HR related MCQs Exam

(1) A concern about political correctness is that it often leads to

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 A. creating too many categories of people.  

 B. blandness and imprecision in language.  

 C. making many people feel inferior.  

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 D. conflict between majority- and minority-group members. (2) According to the triarchic theory of intelligence, a person with good street smarts would be strong in the ____________ subtype of intelligence.


 A. analytical  

 B. practical  

 C. creative  

 D. multiple (3) A person with a high degree of self-management can readily


 A. react with appropriate anger to situations.  

 B. develop passion about the work he or she is performing.  

 C. respond to the unspoken feelings of others.  

 D. understand his or her own moods. (4) Tony rates high on positive affectivity. He is likely to be a(n)


 A. risk taker and thrill seeker.  

 B. pessimist.  

 C. optimist.  

 D. emotionally unstable. (5) An example of a cultural blooper would be for an American to


 A. pressure an Asian job applicant to brag about personal accomplishments.  

 B. deemphasize organizational rank when conducting business in Scandinavia.  

 C. upon first contact, address a French executive by title and last name.  

 D. give a small gift to a Japanese business associate. 


(6) Which of the following is not an aspect of cultural intelligence?


 A. personality (the psychological)  

 B. cognitive (the head)  

 C. emotional/motivational (the heart)  

 D. the body (physical) (7) When dealing with a person who is open to experience, it would be effective for you to


 A. appeal to the person’s intellect.  

 B. avoid presenting fresh information to him or her.  

 C. avoid talking about cultural trends.  

 D. talk about traditional approaches to solving problems.   

(8) Larry wants to be politically correct, so when introducing Janis Stewart, the vice president of marketing in his company, to friends at a party, he says, “I would like you to meet Janis Stewart,


 A. our woman vice president of marketing.”  

 B. the highest placed girl in our company.”  

 C. one of the best female minds in marketing.”  

 D. our vice president of marketing.”   (9) A conclusion based on many studies found that there was a tendency for relations-oriented diversity (such as race and gender) to lead to high performance in


 A. mills and mines.  

 B. prison settings.  

 C. manufacturing settings.  

 D. service industry settings. (10) Cultural fluency includes


 A. using a computer program to translate from one language into another.  

 B. wearing latex gloves to avoid germs when visiting other countries.  

 C. getting homesick on long visits overseas.  

 D. knowledge of the international business environment

 (11) The term individual differences refers to the fact that


 A. members of the same group behave approximately the same.  

 B. members of the same group often behave quite differently.  

 C. many individuals have personality problems.  

 D. many individuals have intellectual problems. 

(12) Jason scores high on the personality trait, openness. He most likely is


 A. well developed intellectually.  

 B. conscientious only on the job.  

 C. disagreeable in many situations.  

 D. emotionally unstable. (13) A major aspect of cultural sensitivity is a willingness to investigate


 A. the reasons why people from another culture act as they do.  

 B. why one dislikes people from another culture.  

 C. opportunities for overseas work.  

 D. opportunities for overseas travel (14) Manfred was raised in a culture with a strong value of social support seeking, so on the job he is likely to


 A. ask for help and comfort when facing a difficult problem.  

 B. take members of the custodial staff to lunch.  

 C. be persistent in asking for salary increases.  

 D. avoid assignments that would require him to work on weekends. (15) A recommended tactic for overcoming cross-cultural communication barriers would be to


 A. use the same nonverbal communication behaviors from one culture to another.  

 B. make extensive use of idioms and figures of speech.  

 C. use complicated language to capture the attention of the person from another culture.  

 D. be sensitive to differences in nonverbal communication. (16) The results of research studies suggests that employees the most likely to quit their job tend to be


 A. high on consciousness.  

 B. high on agreeableness.  

 C. low on openness to experience.  

 D. low on emotional stability. 

(17) The theory of multiple intelligences contends that people possess


 A. various ways of multiplying their intelligences.  

 B. two different types of intelligences, or faculties, in different degrees.  

 C. eight different intelligences, or faculties, in different degrees.  

 D. an almost unlimited number of intelligences. (18) In cross-cultural relations, being attentive to individual differences in appearance helps overcome the problem of


 A. confusing the identity of people from the same racial or ethnic group.  

 B. being politically correct.  

 C. appearing cold and distant to people from a different culture.  

 D. being too informal toward people of another culture. (19) Being a little pessimistic will often help job performance when


 A. worrying about negative outcomes is irrelevant.  

 B. positive interactions with work associates is essential.  

 C. prevention of problems is an asset.  

 D. being outgoing with people is a major part of the job.  (20) A contributing factor to the increased profits associated with diversity is that


 A. cultural diversity is used to justify lower wages.  

 B. the workforce is similar to the customer base in appearance and customs.  

 C. the conflict associated with diversity leads to better product decisions.  

 D. customers are usually willing pay higher prices to companies with a diverse workforce 

Set 2

1- A recommendation for improving listening skills is to


 A. judge delivery, not content.  

 B. restate what you hear.  

 C. let listening come more naturally.  

 D. listen for facts. 2- Multitasking in the presence of another person or persons can result in a positive display of interpersonal skills when the


