Assignment 1:Discussion


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Assignment 1: Discussion—Factors and Trends that Influence Strategy Development

In this module you will explore how businesses react to changing economic times and the influence this has on product/service positioning in the market place. You will also learn about the different approaches an organization may take such as a retrenchment approach, an investment approach, or an ambidextrous approach to provide a foundation for opportunity and risk in recessionary times.Consumer spending habits have undergone dramatic and enduring change in the United States.

Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, respond to the following:

  • What risks and opportunities do the three common strategies during recessionary times—retrenchment, investment, and ambidextrous strategies—present to businesses?
  • What are the factors that are key for establishing product differentiation in the new post-recession consumer environment especially as it relates to economic indicators?
  • What is a luxury good and should marketers of luxury goods abandon their efforts to establish premium pricing?
  • How do changes in societal attitudes toward companies and products affect the way marketers of consumer goods think about the customer value chain? Provide examples of companies that have changed their approach to marketing in response to a shift in consumers’ value in changing economic times.

Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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By Friday, January 23, 2013, post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Through Tuesday, January 29, 2013, review and comment on at least two peers’ responses.




Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points

Explained factors key for product differentiation in a post-recession consumer environment demonstrating analysis of economic indicators, the customer value chain, and societal attitudes toward companies and products.

Actively contributed to the discussion by providing points of view with rationale, challenging points of the discussion, or drawing relationships between points of the discussion.
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

InternationalJournal of Business and Management

Vol. 5, No. 4; April 2010


Impact of Strategic Planning on Financial Performance of

Companies in Turkey
Alev M. Efendioglu (Corresponding author)

School of Business and Professional Studies, University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street, Malloy Hall 220 San Francisco, CA 94117-1045, USA

Tel: 1-415-422-6389 E-mail:

A. Tuğba Karabulut
Faculty of Commercial Sciences, Istanbul Commerce University

Selman-i Pak Cad. 34672 Uskudar Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: 90-216-5539422/278 ext E-mail:

Strategic planning is important for strategic management of companies. The purpose of this study is to explore
the impact of strategic planning on financial performance of Major Industrial Enterprises of Turkey. Our
findings show that many domestic and foreign firms in our sample have a strategic process in place. It is an
annual process and considered a very important organizational activity. This paper is one of the few studies to
examine the strategic planning process in a sample of firms from a transitional economy. It can be considered a
longitudinal study because it examines a set of institutions to identify changes in their performance over time, as
they incorporate the use of strategic tools in a dynamic competitive environment. The findings of this study
provide a contribution to our understanding of the nature and practice of strategic planning in Turkish companies
and possibilities of correlations between their efforts and performance.
Keywords: Strategic planning, Financial performance, Turkey
1. Introduction
Even though the concept of strategy may have had its original underpinnings in the military and its war efforts,
over many decades it has become a mainstay and a major process (organizational activity) in for-profit and
not-for-profit organizations. These organizations have refined and used the process to understand issues which
they cannot control but have a significant impact on their survival and success, and use their limited resources
and competencies to improve their competitive positions. It was hypothesized that by consciously using formal
planning, a company could exert some positive control over market forces, create competitive advantages,
improve organizational effectiveness, and improve its performance.
As a result, new concepts and tools were developed and added to company repertoires over time, and they were
used to bring formality and uniformity to strategy development in organizations. Because one of the objectives
of this process is to develop competitive advantages leading to superior organizational performance, the
relationship between the firm’s strategic planning efforts and firm performance received considerable attention
from academics, researchers, and business executives. However, despite the large number of studies examining
this relationship, the findings have been inconclusive and present a mixed picture. Even though the majority of
studies have reported a positive relationship between strategic planning and firm performance (Sapp and Seiler,
1981; Wood and LaForge, 1979), several studies found no relationship (Robinson and Pearce, 1983; Kudla,
1980), and a few reported a negative relationship (Fulmer and Rue, 1974). A recent study by Gibson and Cassar
(Gibson & Cassar, 2005) cast doubt on the causal relationship between planning and performance, even in small
The purpose of this paper is to extend the previous findings by examining the nature and practice of strategic
planning in a different environmental context, that of the developing transitional economy of Turkey and the
impact of these practices on the performance of the companies which utilize these practices. This context
provides the novelty to the study as most prior studies on the strategic planning process have examined evidence
from firms in mature market economies. To achieve this objective, we will briefly discuss why we consider and
classify Turkey as a “transitional economy”, review and discuss the few research studies and their findings

