Write a persuasive resume for the attached job.

Due by Feb 25th 1:00 AM Eastern Time (6 hours from now)

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Attached is my current resume.  The file is named “Resume Upload.”  Attached is the job I am applying for.  The file is named “Store General Manager.”  Edit my resume to make it more persuasive.  Also attached are an example persuausive resume and readings on how to make a more persuasive resume.


Purpose: To create a resume that gets you job that you want. Think of it this way: if you want a $45K job, you need to create a resume that is worth $45KPrepare a persuasive resume. A persuasive resume highlights your skills and accomplishments in an audience-centered way. You lead the reader by showing him/her why he or she should hire you.

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Business Communication, MGT309

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

How to Create a Persuasive Resume

Writing that Works (2010). Oliu, Brusaw, & Alred

I have an important question for you…How much money is your resume worth? It’s worth what your potential employer will pay for your services. What is your target salary…say it out loud now.  For the sake of our virtual environment, let’s say your resume is worth 45K. Think about that….that means your resume, that document is worth 45 thousand dollars. Whew…we have some very important work to do.
Take a moment now, and write down the first job you want to have after you graduate and then write down the job title at the pinnacle of your career.
Register with your school’s placement office. Work to keep your resume to one full page. Emphasize information that is relevant to the job you want, is recent (last
three years), and shows your superiority to other applicants. Organize to the power positions on the page. Use strong active verbs to start your bullet points. To create a scannable résumé, create a “plain vanilla” text; use keywords. Respond to the employer in the way they ask for the application package.  You are being judged on your ability to follow directions. Remove any unprofessional material from your personal Web page, blog, and social networking sites. Always be honest in your résumé.

Persuasive Resume
Be audience-centered!

As you know, at this point, it is all about the audience. It’s about who is reading the document and how they understand you. You need to language to that brain – that filter – that perspective.
Once again, we talk about audience-centeredness; I want to remind you to ponder these things: demographics, psychographics, culture, needs, drives & desires, fears, desire to connect, and receptiveness to my message. Also remember to reference the questions to ask yourself in the process of audience-analysis.
You can get a job with a bad resume…why? Because beauty and appropriateness is in the eye of the reader. The higher the performance standard of the reader, the higher performance is expected of your document and of you too, of course.

What Makes a Resume Persuasive?
Non-verbals (How they appear on a page)
How well you know yourself – self awareness
Shows confidence
Attention to detail

You have about 15 to 30 seconds to impress them.
What is a persuasive resume? It is an audience-centered resume that is engineered to influence the reader, not manipulate, but persuade. And to influence them, you have only seconds. Research differs on the number of seconds, but you have maybe 15 to 30 seconds.
Here’s what I use to do. First thing one morning, I’d get my coffee and sit down with the stack of application packages, and start reading. I’d pick up the first one, read it in a moment, and place it in the yes pile, the no pile or the maybe pile. The ‘no’s’ never get looked at again. The ‘maybe’s I review and pull out depending on how many are in the ‘yes’ pile. Then I review the ‘yes’s confirming I want to call them. Then I make the invitation phone calls. (Do not wait until Monday to do this)
You are persuasive by…
Your organization choices.
The non-verbals of neatness & error-free.
Where you locate information – We’ll talk about that next slide
How aligned you are to the objective. In my opinion, objectives are not optional. Again, I’ll explain next slide.
How specific your bulleted information is to the objective.

Here are three keys:
You need an objective. The objective answers the question ‘why.” It tells the reader WHY you are applying for THIS job. EVERYTHING below is to be in alignment with your intention. This is persuasive. (Now you see why it’s so important to understand your personal goal.) – Keep this short, brief single sentence and not a paragraph.
Second, notice the drawn block. This is the most persuasive area on the page. Our eyes go here first, so you are to strategically locate your most impactful persuasive influential information here. Therefore, I tell students to put their education here. It’s new, it’s fresh and it sets you apart in the marketplace.
Strategically decide the size of a section. The more weight you give it, the more power it has. So, that means, you are not the create lots and lots of sections that are all similar in size. You don’t want your education section the same size as your Community Service section, etc.
You need to spend lots of time reviewing resume’s…lots and lots. And you need to get to know yourself.


