Mentor Worksheets Organizational Leadership

Mentor Worksheets Organizational Leadership. Literally will take 10 min of someone’s time. Just busy work as far as I am concerned, but need someone to fil them out, just to get the extra grade.

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1st document is basically what the mentorship is about does not need to be filled in.


Worksheet 2 just read directions, and fill in  you can leave signature blank

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Then fill in worksheet week 3 and week 4. I will provide some info on those two weeks for whomever I sign agreement with.


i would like to pay 5 for all. Please set downpayment to 0 and will pay when all is completed.


Mentorship Information



Version 5


University of Phoenix Material

Mentorship Information

During this class in the University of Phoenix MBA program, you will be expected to locate and work with a mentor. The mentorship is designed to work in tandem with your course objectives, assignments, and discussions. The purpose of the mentorship is to provide you with a one-on-one relationship with someone who can give additional guidance, input, support, encouragement, and share real-world experiences to enhance your classroom learning and to provide information you can use in your career.

Where do I find a mentor?

Here are some suggestions of individuals who might be suited for the mentorship role:

· Former or current managers

· Former colleagues in a leadership position at their organization

· Retired leaders—check with SCORE (

) formerly called Service Corps of Retired Executives

· Leaders in an organization in a similar industry

· Someone in a leadership capacity at other organizations you are affiliated with, such as your place of worship, volunteer organizations, and so forth

· Former faculty members

· Community leaders

· Your local Chamber of Commerce business members

· U.S. Small Business Administration staff members—if you work with government contracts only

· Personal acquaintances, family, friends, or relatives

Be careful using a friend or a family member as a mentor. While there is no rule against it, you must remain focused on the topics outlined in the University of Phoenix Material: Mentorship Meeting Worksheet during your official meetings.

You may want to prepare a list of three or four mentor possibilities and set up individual appointments for brief conversations. This will give you an idea of how you will work together, what their schedules are like, and how willing they are to serve as your mentor for 6 weeks.

How do I meet with my mentor?

You will be expected to meet with your mentor once during each week of the course for a total of 6 official meetings. Any additional meetings are at the discretion of you and your mentor. In-person or phone meetings are usually preferred, but meetings using videoconferencing tools, such as Skype, are also acceptable. Other electronic communication methods, such as e-mail and instant messaging, while not ideal, can be used, but these are best suited for short conversations between official documented meetings.

Copyright © 2012, 2011, 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.




23 Version X


Mentoring Agreement Form

LDR/531 Version 5


University of Phoenix Material

Mentoring Agreement Form

We are both voluntarily entering into this mentoring partnership. We wish this to be a rewarding experience, spending most of our time discussing developmental activities and topics. We agree that…

1. The mentoring relationship will last for at least the duration of the LDR/531 course.

2. We will meet at least once a week. Meeting times, once agreed, should not be canceled unless this is unavoidable. At the end of each meeting, we will agree on a date for the next meeting.

3. Each meeting will not have a set duration of time, but we should have ample time to cover all the necessary and important issues.

4. Between meetings, we will contact each other by telephone or e-mail for a quick check-in to ensure there are no major issues.

5. Based on an initial conversation between the mentor and mentee, the goal of the partnership is to discuss and learn more about the following topics:

6. We agree that the role of the mentor is to:

7. We agree that the role of the mentee is to:

8. The mentor agrees to be honest and provide constructive feedback to the mentee. The mentee agrees to be open to the feedback.

Mentor’s signature and date:

Mentee’s signature and date:

Copyright © XXXX by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2012, 2011, 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.




23 Version X


Week 3 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet

LDR/531 Version 5


University of Phoenix Material

Week 3 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet

Please complete this sheet with your mentor and submit it to your instructor.

Date of Meeting:

Meeting Duration:

1. Meeting notes – what was discussed during your meeting?

2. What issues have you encountered since the last meeting and how did you address them?

3. Discuss one strategy your mentor has used in the past to manage a conflict. Why did he or she choose this method? How well did this method work? How could he or she have improved on the chosen method?

4. Discuss the communication challenges of groups and teams with your mentor. What challenges does he or she find most common? What strategies does he or she use to address these challenges?

I confirm that this session occurred to my satisfaction (both signatures preferred):

Name (Mentor) and Date:

Name (Mentee) and Date:

Copyright © XXXX by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2012, 2011, 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.




23Version X


Week 4 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet

LDR/531 Version 5


University of Phoenix Material

Week 4 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet

Please complete this sheet with your mentor and submit it to your instructor.

Date of Meeting:

Meeting Duration:

1. Meeting notes – what was discussed during your meeting?

2. What issues have you encountered since the last meeting and how did you address them?

3. Interview your mentor to gather information about his or her organization, department, and job description. You will use this information in your Motivation Plan assignment, due in Week 5. How has he or she seen attitudes, emotions, personalities, and values influence the behavior of people in his or her department?

4. Discuss how your mentor has applied principles of motivation and satisfaction while in a leadership role. How did these applied principles increase morale?

I confirm that this session occurred to my satisfaction (both signatures preferred):

Name (Mentor) and Date:

Name (Mentee) and Date:

Copyright © XXXX by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2012, 2011, 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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