International Journal of Business and Management


conducted in similar economies, and present the findings of our research study of top 500 companies in Turkey.
This will help to generalize the previous findings and will be instructive in comparing the strategic planning
processes of firms in a developed market economy and those located in a transitional economy. By identifying
and documenting the levels of strategic process and the types of strategic tools employed by the companies in
differing stages of transitory economies and identifying the impacts of these processes on the companies, we can
develop a roadmap and incorporate this knowledge to educate and prepare the managerial talents in these
2. Turkey as a Developing Country and an Economy in Transition
Until recently, the primary focus of researchers of strategic planning had been United States and developed
economies of Europe. As the economy in United States and Great Britain developed and evolved, various
models and methodologies were developed and serious discussions of these methodologies and concepts were
conducted on improving competitiveness of businesses in these economies. Very little research was done to
examine the understanding and usage of these strategic planning concepts and tools in developing countries and
the organizations which form the foundations of these economic systems. One could argue that among the causes
of this lack of research were semi-closed state of these economies, the dominant legal ownership (state owned)
and the associated governance of majority of medium to large-scale organizations, and the lack of sophistication
of the managers of these organizations. Furthermore, the structure of these economies did not present the same
competitive issues which dominate open and developed economies and may not have necessitated the use of
strategic planning to gain additional competitive advantages.
Last decade and a half has seen major developments in communication technologies and resulting globalization
of all types of industries and business processes. The businesses from developed economies have extended their
reach to all corners of the globe in search of cheaper costs and new markets, bringing a greater dynamism and
heightened level of competitive behaviors to these previously fairly stable economic environments. Furthermore,
the increased “foreign direct investments” (FDI) and the associated ownership and governance of new and
foreign based competitors have forced the executives of the local enterprises to develop or acquire talent in their
managerial ranks and increase their sophistication of the dynamic competitive forces of their business
environments. Some countries which were considered undeveloped/developing have been impacted by these
changes much more significantly than others. The governments of these countries have taken steps to use these
developments as means to accelerating their economies’ transition from an underdeveloped to a developed
economy, while opening their local businesses to increased competition and forcing them to adjust their
organizational processes to sustain themselves in unfamiliar dynamic environments and increased uncertainties.
As evidenced by the World Economic Forum global competitiveness index, Turkey has moved from 71st (out of
131 countries ranked) for 2005-2006 to 59 for 2006-2007, and to 53 for the 2007-2008. The sophistication of
company operations and strategy ranking for 2007-2008 is 41 out of 127 countries ranked. (The Global
Competitiveness Report 2006-2007; Porter, 2007) The World Economic Forum’s annual Global Competitiveness
Report evaluates the potential for sustained economic growth of over 130 developed and emerging economies
and ranks them accordingly. It was first released in 1979.
The characteristics of the Turkish economy make it an interesting case to examine the nature and role of the
strategic planning process in its largest businesses. Since the early 1980s, government policies in Turkey have
focused on developing a free market economy and have encouraged an outward-oriented export-led economic
development strategy. Significant progress has been made in the liberalization of trade and investment policies
and the pursuit of macroeconomic stability and economic growth. This policy stance has also contributed to a
substantial increase in inward foreign direct investment (FDI) to Turkey. Turkey has climbed to 16th place
among top FDI attracting countries in 2006, up from 22nd place in 2005, 37th place in 2004 and 53rd place in 2003.
It was ranked 5th among the developing countries. The level of FDI inflows to Turkey has increased from an
average of 853 million USD during the 1995-2000 period to 9.8 billion USD in 2005 and to 20.1 billion USD in
2006. As of first five months of 2007, FDI inflows reached 11 billion USD, reinforcing the predictions for FDI
inflows of 25 billion USD and plus for the year-end. (YASED, 2007) Turkey is ranked as 17th largest economy
in the world and 6th largest in EU and has averaged and annual GDP growth of 7.4%/year since 2002. As another
outcome of this increased FDI and transition of the Turkish economy, demand for translations into Turkish
language has grown 36% over the last year, placing it at number 9 in the world after Chinese and Russian. Top
six is composed of former Eastern Block countries which have joined or in the process of joining EU. (Ewing,
Over a decade ago, due to its high economic growth and rapidly growing population, the US Department of
Commerce placed Turkey among the ten big emerging markets (Garten, 1996). As the developments to date