You need to get to know yourself, the more you know yourself the more you can craft a beautiful persuasive resume. The better you can craft a smart application letter and the more you can WOW them in an interview.

Prepare – What sets me apart?
On the job
How did you make the company better?
On volunteer experiences
How did you make society better?


Prepare – Ask yourself
Do you enjoy working with people, data or things?
Would you like to work for someone else or yourself?
How important is salary, benefits, technology or stability?
Would you rather work for a corporation or a company?
How would you describe the perfect job?


More Questions to Ask Yourself
What do I want them to do?
What objections do they have?
What is my credibility?
What cultural influences are there?
What is the best approach – emotional, logical or both?

Before you enter a persuasive engagement you need to ask yourself these questions as each answer impacts your persuasive strategy.
What do I want them to do? – Business is about action.
What objections do they have? – People come to an experience with preconceived opinions and bias. The more you know the better the connection and influence.
What is my credibility? People follow those they trust.
What cultural influences are there? We are shaped by our experiences. Do your best to understand what might influence others.
What is the best approach, emotional, logical or both? In deciding your approach, consider the balance of emotion. The common phrase is persuade with emotion and justify with logic.

First – Prepare

Business Communication, MGT309
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Writing that Works (2010). Oliu, Brusaw, & Alred

You need to get to know yourself, the more you know yourself the more you can craft a beautiful persuasive resume. The better you can craft a smart application letter and the more you can WOW them in an interview.

Prepare :
What sets me apart?
How did you make the company better?
How did you make society better?

Here a question that you need to be able to answer – What sets you apart?
My suggestion is for you to write the answers to the following. If you want you can even do that now, just pause the video while you write.
What are your strengths? In other words, what you are you good at…write down the big things and the little things too. Make a long list. Don’t cull them –just write. Ask your friends and your parents too, they’ll bring you wonderful insights.
What are your talents? This is easier for some over others. I have a friend who has a beautiful singing voice – her talent is obvious. One of my talents is not-so-obvious – I am good at arranging things. Don’t hesitate to list things that your brain tells you is odd. Think over the negative thoughts.
What do you care about? Your passion. Your interests. For example, maybe, you care about sustainability so you take care to recycle. This often connects to your values.
What is your personality? That too affects your choices…are you an extravert or an introvert.
What are you limitations? We all have them. Know what they are…don’t hide from them.
Think about to previous job or group experiences, how did you make that organization better. Remember, the resume and application letter is about your contributions.

Ask yourself
Do you enjoy working with people, data or things?
Would you like to work for someone else or yourself?
How important is salary, benefits, technology or stability?
Would you rather work for a corporation or a company?
How would you describe the perfect job?

Here are an additional 5 questions to answer to get to know yourself.
Do you enjoy working with people, data or things?
Would you like to work for someone else or yourself?
How important is salary, benefits, technology or stability?
Would you rather work for a corporation or a company?
How would you describe the perfect job?

Second – Execute.
Create the document

Now we are turning our attention to getting the job done. We want educated ourselves on some new information and we now know ourselves better, so let’s craft this document.

Step 1:
Decide what job or job area you want.
What are the characteristics of this industry? Job?
What are the skills needed?
What are the strengths needed?

Think on these questions. Stop now and write down your answers to them.
Customer service
Fast-pace environment
Analytical skills
Attention to detail
Communications skills
Work ethic
Interpersonal Skills

Step 2:
Decide which format is attractive to you.
Look at other resumes. What presentation is attractive to you?
Don’t use a Microsoft Word Template.
How do you want to express yourself?

In order to live in your authenticity, you need to study other resumes. You need to KNOW what is attractive to you. What is the best way to represent you.
Do you want a chronological format illustrating a from here to here experience.
Or, do you want to create a skills format resume – one that focuses on transferable skills?
Or, you could create a combined picture.
Review formats – what do you like? Additionally, don’t use a Microsoft Word Template. You are welcome to review them; however, they nonverbally communicate ‘no’ creativity. Don’t say that. And, for our experience, they make crafting your personal picture hard to do. Don’t use them.
Timeline, current to oldest
Unconventional path
Changing fields
Combine experience
Hides gaps

Step 3:
What do I want located in the power position?
What is the most persuasive qualifier that I have?


