Service Request SR-rm-004, Part 1

Riordan Manufacturing

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Description of Request:


Analyze the HR system to integrate the existing variety of tools in use today into a single integrated application.


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Background of Request:


We would like to take advantage of a more sophisticated, state-of-the art, information systems technology in our Human Resources department.


Expected Results/Impact when completed:


Define the business requirements for the development of an HR system to support the objective of this request. Create a detailed project plan that provides a list of all the tasks, resources, schedule and budget required to complete the project. The project should be completed in approximately six months, so the new system can be utilized in the second quarter of next year.


Service Request SR-rm-004, Part 1


The final individual paper for this class is comprised of three sections and due in Week Four. One section of the paper is due each week.

Using the Service Request SR-rm-004, analyze HR system, and prepare a 4-6 page paper that accomplishes the following:


o Describe the information-gathering techniques and design methods you would propose to use for the project.


o Identify the key factors that help ensure the information required for the project is gathered successfully.


o Explain the scope and feasibility of the project.

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