International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 5, No. 4; April 2010


have shown, this classification was very much on target. Turkey’s five years’ (prior to global economic
downturn) growth rate average of around 7 percent puts it into one of the world’s best-performing economies.
Turkey ranked 22nd among the exporting countries and with 16% increase in exports during 2006, is on par with
average export growth rates of global economies. Its exports to Europe have grown an average of 24% for the
past three years and with 55% of the country’s total exports, EU remains the nation’s leading export market.
(McCathie, 2007)
By looking at the stages of the basic needs of a nation’s population, Martinez and Haddock present another
approach in identifying transition economies and the nation’s evolution from a developing one to an
industrialized one. They identify and argue that a nation’s basic needs evolve through survival (obtaining
adequate food, shelter, and clothing) to quality (seek better quality in food, shelter, and clothing) to convenience
(time-saving appliances, packaged foods, etc.), and finally to customization (goods and services which satisfy
individual tastes and desires). According to these authors, sub-Saharan Africa is in “survival” stage, China and
India and Turkey are in “quality” stage, Eastern Europe and Latin America are in “convenience” stage, and
finally, North America, Japan, and Western Europe are in the “customization” stage. Their model places Turkey
and Brazil clustered around the start of the “convenience” stage. (Martinez and Haddock, 2007)
All these different economic and sociological measures place Turkey at a very unique stage of its economic
development and as a country which is rapidly moving from a sheltered static economy to a dynamic and
extremely competitive developed economy. Of course with this transition comes the additional competitive
pressure for its home-grown privately owned organizations, with responsibilities to their stockholders, and
increased turbulence caused by foreign based competitors entering their markets. Furthermore, these Turkish
firms’ desires and attempts to enter foreign markets require them to develop sophisticated managers,
development and use of tools to understand these new markets, and effective and efficient processes to be able to
compete in these developed markets.
3. Earlier Studies on Strategy and Performance
As we stated earlier, the relationship between firm strategic planning efforts and firm performance received
considerable attention. However, despite the large number of studies examining this relationship, the results have
been inconclusive, with findings ranging from positive relationships to no relationships to negative relationships.
Several researchers have attempted to understand these contradictory findings. Armstrong (1982) published one
of the first such papers. His analysis of 14 studies generally supported the hypothesis that formal planning was
useful but, noted that there were “serious research problems” with the studies. He was very much concerned with
the lack of description or definition of the strategic planning process provided to the study subjects. He
concluded that “without a description of the planning techniques, it is not possible to assess the value of planning
in a scientific manner”. (p. 204).
Pearce, Freeman, and Robinson (1987) also concluded that the evidence that formal strategic planning enhances
a firm’s financial performance is “inconsistent and often contradictory.” They had concerns about the
methodology’s limiting impact on the researchers’ ability to understand the effect of strategic planning on
performance. Their conclusions were based on a review of the results of 18 papers which examined the
relationship between formal strategic planning, using a definition similar to Armstrong (1982) for strategic
planning, and organizational performance. They were concerned about the “lack of consistent definition” of
strategic planning, how the strategic planning construct was “measured”, and the “impact of corporate context”
and the factor of business size. Venkatraman and Grant (1986) noted that there is no widely accepted definition
of strategy and that the inability to measure the strategic planning construct has hindered research attempting to
identify substantive relationships between independent and dependent variables. Boyd (1991), based on the
results of his meta-analysis of 21 studies published between 1970 and 1988, including 29 samples and 2,496
organizations, concluded that there were modest positive correlations between strategic planning and financial
performance. However, he was concerned with the significant measurement errors in these studies and
concluded that this most probably resulted in an underestimate of the true strategic planning–performance
relationship. However, one significant work, Miller and Cardinal (1994), seemed to put the issue to rest: they
concluded that “Planning was found to be strongly and positively related to growth in studies in which industry
effects were controlled, an informant source of performance data was used, planning was defined as not
requiring written documentation and the quality of the assessment strategy was high”. (Miller & Cardinal, 1994,
A study by Sarason and Tegarden (2003) focused on the configuration theory and firm’s resource based view to
understand the relationship between strategic planning and the firm’s performance. Their findings also provide