Step 4:
Type your document.
Do –
Use an organized, easy to read approach. Remember, you only have seconds to impress.
Make it beautiful on the page.

Don’t –
Use ‘crazy’ fonts
Use I
Use a template
Use a summary section
List every single job you ever had
Use complete sentences
Miss the power play in positioning & bolding
“References Available Upon Request”



Languages/Study Abroad
Computer Skills
Volunteerism/Community Service
Academic Projects
Related Coursework

Use Smart Sectioning

Do not do a summary section

Use concise, strong, active language
Think –
Action. Business is performance.
Use emotional word pictures
Be specific.
Increased production capability by 10% resulting in 50K in revenue.
…and AVOID saying “Responsible for the success of the production team”
Start with an action verb.


Step 5:
Bold & Proofread to perfection!
Bold your transferrable information, like job titles and the names of your degrees
Tell your story at 100%.


Business Communication, MGT309

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

How to Create a Persuasive Resume

Writing that Works (2010). Oliu, Brusaw, & Alred

I have an important question for you…How much money is your resume worth? It’s worth what your potential employer will pay for your services. What is your target salary…say it out loud now.  For the sake of our virtual environment, let’s say your resume is worth 45K. Think about that….that means your resume, that document is worth 45 thousand dollars. Whew…we have some very important work to do.
Take a moment now, and write down the first job you want to have after you graduate and then write down the job title at the pinnacle of your career.
Register with your school’s placement office. Work to keep your resume to one full page. Emphasize information that is relevant to the job you want, is recent (last
three years), and shows your superiority to other applicants. Organize to the power positions on the page. Use strong active verbs to start your bullet points. To create a scannable résumé, create a “plain vanilla” text; use keywords. Respond to the employer in the way they ask for the application package.  You are being judged on your ability to follow directions. Remove any unprofessional material from your personal Web page, blog, and social networking sites. Always be honest in your résumé.

Hook, Salting &
Emotional Word Pictures

One of my favorite books is Mentored by a Millionaire by Steven Scott. And according to Stephen Scott, there are three components of a persuasive message. The hook, salting and emotional word pictures. Let’s talk about these three items.

A great hook successfully takes your mind out of the past or future and hooks you right into the moment and into the conversation. Now I’ve got your attention.

Steven Scott tell this story in his book to help us understand a hook.
Two neighbors were outside in their backyards. One was moving the grass and his wife was in the kitchen fixing lunch. He could smell the hamburgers cooking over the smell of fresh grass. The other was preparing for a fishing trip; he was testing his fishing gear and practicing his casting. In one particular cast, the line and hook went over the fence and hooked the other neighbor, the one moving his grass, in the nose….OUCH. Now, where is his lawnmower…who knows, right, at this moment all he cares about is the hook in his nose. ………….That’s a HOOK. Bring them present…to the moment…to you.

Ever heard, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink?” Scott says, that you can make him drink.
Just feed him a few oats beforehand and put lots of salt on the oats. Why? Because salt makes you thirsty!

The purpose of salting is to keep an audience-member’s attention as our attention naturally waxes and wanes. Keep attention by creating curiosity or a creating a feeling of anticipation in the listener.

Emotional Word Pictures
An emotional word picture is a word, a statement, or a story that creates an instant picture in listener’s minds that clarifies what you are trying to say and implants a feeling into their emotions.

We connect with one another using words. So use words the others best understand (which means you need to understand them aka audience-centeredness). Use words to create pictures and stories. Here’s a list to help you in selecting effective languaging.
Passions, hobbies, interests of the other person
Memorable events or current events
Everyday objects of familiarity to them
Nature images
Imaginary stories

6 Principles of Persuasion

Robert Cialdini wrote Harnessing the Power of Persuasion, for Harvard Business Review, and in the article he detailed 6 principles of persuasion. Let’s talk about these principles so you can apply them to your writing.

Liking –
People like those who like them.
Action: Uncover the real similarities and offer genuine praise.
Win friends
People stand physically closer to one another after learning they shared political beliefs & social values.
Establish the bond early and it will carry you forward.

We are social animals. We want to be liked and we want to like others. Steven Scott calls says the same thing differently – he says we want to love and be loved. This desire of life impacts our decision-making.
Think of how you can language using liking.


