coordinate proof

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~ Introduction to Coordinate Proof continued
You can prove that a statement about a figure is true without knowing the side lengths.
To do this, assign variables as the coordinates of the vertices.



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right triangle with
(0, d) leg lengths c and d


(0,0) (c,O)

Position each figure in the coordinate plane and give the coordinates
of each vertex.




, I i ! ! I
6. a square with side lengths k5. a right triangle with leg lengths 5 and t

i I



7. a rectangle with leg lengths e and w 8. a triangle with base b and height h

9. Describe how you could use the formulas for midpoint and slope to prove the following.

Given: ~HJK, R is the midpoint of HJ, S is the midpoint of JK.

Prove: RS II HK

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All rights reserved. 55 Holt Geometry

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