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 1. ” PRISM is a tool used by the US National Security Agency (NSA) to collect private electronic data belonging to users of major internet services like Gmail, Facebook, Outlook, and others.It allows the NSA to request data on specific people from major technology companies like Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, and others. The US government insists that it is only allowed to collect data when given permission by the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. How is stopping this program going to improve intelligence?
2. okay with the government snooping into every aspect of your life? Why? Are you actually willing to trade your Constitutional liberties for a little security?
3. Do you think anyone during the Boston Marathon suspected a guy walking around with a backpack would have been carrying a bomb?
4. If the best thing that we can do is to continue to secure our borders. What about the home-grown terrorists? What about the converts to Islam. What about those people whose ideological affiliations and beliefs changed after having obtained legitimate status within the country? What about second and third generation citizens who have maintained strong ties to those abroad? Also, not all terrorism is “Islamist” or “Jihadist”. There are other motives. What about those that are motivated by right-wing politics (e.g. anti-abortion)?
5. There are about 745,000 names in the TIDE database (Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment). Tamerlan Tsarnaev was placed on this list in 2011 when he was interviewed by the FBI in 2011 based on the Russian intelligence inquiry. In 2012, he was also placed on a list managed by DHS’s Customs and Border Protection bureau, which flagged his visit to Russia in January 2012. And yet, there he was, running around Boston setting off bombs with his brother.
The information was out there and was shared, but we still missed him. Thoughts?
6. Will educating the public on the ills of terrorism in the USA help curb the activities of the terrorist? Who would do the educating? Does it start in the schools? If so, how young? How do we balance awareness and knowledge with fear?

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