Reciprocity –
People repay in kind.
Action: Give what you want to receive.
Smile at someone, watch them smile back.
Managers can elicit the desired behavior from coworkers & employees by displaying it first. Whether it’s a sense of trust, a spirit of cooperation, or a pleasant demeanor, leaders model the behavior they want to see in others.

Another principle is reciprocity. Have you ever been given a Christmas gift and not had a gift to give that person in return. Ugh. That feels bad doesn’t it. That’s reciprocity.
Again, think about how you can employ this component of persuasion.

Social Proof –
People follow the lead of similar others.
Action: Use peer power whenever it’s available.
Social creatures that we are, human beings rely heavily on the people around them for cues on how to think, feel & act.
Persuasion can be extremely effective when it comes from peers.
Again, influence is often best exerted horizontally rather than vertically.

We are social animals. We learn by viewing others and mimic those that we trust and believe to be worthy. Think about the ways in which persuasion is in how we influence those within our in group – those who have credibility with us.

Consistency –
People align with their clear commitments.
Action: Make their commitments active, public & voluntary.
Take a stand and stick to it.
Once spoken out loud or written (made explicit), it’s more powerful.
So be verbal and publicly visible.

We make decisions from our values which are our commitments. Look at others intentions to understand what they care about. What they care about is what they think about.

Authority –
People refer to the experts.
Action: Expose your expertise; don’t assume it’s self-evident.
“Believe an expert.” That may or may not be a good advise, but it’s what we do.
Leaders are to ensure they establish their own expertise before they work to influence.
Display your awards & credentials.
In a social engagement, lightly touch on your experience in a natural way.

People give power to authority, sometimes without question.
Sometimes I show a video in class of a professional-looking boss and a underperforming employee. The video shows two meetings of the two company representatives. The boss is calm cool and collected. The subordinate looses her emotional control and is rude, loud and hostile. She even pulls a no show for a scheduled time with the boss. Ouch. Interesting is when I show this video all the students in class, immediately say ‘fire her, she’s awful.’ I smile and acknowledge her poor behavior. Then, I reshow the video and point out all the communication mistakes buried within the boss’s seemingly professional manner. The audience sees how quickly they gave power to the ‘boss’ without questioning and without even knowing the reasons for communication mistakes.

Making Your Resume Persuasive

Hook, Salting &
Emotional Word Pictures

One of my favorite books is “Mentored by a Millionaire” by Steven Scott. And according to Stephen Scott, there are three components of a persuasive message. The hook, salting and emotional word pictures. Let’s talk about these three items.

A great hook successfully takes your mind out of the past or future and hooks you right into the moment and into the conversation. Now I’ve got your attention.

Steven Scott tells this story in his book to help us understand a hook.
Two neighbors were outside in their backyards. One was moving the grass and his wife was in the kitchen fixing lunch. He could smell the hamburgers cooking over the smell of fresh grass. The other was preparing for a fishing trip; he was testing his fishing gear and practicing his casting. In one particular cast, the line and hook went over the fence and hooked the other neighbor, the one moving his grass, in the nose….OUCH. Now, where is his lawnmower…who knows, right, at this moment all he cares about is the hook in his nose. ………….That’s a HOOK. Bring them present…to the moment…to you.

Ever heard, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink?” Scott says, that you can make him drink.
Just feed him a few oats beforehand and put lots of salt on the oats. Why? Because salt makes you thirsty!

We are aware that our attention naturally waxes and wanes. The purpose of salting is to keep our audience-members’ attention by creating curiosity or by creating a feeling or sense of anticipation in the listener.

Emotional Word Pictures
An emotional word picture is a word, a statement, or a story that creates an instant picture in listener’s minds that clarifies what you are trying to say and implants a feeling into their emotions.

We connect with one another using words, so use words the other best understand (which means you need to understand them aka audience-centeredness). Use words to create pictures and stories. Here’s a list to help you in selecting effective languaging.
Passions, hobbies, interests of the other person
Memorable events or current events
Everyday objects of familiarity to them
Nature images
Imaginary stories

6 Principles

Robert Cialdini wrote Harnessing the Power of Persuasion, for Harvard Business Review, and in the article he detailed 6 principles of persuasion. Let’s talk about these principles so you can apply them to your writing.