International Journal of Business and Management


partial support for a positive relationship between strategic planning and performance. However, they concluded
that this relationship is moderated by organizational stage of development and that it is beneficial to early stage
firms. The underlying premise for these conclusions are based on the development competitive advantages
provided by the structure and the future thinking incorporated into the strategic process and the
nun-sustainability and erosion of these advantages in late stage firms, whose processes are more prone to
Realizing the complexities of defining the strategic planning construct and the measurement issues identified and
discussed by earlier researchers, we decided to identify specific strategy analysis/development tools available to
companies, their use by these companies, and compare it to the financial performance of these companies over a
3-year time frame. By focusing on the companies in a transitory economy (companies most likely to be in their
early stages in competing in open economies), we tried to identify the frequency of the use of these tools and
adaption of other strategic planning mechanisms on the relative performance of these companies.
4. Research Study
Our research sample was drawn from the Turkish Chamber of Industry database which listed the top 500
manufacturing firms in 2006. The survey questionnaire was mailed to the CEO of each company with a letter
requesting that the CEO, or his/her senior executive in charge of strategy development within the organization,
to complete it. The survey was also made available on the Internet, thus providing the respondents an option to
return the paper copies or fill out the questionnaire electronically. The overall response rate was 14.2 percent. Of
the 71 returned responses, seven (9.86%) were completed online. There were no duplicates between the paper
and electronic returns.
The highest ranked respondent company was ranked as number 2 and the lowest was ranked as number 497.The
company rankings were based on their 2006 annual manufacturing revenues (these firms had both manufacturing
and non-manufacturing revenues), which ranged from highest TRY 5.606billion (USD 3.742billion) to lowest
TRY 83.690million (USD 55.86million), with total revenues of TRY 6.456billion (USD 4.309billion) and TRY
95.294million (USD 63.610million), of the same companies respectively (Note 1). The number of employees
ranged from highest 9,780 to lowest 66 with 1,197 as the average.
Over ten industries were represented in the sample and textile industry had the largest representation with nine
firms. The respondent companies ranged from 12.68% (9 firms) classified as “single business” (95% or more of
their revenues coming from one business segment), 80.28% (57 firms) classified as “dominant/focused business”
(70% to 95% of revenues coming from one business segment, to 7.04% (5 firms) classified as “multi-business”
(with revenues less than 70% from any segment). All of the seventy-one firms were privately owned (had
stockholders), sixty (84.5%) of domestic origin (Turkish) and eleven (15.49%) foreign-owned. The respondent
firms ranged from wholly-owned independent companies to subsidiaries of divisions of large organizations.
5. Discussion of Results
Our findings show that a large number of domestic and foreign firms in our sample have a strategic process in
place, it is considered a very important organizational activity (by 86.26% of domestic firms and by 100.00% of
foreign firms), and it is an annual process. Because of earlier researchers’ concerns about “lack of description or
definition of the strategic planning process provided to the study subjects”, we decided to look at the impact of
“the use of process” (identified with the use of generally accepted components of a strategic process),
“focus/objectives of the process” (what are the companies trying to accomplish), and “the use of strategy
development tools and models” (e.g. what-if analysis, SWOT analysis, etc.) on company performance.
Following is the presentation and discussion of our findings.
When we looked at the impact of different components/activities in a strategic process and their impact on
company performance, the only two that were correlated (positively influenced) and statistically significant were
“involvement of top management in the process” and “having a mission statement”. Both of these strategic
process components identify and define the importance of the process in the organization and had significant
impacts on the profitability of the firms in our study. Even though all of these companies had seen large sales
growth rates and growth in exporting their products, two processes (top management participation and mission
statement) had resulted in higher average yearly profits over time. These findings are summarized in Table 1.
These findings highlight and reinforce the importance of “top management’s active involvement in providing
direction” to the organization and “having their and organization’s role and position in the economy and the
society” clearly articulated, formalized, and used as a guide for the organization’s activities and processes.

