English Reseach Proj questions

A research paper was completed but there are questions that I need answered..The topic is bullying in schools.

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I have attached all information..please answer questions in context of research paper

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Running head: TOPIC PROPOSAL 1


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Topic Proposal



The main topic that the research will cover is “how to attend and intervene to bullying in schools.”

Statement purpose of the project

The paper will research on the several ways that bullying can be effectively eliminated in schools. The research will be based on the following objective questions.

i. Why should bullying be eliminated in schools?

ii. What is the argument offered to support bullying?

iii. Why is bullying on the rise in schools and the social media on the internet?

iv. How can parents, teachers and students intervene in cases of bullying?


Bullying is a topic that has been addressed by extremely many intellects and scholars. Many authors have presented their views on the topic. In addition, the scholars have also highlighted ways to intervene on the issue of bullying both in schools and on the internet. The topic is comprehensively documented in written books and journals, which has necessitated the use of the books as my fundamental point of reference.


The topic is exceedingly crucial in both the local and national level simply because bullying is shifting from schools to work place. This simply means that the issue has not been addressed effectively at its root stage, which is in schools. The topic will make certain that one has essential knowledge on the ways to intervene and address the issue of bullying. The research presented can be shared to fellow students and youngsters who are heavily affected by bullying.

The research will be based on both the internet and library research. This is because the topic is documented thoroughly on both the internet and the books in the libraries. The main problem that the research faces is the decision on the kinds of books which should be the main source of reference. This is because of the presence of ample information that is written by different scholars on the topic.

Running head: HOME SITE

Home site




CLAIM: The bullying topic is exceedingly crucial in both the local and national level simply because bullying is shifting from schools to the work place. This simply means that the issue has not been addressed effectively at its root stage, which is in schools. Bullying is defined as the use of force to terrorize and coerce other people. The bullying process is habitual and results because of the inequality on the physical and social power between two parties. It is outstanding in teenagers who are school going. Bullying has been a vital reason, which has resulted to students to opt to change their schools. The fear of intimidation and terrorization has made the students to quit their schools and even change their social network sites. School administrations and all the involved parties should have essential knowledge on the ways to intervene and address the issue of bullying.


i. Why should bullying be eliminated in schools?

ii. What is the argument offered to support bullying?

iii. Why is bullying on the rise in schools and the social media on the internet?

iv. How can parents, teachers and students intervene in cases of bullying?

Running head: OUTLINE






i. The introduction

ii. The body

a. The reasons for bullying in schools.

b. The reasons why bullying has to be eliminated in schools.

c. The advantages associated with bullying in school.

d. The way to address bullying in schools.

iii. The conclusion

a. Restating of the topic and thesis of the research.

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