Liking –
People like those who like them.
Action: Uncover the real similarities and offer genuine praise.
Win friends
People stand physically closer to one another after learning they shared political beliefs & social values.
Establish the bond early and it will carry you forward.

We are social animals. We want to be liked and we want to like others. Steven Scott says the same thing differently – he says we want to love and be loved. This desire of life impacts our decision-making.
Think of how you can language using the principle of liking.


Reciprocity –
People repay in kind.
Action: Give what you want to receive.
Smile at someone, watch them smile back.
Managers can elicit the desired behavior from coworkers & employees by displaying it first. Whether it’s a sense of trust, a spirit of cooperation, or a pleasant demeanor, leaders model the behavior they want to see in others.

Another principle is reciprocity. Have you ever been given a Christmas gift and not had a gift to give that person in return? Ugh. That feels bad, doesn’t it? That’s reciprocity.
Again, think about how you can employ this component of persuasion.

Social Proof –
People follow the lead of similar others.
Action: Use peer power whenever it’s available.
Social creatures that we are, human beings rely heavily on the people around them for cues on how to think, feel & act.
Persuasion can be extremely effective when it comes from peers.
Again, influence is often best exerted horizontally rather than vertically.

We are social animals. We learn by viewing others and mimic those that we trust and believe to be worthy. Think about the ways in which persuasion is in how we influence those within our in group – those who have credibility with us.

Consistency –
People align with their clear commitments.
Action: Make their commitments active, public & voluntary.
Take a stand and stick to it.
Once spoken out loud or written (made explicit), it’s more powerful.
So be verbal and publicly visible.

We make decisions from our values which are our commitments. Look at others intentions to understand what they care about. What they care about is what they think about.

Authority –
People refer to the experts.
Action: Expose your expertise; don’t assume it’s self-evident.
“Believe an expert.” That may or may not be good advise, but it’s what we do.
Leaders are to ensure they establish their own expertise before they work to influence.
Display your awards & credentials.
In a social engagement, lightly touch on your experience in a natural way.

People give power to authority, sometimes without question.
Sometimes I show a video in class of a professional-looking boss and a underperforming employee. The video shows two meetings of the two company representatives. The boss is calm cool and collected. The subordinate looses her emotional controls and is rude, loud and hostile. She even pulls a no show for a scheduled time with the boss. Ouch. Interesting is when I show this video all the students in class, immediately say ‘fire her, she’s awful.’ I smile and acknowledge her poor behavior. Then, I reshow the video and point out all the communication mistakes buried within his seemingly professional manner. The audience sees how quickly they gave power to the ‘boss.’

How to Write a Persuasive Application Letter

Business Communication, MGT309

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Writing that Works (2010). Oliu, Brusaw, & Alred

Hello Class: Welcome to the presentation on ‘How to write a persuasive application letter.’ The purpose (direct) of an application letter is to get the reader to read your resume. The purpose of the resume is to get them to invite you to an interview.
Let’s talk about the dos and don’ts of an application letter – also called a cover letter.

Application Letter

Be audience-centered!

As you know, at this point, it’s all about the audience – about who is reading the document and how they understand you. You need to language to that brain – that filter – that perspective.
A frequent mistake in crafting an application letter is in talking too much about self…no I did this and I did that. Well, this letter is really not about you, it’s about your contribution. Its about how you can contribute to the organization to help the organization be better. Its quite an important distinction to make when you write.

Application letter

Address the letter to a person
Know the values (corporate culture) of the organization
Show your personality – carefully
Be straightforward and fact-based, positive and upbeat
Be specific

Here’s a list of Do’s.
One – address the letter to a person. Show the organization that you have the fortitude to ‘figure out’ to who address the documents to. Look at the company’s website directory. You can call the company and ask. If you cannot find out who to address the document, be more sophisticated than ‘to whom it may concern.’
Two – connect to the organization on their values. Study the advertisement to discover what is really important…Identify the top three and then talk about those 3 times as the 3 body points in your letter.
Three – The reader wants to know who you are; they are anticipating working with you. Let them know you, but carefully. Remember, create your personal brand.
Four – In your describing yourself, be honest and straightforward. Stay positive.
Five – Be specific. Vague or blanket sentences don’t tell you story. Remember to tell your persuasive story. Be specific.

