Criminal Justice 6

 Week 6 Assignment: Sentencing Paper
 Purpose of Assignment Students compare the four philosophical reasons for sentencing criminals. Students are also required to provide an explanation of the six forms of punishment, explain the relationship between sentencing and punishment in today’s courts, and provide recommendations for how to modify the sentencing process to reduce recidivism rates.
 Written Assignment Grading Form for Sentencing Paper, Due in Week Six Content and Development 95 PointsPoints EarnedXX/95 Additional Comments:All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. ·The paper is 700to 1,050 words in length.·The student compares the four philosophical reasons for sentencing criminals.·The student includes the following: oAn explanation of the six forms of punishmentoThe relationship between sentencing and punishment in today’s courtsoRecommendations for how to modify the sentencing process to reduce recidivism rates  The content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive.The paper develops a central theme or idea directed toward the appropriate audience.The paper links theory to relevant examples and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly.Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically.The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.  Readability and Style 16 PointsPoints EarnedXX/16 Additional Comments:Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper. The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.Sentences are well constructed, strong, and varied.Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.  Mechanics 14 PointsPoints EarnedXX/14 Additional Comments:The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements. Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page.Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.Spelling is correct.  Total 125 PointsPoints EarnedXX/125Overall Comments:     

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