and fully committed to the project development

process. The team was now planted firmly in the _____________ stage of group development.

a. storming

b. forming

c. norming

d. performing

49. “Our work here is done,” the project leader shouted as he surveyed the scene. “Go home and

reflect on what you’ve accomplished and I’ll see you at the world premiere once we’re all

immortalized in a feature-length movie.” This project team is in the _____________ stage of

group development.

a. forming

b. norming

c. performing

d. adjourning

50. The use of electronic media including e-mail, internet and teleconferencing to link

geographically dispersed members creates a(n) ______________ team.

a. electronic

b. virtual

c. telegenic

d. cyber


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