Write shorter email cover letters
Use a friendly, conversational tone
Good word choices
Fill most of the page – not too short or too long
Follow protocol in delivery
Be error free
Application letter

Write shorter email cover letters. Keep the reader from having to scroll to read your message.
Write in conversational style – not formal or informal. Write to the middle. Sometimes, you want to research. If it’s a very formal organization, as in the case of a lawyer’s office, political office, you might want to use formal language.
Be smart about your word choices. Use words that connect to the reader. Use words that their brain can see or feel (the way you want them to see and feel). They are called emotional word pictures.
In a letter (not email), fill most of the page. A letter too short communicates that you don’t have enough to say (even though that may not be true).
Demonstrate that you can follow directions from the beginning by following protocol in delivery – if they say email – email, if they say mail it, mail it.
And of course, proofread till it’s error free.

Application Letter
Restate your resume
Write too much
Write too friendly or cutesy or with passive voice

Restate your resume. You insult your reader by reading to them. Tell them additional information.
Don’t write too much. Too much self-disclosure is uncomfortable to them. And, by the way, too little causes distrust.
Stay in business tone – not too friendly or cutesy or passive. Show your confidence.

Basic Application Letter Construct
5 Paragraph Letter Format

*I want the job. Thesis statement & set up points 1, 2, 3.

Topic sentence. Supporting evidence.

Topic sentence. Supporting evidence.
Topic sentence. Supporting evidence.

*I request an interview. You may reach me at….

While there are multiple ways to approach writing an application letter, we focus on the 5 paragraph Letter construction and I expect your work to be in the 5 paragraph construct.
You need an introduction that states you want the job. You need a body that describes how you have the ‘things’ they require and conclude with asking for an interview and offering your contact information. The next three slides offer more details on the sections.


Application Letter Construct
Introduction –
State you’re apply for the job
If possible state some-kind-of connection to the organization
State a summary sentence (thesis)
Spark interest. Create curiosity.
Audience-centered attitude

The introduction of an application letter is as important as all other first impressions. Remember, they are feeling you as they read, so create the experience through your words that you want them to have.
In the intro,
Be direct (remember that means telling upfront what you want – your purpose). State the job and your interest. Saying what you want in an assertive manner demonstrates confidence.
If you have a connection with that organization, talk about that, but be every-so-brief.
State a summary sentence – All communications need a thesis statement. And in that thesis statement inform the reader regarding specific focus – preview the 3 items you will detail in the body.
Create curiosity. Build their interest in you the way you language.
Remember, once again, I tell you – be audience-centered. It’s about your contribution, not you.
Oh, and, this paragraph is NOT to be the longest one on the page. Typically it the second smallest with the conclusion being the smallest.


Application Letter Construct
Choose your points by studying the advertisement and selecting the top three requirements. Write to how you have these three.
Be thinking:
How do I set myself apart?

The key to getting called for an interview is in the connection you make in your letter. The winning strategy is to understand your employer’s top 3 qualification requirements and write to those items. Here’s how.
Study their advertisement. What requirement did they list first? That is a powerful indicator of what they see as most important. Second, look for the patterns…what did they say over and over in differing way. Study the solicitation till you pick the top three requirements. These are the three you will write to in your application letter. That is audience-centeredness.
I want to tell you about two successes this past fall. One of my business communication students asked me to help him apply for an internship. We’ll he, at this point, has been with me two terms so he knew a lot already. But we sat down twice and worked on his documents. Turns out he had 4 opportunities to apply to. He told me two weeks later, that all four asked him for an interview and all four offered him a job. How great is that. He had his pick and choose the internship that offered him an international experience. Awesome. We’ll the good news, does not stop here.
At the same time, another student asked me to work more on his resume and application letter as he too had an internship to apply to. When I sat down with him, I saw it was the same initial internship as my other student. I worked with him too create his best documents as well. I did not tell him I knew one of his competitors. Turns out they offered him the internship too, and he accepted.
I am here to tell you, know what they are looking for and demonstrate how you can deliver this requirement.

Application Letter Construct
Ask for an interview. Give your contact information.
End on a positive, forward-looking note.

The Conclusion
It’s simple – ask for the interview and give your contact information with a goodwill statement. You want to make it easy for them to find you.

