Please watch Rimsky- Korsakov: SHEHERAZADE on Briefly describe the setting for this event. Who was/were the musician(s) involved? What instrument(s) were used? [Note: a drawing of the orchestra sitting plan may be very useful when answering this point.] Choose one or two of the works you heard. Briefly describe at least these characteristics of the work(s): the style, form, subject-matter, and other elements we’ve discussed in class. Who was the composer? Is there a particular aspect that you found interesting and worth discussing? What were your personal reactions to the event AND to the work or works you’ve chosen? (e.g., like, dislike, disgust, boredom, ecstasy, etc.) Why do you think that you reacted that way? Discuss. Do you think it was performed effectively? [Note: There are no “right” answers to it!] The concert will be performed on Monday the 14th in Chicago Synphony Center