International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 5, No. 4; April 2010


Even though significant number of respondent firms focused on strategic issues, only few of these issues had an
impact on the firm’s performance. The performance measures, average sales growth per year, average profit per
year, and average export growth rate per year were positively influenced. As can be seen from Table 2, average
profit per year was correlated to focus on “organizational capabilities” (a better knowledge of what the firm is
capable of) and focus on “similar markets” (expanding capabilities to where the firm has experience in).
Interestingly, the only significant correlation between the average export growth rate per year was the firm’s
focus on “contingency plans. We did not inquire (the questionnaires were not followed-up with interviews) and
cannot speculate why there is such a connection. As can be seen from the table, less than half of the companies
in our study focused on contingencies and majority of these firms were subsidiaries of foreign companies.
Companies involved in strategic process use different tools for their analysis of their internal capabilities and
external changes and issues. These tools were developed over time and their extensive uses are researched and
documented by many. In our study, we selected the tools which we identified as being the ones which are most
commonly used and analyzed our data to find out if use of these tools, or lack of use, had any significant impact
on performance of the firms in our study.
As can be seen in Table 3, even though there were some differences between the users and non-users of these
strategic tools, none of the findings were statistically correlated. Except for profitability, both the average sales
growth (which was significantly higher) and the average export growth were higher for the firms which did not
use any of the strategic tools or used them very infrequently. This is contrary to what we expected as an outcome
and cannot explain it. We could only assume that the significantly higher growth rate for non-users might be a
sign of the aggressive market positions these companies might be taking (without considering any consequences
and using a scatter-shot approach) or expanding into new products/markets with high entry costs, and might
explain their significantly lower average profits. If this is the case and if their profitability increases, as they
consolidate their positions in these new markets and slow down their growth, the findings present even a greater
lack of usefulness of the strategic tools which organizations routinely use and have come to rely on to improve
their competitive positions and effectiveness of their operations. This would be very contrary to the foundation,
teaching, and practice of “strategy as a process and as a tool”.
Even though our findings show a much greater attention to the competitive environment and its dynamics, the
use of strategic and analytical tools is very limited and significantly lower in the domestic firms as compared to
the subsidiaries of foreign firms. For the domestic firms participating in our study, the top three most popular
(used frequently or always) strategy analysis and development tools were “critical success factors analysis”
(38.60%), “economic forecasting” (36.84%), and “SWOT analysis” (36.21%). Foreign based firms seemed to
prefer “SWOT analysis” (81.82%), “critical success factors analysis” (72.73%), and “BCG growth share matrix
analysis” (55.56%). The “frequency of use” response means (on a scale of 1 = not used to 5 = always used) for
“SWOT analysis” were 2.914 (domestic firms) and 3.909 (foreign firms), and for “critical success factors
analysis” were 2.860 (domestic firms) and 3.727 (foreign firms). The mean response for the “Economic
Forecasting” was 2.737 for domestic firms and 3.200 for foreign firms. Even though “BCG growth share matrix
analysis” was used frequently or always by over half of the foreign firms, its popularity was not uniform among
all foreign firm respondents. It was preceded by the mean response for the “value chain analysis”, the third
highest with 3.400 and by the mean for the “core capabilities analysis”, the fourth highest with 3.300.
Because of this selective use of strategy analysis tools, we also wanted to see if use of any of these tools were
positively correlated with the performance of the firms in our study. The findings are summarized in Table 4. As
can be seen, of the most common nine strategy analysis tools used, only three were significantly correlated to
firm’s performance. Even though 37.32% of the respondents used “economic forecasting”, average profit per
year was directly correlated (p<.10) with the use of this tool. The other two strategy analysis/development tools, “what-if/scenario analysis” (used by 22.39% respondents) and “growth share matrix” (used by 20.90% of respondents) were also positively correlated with the “average sales growth per year” (p<.05 and p<.10, respectively). Finally, access to sources of funds and the amount of funding available differ between independent companies and subsidiaries of large firms. This in turn may influence performance and ability to attract high quality managers and subsidiary firms may need to ‘deliver’ a performance objective, objectives based on financial criteria, formulated by the holding or parent company. As a result, given the importance of expected quarterly and annual positive results, subsidiary firm managers may be less likely to engage in risky and/or longer-term projects (Dierickx and Cool, 1989; Ghemawat, 1988). Given that our respondent firms included independent domestic (Turkish) firms and foreign based firms (subsidiaries of foreign companies); we wanted to see if there were any differences between the performance measures and the ownership type of the firm. When we look at