How to Write a Persuasive Application Letter
Business Communication, MGT309
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Writing that Works (2010). Oliu, Brusaw, & Alred

Thank you.

Template: Persuasive Application Letter

(You are required to use this format.   And too, be sure you read the page on Persuasive Job Search Organization. )


Your Name
Your Street Address
Your City, State & Zip


Contact’s Name
Contact’s Job Title
Contact’s Company Name
Contact’s Street Address, Suite #
Company City, State, Zip

Dear Mr./Ms. Contact,

The first paragraph connects to purpose – tell the reader why you’re contacting him/her and how you came to know of the position. This statement is to be quick & simple and catchy. A last line is to give a brief synopsis of who you are and why you want the position framed towards the audience – not you, maybe name 3 body point items.

Item one – topic sentence – use the same word that you spoke as the intention (that’s being in integrity). And a couple of sentences that tell the story of evidence. Use Emotional Word Pictures for persuasion.

Item one – topic sentence – use the same word that you spoke as the intention (that’s being in integrity). And a couple of sentences that tell the story of evidence. Use Emotional Word Pictures for persuasion.
Item one – topic sentence – use the same word that you spoke as the intention (that’s being in integrity). And a couple of sentences that tell the story of evidence. Use Emotional Word Pictures for persuasion.

The final paragraph (of usually two-three sentences) is a cordial exit, a request for an interview, and your contact information. (Write nearly a full-page.)


Full Name

Student A. Resume
1000 Spring Garden Drive

Greensboro, NC 27215
336.XXX.XXXX abcdefg@uncg.edu

Objective Job title at Company X


The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

December 2011

Related Courses: Management, Communications, Economics, Mathematics,
Accounting, Finance, Marketing, English, Information Systems Management

Customer Service Experience

Southbound Sandwich Works, Burlington NC
Cook/Cashier/Manager February 2004 – October 2007

 Learned basic co-worker relations, as well as basic fundamentals for strong work ethic.

 Developed basic public relation skills.

 Responsible for reports, inventory, currency, employee hours, employee schedules, and
employee conflict.

 Learned how to run a business at a young age, and manage conflict efficiently.

TastyServing Grill, Greensboro NC
Server October 2007 – January 2009

 Developed public speaking skills.
 Received countless hours of public relations.
 Expanded communication skills.
 Increased co-worker relation skills.
 Advanced responsibility and accountability.
 Growth of accuracy.
 Multiple “employee of month” awards.

Server, Outback Steakhouse, Greensboro NC , January 2009 – Present

 Fine tuned public relations skills.

 Extensive people skills.

 Extensive public speaking abilities.

 Matured accuracy of communication.

 Cordial and extremely polite.

 Increased patience, reliability, initiative.

 Multiple performance awards.


Comment [h1]: Be sure your name has the
‘right’ balance – not too big or small. Too big =
arrogance, too little = under-confident

Comment [h2]: Made smaller – info not

Comment [h3]: Pursuing an occupation in

Comment [h4]: Delete (UNCG)
Greensboro, NC

Comment [h5]: Bold your degree not where you
got it from

Comment [h6]: No value to reader – instead…
Concentration: Business Studies

Comment [h7]: Don’t underline – it’s clutter
Indent under Ed

Comment [h8]: redo

Comment [h9]: Feb – use three letters for all

Comment [h10]: Bullets are about your
contribution not what you received!

Comment [h11]: Bullets to one line
Why are the bullets so different from here and then

Comment [h12]: Bold the job titles

Comment [h13]: Takes up too much valuation
space like this

Comment [h14]: Again, bullets are to be about
what you contribute NOT what you received.

Comment [h15]: What does this mean?

Comment [h16]: Detail when and what the
achievement was – no blanket statements

Comment [h17]: Redo like this for persuasion

Comment [h18]: These are about what you’ve
received (mostly). The bullets are to be about
your contribution

Comment [h19]: No claim – tell the specifics.

