Topic: Is Affirmative Action Still Necessary? (I have to write about affirmative is not necessary!)

Topic: Is Affirmative Action Still Necessary?

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Research Paper Requirements

 Each student will write an individual essay explaining all relevant arguments in support of his/her debate position. The essay should be approximately 4-5 pages (4 pages is the MINIMUM), typed in Times New Roman #12 font,
 plus a separate page for endnotes. 

At least 10 separate sources must be used and cited in the paper!!! At least 7
of those sources must be in addition to the materials provided by the instructor. SOURCES MUST BE CITED THROUGHOUT THE PAPER.   Citations must be in a recognized format (for example, “APA” or “MLA”) A hard copy of all sources must be available to the professor if requested. 
Do not submit copies of your sources with the essay.  
Additional sources are invited and recommended.   

Sources: Newspapers, journal articles, or reputable internet sources are appropriate. Recommended internet sources include transcripts of Senate hearings, state or federal agency sites, corporate sites, and articles from attorney web sites. These sites should be considered carefully to make sure that they are reputable and their information is reliable. Court cases are not necessarily appropriate for all topics.  Secondary sources (articles discussing case law) may be more appropriate than the cases themselves.  It is expected that you will read and consider many more sources than those actually cited in the paper.  Research must be current.  While it’s ok to use an older source with useful information, students must be aware of current literature and must be careful not to rely on information that is stale and outdated. “Staleness” will vary, depending on the topic at hand.  THE DICTIONARY, WIKIPEDIA, OUR TEXTBOOK, AND TEXTBOOKS FROM OTHER COURSES MAY BE USED IN ADDITION TO YOUR 5 SOURCES, BUT THEY DO NOT COUNT AS PART OF YOUR REQUIRED RESEARCH.   

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�Get to the point – don’t spend 25% of your paper on introduction

�Don’t rely too heavily on just one or two sources

� Avoid excessive quotes – changing a few words is still a “quote”. You must use quotation marks when quoting.


�PAY ATTENTION to the quality and timeliness of sources

�When in doubt, check with instructor

�Be Professional, but be yourself

�Use your own words – avoid legalese

�Be professional – avoid cliches and judgments (e.g. “the opposing position is ‘ridiculous’”)

�Material clearly presented; well organized

�Appropriate issues covered

�Current, High Quality Research – cited throughout the paper! (plus endnotes)

�Well written; proper spelling and grammar

�Length and citation requirements; endnotes

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