International Journal of Business and Management


performance measures and ownership, even though they are not statistically significant, our findings show that
subsidiaries of foreign firms have lower returns, supporting the findings of earlier studies. These findings are
summarized in Table 5.
6. Conclusions
This paper is one of the few studies to examine the strategic planning process in a sample of firms from a
transitional (developing) economy. It can also be considered a longitudinal study because it examines a set of
institutions to identify any changes in their performance over time, as they incorporate the use of strategic tools
in a dynamic and evolving competitive environment.
Even though the findings show a significant increase in the importance and use of strategic tools and processes
in Turkey, a transitional (developing) economy, the basic question about the link/positive correlation between
the use of strategic tools and company performance remains somewhat unanswered. Even though, through our
findings, we have identified some links between the use of strategic tools and company performance, because of
the small number of respondents and lack of follow-up interviews to look at some findings in greater detail, we
cannot make any generalized statements or reach definitive conclusions. However, we are encouraged to see that
the local firms in our study have increasingly adopted the techniques and tools of strategic planning more
commonly employed by foreign firms. They have increasingly involved their top management in the process,
allocated more resources to it, and incorporated greater formality into the process. It is quite interesting to see
that over time the importance of this organizational process in Turkish firms have come to more closely resemble
those of foreign firms. We attribute these changes to increased competitive pressures brought upon these firms as
the Turkish economy has opened up and free market forces have come into play as it has begun its transition
from an underdeveloped economy to one that is developing. We expect these changes and increased focus on the
use of strategic tools and processes to continue as Turkey’s market economy continues to develop and
competition from foreign firms increase as globalization proceeds. Unfortunately, we cannot expect and make
similar statements about their increased usage of these tools will lead them to stronger and sustainable financial
While the findings of this study provide a contribution to our understanding of the nature and practice of
strategic planning in Turkish companies and possibilities of positive correlations between their efforts and their
performance, there are a number of potential areas for future research. First, it would be a useful contribution to
investigate the use of planning techniques and the pervasiveness of the process in service organizations (all the
firms in our sample were manufacturing firms) and broaden the study sample by focusing on second-tier
companies (our sample was drawn from the top 500 firms list of Chamber of Industry). With a larger study
population, we could also try to understand the relationships between strategic process and firm performance in
different business sectors. Unfortunately, because of the small sample size and the small number of firms from a
given sector, we could not analyze the data to see if there are any differences between and among sectors. By
focusing on specific sectors, we might have been better able to determine if there are significant differences
between the companies that employ the tools and are using strategic planning process and the ones which do not.
Finally, we hope that our study will interest and encourage similar studies not only visit the same unresolved
issues but also focus on developing countries and the competitive issues faced by the firms which are the
foundations of these countries and their economies.
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Note 1. TRY was converted to USD for demonstration and reference purposes and, if the conversion rates of late
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International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 5, No. 4; April 2010