 A. parties are of equal rank in the organization.  

 B. parties are of unequal rank in the organization.  

 C. parties are working close to each other physically.  

 D. purpose of the multitasking is to engage in joint problem solving. 3- To become a persuasive communicator,


 A. be adamant about selling your proposal.  

 B. speak in the second person.  

 C. do not listen to people’s objections.  

 D. establish a yes pattern at the outset 4- The purpose of nonverbal communication is to


 A. convey the feeling behind the message.  

 B. clarify the spoken word.  

 C. repeat the spoken word.  

 D. prevent the spoken word from being interpreted too literally. 5- Supervisor Barney often consults his BlackBerry while coaching people in his department. Most employees are likely to think that Barney


 A. cares about them enough to electronically record their conversation.  

 B. is on the fast track to the executive suite.  

 C. dislikes being a supervisor.  

 D. does not think they are very important. 


6- When in a vehicle with a coworker during working hours and you are driving, a positive interpersonal skill would be to


 A. avoid using your cell phone for calls or text messaging.  

 B. send the person with you a text message, just for fun.  

 C. make repeated calls, using hands-free equipment.  

 D. use your cell phone just when you have stopped your vehicle for a red light or stop sign. 7- To get a quick read, based on nonverbal cues, of a person’s happiness, look carefully at his or her


 A. hand gestures.  

 B. communication setting.  

 C. face.  

 D. physical distance from you. 8- Your manager discusses your job performance with you. She says, “Could you summarize for me what I’ve told you?” Your manager is attempting to overcome communication barriers by the method of


 A. asking for feedback.  

 B. appealing to human motivation.  

 C. being a positive person.  

 D. using multiple channels. 9- When you neatly organize your work area to appear efficient, you are using the form of nonverbal communication called


 A. personal space.  

 B. public distance. .  

 C. environment or setting.  

 D. work signals. 10- Should you have to take a cellphone call while interacting with a work associate, it is recommended that you


 A. take the call on the spot to avoid wasting time.  

 B. move about fifteen feet away to take the call.  

 C. use the speakerphone function so your work associate will understand the importance of the call.  

 D. invite your work associate to speak to the caller. 11- A recommended technique for dealing with a stressful conversation is to


 A. rehearse in advance what you intend to say.  

 B. use intimidation tactics during the conversation.  

 C. hold the conversation on Monday.  

 D. hold the conversation on Friday 12- Which of the following is not a recommended technique of participating in a webcam interview?


 A. Create an uncluttered area around your computer.  

 B. Place a bright light behind your back.  

 C. Dress as if you were having an in-person interview.  

 D. Place your face about six inches from the computer screen. 13- A recommended way of demonstrating positive interpersonal skills through social networking is to


 A. avoid embarrassing people by complimenting them on social networking sites.  

 B. post well-deserved criticisms of your employer  

 C. substitute online contact for almost all face-to-face contact.  

 D. establish meaningful contact with coworkers far and wide. 14- The aspect of nonverbal communication offering the clearest indication of interpersonal attitudes is


 A. facial expressions.  

 B. gestures.  

 C. interpersonal distance.  

 D. posture. 15- To help overcome communication barriers, after you receive a message,


 A. check for the feelings related to the message.  

 B. take the message at face value to avoid communicating distrust.  

 C. ask the sender to repeat the message twice.  

 D. immediately respond, “Are you telling me the truth?” 


16- With respect to taking medical or legal calls in the office on your cellphone,


 A. keep your cell phone at hand so you can take the call immediately.  

 B. take the call, but act as if you are angry because your work is interrupted.  

 C. advise work associates in advance that you might be receiving such a call.  

 D. politely tell your work associates to stop talking so you can better hear this important call. 17- Which of the following characteristics of a message is the least likely to encounter barriers?


 A. factual  

 B. complex  

 C. emotionally arousing  

 D. clashes with the receiver’s mental set 18- Which of the following is the least likely to contribute to persuasive communication?


 A. keeping your pitch about the same at the start and finish of a sentence  

 B. backing up conclusions with data  

 C. focusing on the screen rather than the audience during a slide presentation  

 D. getting a yes response early on 19- A recommended way of demonstrating positive interpersonal skills through social networking is to


 A. invite anybody you can find to be a friend or follower.  

 B. show loyalty by making gracious comments about your employer.  

 C. lower your level of writing skills to that of the silliest bloggers.  

 D. blitz managers in the company with flattering messages. 20- A major problem with accessing social networking sites for nonbusiness matters during working hours is that it will often be interpreted as a(n)


 A. overemphasis on technical skill in contrast to interpersonal skill.  

 B. desire to be fired.  

 C. sign of insensitivity and immaturity.  

 D. unsuccessful attempt at attaining a work and personal life balance. 

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