3. Write a code segment that will analyze a numeric value provided by the user to determine if he or she is short, average height, or tall. Make sure to include the following in your code: · Display the message “Please enter your height in feet.” to the user. · Use the ReadLine() method to obtain a value from the user. · Use the Parse() method to convert the user’s value to an appropriate data type for numeric comparisons. · Check to be sure the user entered a value greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than or equal to 8.0. · Use ElseIf statements to determine whether a user is short, average or tall. An input value of 0 up to but not including 5.0 feet is considered short. An input value of 5.0 up to but not including 6.0 feet is considered average height. Any height greater than or equal to 6.0 is considered tall. (Points : 25)

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4. Write a For loop that will display all numbers that are multiples of 10 from 0 to 100 and then display the average of the displayed numbers. (Points : 25)


5. (TCO 5) Visual Basic provides several types of loops. Answer the following questions with respect to For loops and Do While loops: – Explain the similarities between a For loop and a Do While loop. – When would you use one vs. the other? – Provide an example of a For loop. – Provide an example of a Do While loop. (Points : 25)

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6. (TCO 12) What error will occur when executing the following code? Explain fully how you get to your answer. What change(s) should be made to eliminate the error(s) you found? Dim answer As Integer Dim randomNumberArray() As Integer = {2, 13, 4, 67, 23} ReDim Preserve randomNumberArray (3) answer = randomNumberArray (4) System.Console.WriteLine(answer) (Points : 25)


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