Comment [h20]: Again, a claim. Vague and

Computer: Microsoft Office 2007 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Public Relations
Language: Spanish (read and speak partially)

References: Available upon Request

Comment [h21]: Resume is facts not opinion

Comment [h22]: Not attractive

Comment [h23]: NO
** References available upon request**


Address Line 1

Address Line 2

Phone: ###-###-####


Garden Center Supervisor (22 Jan 2011-Present)

Ft Bragg South Post Main Exchange

· Ensures employees have required training

· Discusses performance evaluation with employees

· Works with manager to plan specials, events, and coordinate store projects with employees

· Works with reports such as 52 Weeks No Sale, Negative On Hands, and Worldwide % Majority

Cashier Cage (23 Jan 2010- 21 Jan 2011)

Ft Bragg North Post Main Exchange

· Responsible for counting, balancing, and reconciling all register tills used during the day

· Separates paper work and sends each to the right receiver

· Submits deposit for the store

PowerZone (07 Sep 2008-22 Jan 2010)

Ft Bragg North Post Main Exchange

· Used salesmanship and courtesy to sell specialized merchandise

· Researched products both available and unavailable at AAFES to answer customers’

questions and recommend the right product or solution for them

· Collaborated with Customer Service associates in exchanging customers’ returns, or

offering quick troubleshooting tips to the customers in an effort to reduce returns

· Various other tasks, such as stocking and cleaning the sales floor, setting up displays, and loading merchandise into customers’ vehicles

24 Hour Shoppette (1 June 2008-06 Sep 2008)

Ft Bragg Smoke Bomb Hill

· Cashier on a continual basis for 7-8 hour shifts

· Greeted customers and interacted with them while maintaining speedy checkout to keep

lines flowing

· Primary Western Union operative for my shift

· Responsible for counting and balancing register till at end of shift

· Various other tasks, such as stocking and cleaning

Charley’s Grilled Subs (11 Dec 2007-31 May 2008)

Ft Bragg South Post Main Exchange Shopping Center

· Operated a cash register, grill, and topping station on a daily basis.

· Took orders and prepared food in a timely fashion, cooking food to customers’


· Responsible for clean up after closing


123 Academy School

Fayetteville, NC


CCD Volunteer: Volunteered as teacher assistant every Sunday


CyberScholar.com: Online product training. Gained CyberStar Status (complete certain

number of product training modules every month) for September 2008 through Jan 2010

Science Olympiad: Member


Mathcounts: Member


Beta Club: Member


Senior Beta Club: Member


Drama Club: Participated in 6 plays


All County Band: Auditioned and won position in County Band for 7th-8th grade


All District Band: Auditioned and won position in District Band for 7th-8th grade


Store General Manager – Store 1064 Mt Juliet Job

Best Buy

Date: Feb 16, 2013

Location: Fayetteville, NC, US

Store General Manager – Store 1064 Fayetteville
Job Number: 13000000OO

At Best Buy, retail is a business that requires constant innovation, new ideas, new ways to delight our customers and new ways to work together. To meet the unique product and service needs of our customers, our stores and operating models are being transformed to shift our focus from product-centric to customer-centric – a move that poises Best Buy to truly offer the entertainment and technology solutions that meet our customers’ needs, end-to-end.
Best Buy Store General Managers are responsible for managing a Best Buy store, end-to-end, within the standard operating platform (SOP), to maximum sustainable profitability, within the Integrated Frame (Employee, Customer, and Shareholder) and through the company Values. The Store General Manager directly manages and develops the Assistant Manager team and provides leadership to their entire store team and in their market. As Best Buy’s store-based executive, ensures that no customer is ever left unserved, or underserved.
Key Responsibilities:
– Leads store’s employee engagement and development efforts, ensuring that employees are valued, safe and feel empowered to serve their customers and create their futures at Best Buy. Is responsible in partnership with district leadership for recruiting and hiring world class employees and casting them into appropriate roles, ensuring that they are fully trained, and are empowered to serve their customers.
– Analyzes store’s performance indicators against company business strategies and goals and leads Assistant Manager team to develop plans to improve the business in partnership with district leadership
– Conducts regular store meetings, attends District/Territory meetings, participates in special projects/initiatives as assigned, and performs other duties as assigned.

Basic Qualifications:
– High school diploma or equivalent
– 3 years retail supervisory/management experience

Preferred Qualifications:
– Associates or Bachelors Degree in Business Management or Marketing
– 2 years budget responsibility experience
– 2 years sales related experience

Job: Retail Management
Primary Location: United States-NC-Fayetteville
Organization: Best Buy US Retail
Job Posting: Feb 22, 2013

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