Medical coding

ICd-9-Cm code ith poa indicator and ICD-9-Cm procedures codes. Patient was admitted with severe abdominal pain. a history of bleeding, but never sever. Patient because of systoms underwent emergency laparotomy to repair the perforation in the antrum of the stomach by suturing. The physcian states: acute peptic ulcer with perforation and bleeding. Also, patient with chronic systolic congestive heart failure was admitted because of melena. Patient had EGD with biopsy of the stomach and duodenum. ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes and ICD-9_cm procedure codes

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A patient with hypertension was admitted to thje hosp[ital for cholecystectomy. The patient underwent an open cholecystectomy with exploration of the common ducrt and choledocholithotomy. Final diagnostic statment : 1. Acute and chronic cholecystitis with choledocholithiasis and cholelitiasis. 2. Hypertension.  ICd-9-Cm diagnosis codes and ICD-9-Cm Procedure codes. A patient with vomiting, diarrhea and growth failure. discharge ws eosinophilic allergic gastroentertis and colitis.  Also, Extensive diverticulitis of sigmoid colon with perforation: obstruction of right colon and proximal tranverse colon Crohn’s disease. Procedure Exploratory laparotomy sigmoid colectomyu;extended right hemicollectomy;permanent colostomy

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