Personal Narrative

Assignments: Personal Narrative

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This writing assignment involves writing your Personal Narrative. Once you draft your essay and revise, you may submit it for feedback. The feedback will help you write the final draft; your final draft will be graded.

Option #1: A Life-Changing Moment 

Think of a specific experience that had a huge impact on you–something that really changed your life in some way (winning the state championship, riding your first roller coaster, surviving a car accident, going on your first date, etc.). Then, write a narrative about that experience. Use time, dialogue, descriptive details, and one point of view to tell the story. Make sure that it has an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The conclusion should explain how this event changed you.

Option #2: Crossroads 

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We have all been in situations where we have had to make crucial choices–choices that affected us in potentially life-changing ways (going back to school, buying a house, having a child, choosing a college, etc.). Write a narrative describing this type of situation. Use time, dialogue, descriptive details, and a single point of view to describe the situation, making sure that you explain what caused it, what decision you made, and how that decision impacted you. Make sure that it has an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In your conclusion, you will want to consider whether your choice was the best one for you and thoroughly explain your response.

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