Table 1. Use of strategic process and performance (n = 71)

Avg. Sales
Growth/Yr Avg. Profit/Yr

Avg. Export

Top Management Participation in the Process(1) 24.29% 8.01%** 54.52%

Priority Activity – Conducted Annually 24.81% 6.15% 46.04%

Allocate Resources Specifically to the Process 25.26% 6.98% 36.18%

Follow Established Set of Procedures 24.81% 5.99% 39.97%

Mission Statement 26.06% 7.12%* 42.26%

Effected Managers Participating in the Process 26.63% 6.14% 47.72%

Quantified and Verifiable Written Objectives 25.19% 6.05% 49.19%

(1) Always responses. All others are yes responses.

(Company Performance is for 2003-2006 years.)

* p<.01, ** p<.05

Table 2. Focus on strategic issues and performance (n = 71)

Comparing Companies With No/Very Low Focus vs. High/Very High Focus

Avg. Sales


Avg. Export

Percent Responding
(high or very high)

Quantitative Objectives 25.02% 6.90% 51.51% 86.15%

Organizational Capabilities 25.09% 6.80%*** 48.24% 84.62%

Organizational Objectives 24.68% 6.43% 46.54% 84.62%

Similar Markets 26.52% 7.08%** 50.91% 71.88%

Changes in Environment 33.07% 7.60%* 53.81% 70.77%

Variations from Prior Plans 23.55% 6.20% 47.91% 70.77%

New Markets 26.52% 7.40% 52.78% 56.92%

Contingency Plans 14.49% 7.07% 13.62%** 43.48%

* p<.01;

** p<.05; *** p<.10 (Company Performance is for 2003-2006 years.)

Table 3. Users vs. non-users of strategic tools

Mean for Never or Very

Infrequently (1)
Mean for Very Frequently

or Always (2)

Average Sales Growth/Year 23.92% 18.28%

Average Profit/Year 4.82% 12.29%

Average Export Growth/Year 84.90% 81.44%

(1) Do not use any of the tools; (2) Use all the tools (Company Performance is for 2003-2006 years.)

International Journal of Business and Management


Table 4. Using strategic analysis tools and performance (n = 71)

Avg. Sales
Avg. Export

Percent Responding
(very frequently or


Critical Success Factors 24.14% 8.08% 35.64% 44.12%

SWOT Analysis 24.53% 8.69% 40.59% 43.48%

Economic Forecasting 24.55% 8.87%*** 38.04% 37.31%

Value Chain Analysis 21.25% 8.59% 30.09% 25.00%

PEST/STEP Analysis 27.56% 9.86% 39.29% 23.53%

What-if Analysis 17.71%** 10.46% 14.54% 22.39%

Core Capabilities Analysis 22.20% 11.02% 34.43% 22.06%

Growth Share Matrix (BCG) 20.44%*** 6.96% 45.46% 20.90%

Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 28.19% 7.66% 66.91% 11.94%

** p<.05; *** p<.10 (Company Performance is for 2003-2006 years.)

Table 5. Country of ownership and firm performance (n = 71; domestic = 60, foreign = 11)

Performance Measure Domestic Firms Foreign Firms

Average Sales Growth/Year 26.28% 17.15%

Average Profit/Year 7.03% 3.34%

Average Export Growth/Year 49.04% 38.04%

(Company Performance is for 2003-2006 years.)

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