
GED 155
English for Careers: Business, Professional, & Technical
9th Edition, 2006
ISBN: 0-13-118386-9
Leila R. Smith
Prentice Hall
925 N. Spurgeon Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701 Phone: 714-547-9625 Fax: 714-547-5777

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GED155 English
Final Examination
Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)
1) A joining of two or more businesses into a single body is a(n)
a) arbitration
b) modem
c) amalgamation
d) bill of lading
2) A deficit is the opposite of a
a) cash discount
b) per capita
c) beneficiary
d) surplus
3) Five hundred sheets of paper is a
a) ream
b) tariff
c) merger
d) rider
4) An addition attached to the end of a document is called a
a) verbatim
b) rider
c) byte
d) litigation
5) A specified amount of money not subject to taxation is a(n)
a) per capita
b) exemption
c) royalty
d) lien
6) Mr. Smith’s secretary prepared a detailed ________ of the trip.
a) itinerary
b) itinary

GED155 English
Final Examination
7) Because their credit rating was so poor, they had to put up their
savings as
a) colatteral
b) collateral
8) During a ________, stock prices are ________.
a) merger; output
b) bear market; expected to appreciate
c) bull market; expected to appreciate
d) litigation; gross income
9) The investors discovered that it was not a good time to make investments
because of the ________ of the market.
a) fluctuation
b) fluxuation
10) The second largest stock exchange in the United States is the
b) S&P 500
11) Susan and Jack recently sold their home, and were surprised at how
much equity they had in the home. This is an indication that the home
had ________ in value.
a) appreciated
b) decreased
c) reciprocated
d) depreciated

12) The Governor spoke from the steps of the ________ about the
________ of the strike.
a) Capital; effects
b) Capital; affects
c) Capitol; effects
d) Capitol; affects
13) ________ calculator is not in ________ proper place?
a) Whose; it’s
b) Who’s; its
c) Whose; its
d) Who’s; it’s
14) ________ is excellent, and all things considered, ________ not a bad
a) Moral; its
b) Morale; its
c) Moral; it’s
d) Morale; it’s
15) While Alice was looking ________ Wonderland, she lost sight of
a) though; reality
b) through; reality
c) thorough; reality
d) though; realty
16) Are you ________ sure that speeches will ________ the dinner?
a) quite; precede
b) quite; proceed
c) quiet; proceed
d) quiet; precede

17) Judy will go over the ________ aspects of the case with you this afternoon..
a) principal
b) principle
18) I was amazed at the number of ________ offered this term.
a) courses
b) coarses
19) The instructor gave us the name of a wonderful ________ to visit on the
a) cite
b) site
20) Mrs. Adams baked a wonderful ________ for the birthday celebration.
a) desert
b) dessert
21) Jack needed more investment ________ to start his landscaping business.
a) capitol
b) capital
22) John will ________ the situation carefully.
a) analyze
b) analyse
23) Mary is ________ her major.
a) changeing
b) changing
24) A lexicographer is a person who
a) censors reference books
b) compiles dictionaries
c) determines new ways to spell words
d) is a very good writer

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25) Which spelling is preferred in Standard English?
a) alright
b) all-right
c) all right
d) allright
e) none of the above
26) You would not use IRREGARDLESS in a business letter because it is
a) archaic
b) nonstandard
c) an adverb
d) obsolete
e) misspelled
27) A college dictionary is
a) not suitable for on-the-job purposes
b) also known as a “pocket” dictionary
c) the most convenient kind for students to carry to classes
d) unabridged
e) abridged
28) Which of the following is NOT an abridged dictionary type?
a) college
b) encyclopedic
c) electronic
d) pocket
e) composite
29) Which of the following memory devices is useful for remembering the correct
spelling of privilege?
a) pursue the purse snatcher
b) has an ache because he’s sad to be single
c) he fixed the dent
d) has a leg in it
e) your sister has a tent
30) Which of the following memory devices is useful for remembering the correct
spelling of pursue?
a) pursue the purse snatcher
b) has an ache because he’s sad to be single
c) your sister has a tent
d) he fixed the dent
e) has a leg in it

31) What is the meaning of faux pas?
a) social etiquette
b) social disaster
c) social blunder
d) social awareness
32) Which one names a person, place, or thing?
a) preposition
b) pronoun
c) noun
d) adverb
e) adjective
33) Jose Lopez and Jesus Perez have their offices in the new building. HAVE is
a) verb
b) conjunction
c) noun
d) preposition
e) adverb
34) Jose Lopez and Jesus Perez have their offices in the new building.
OFFICES is a(n):
a) adjective
b) verb
c) noun
d) pronoun
e) conjunction
35) Jose Lopez and Jesus Perez have their offices in the new building. IN
is a(n):
a) pronoun
b) adjective
c) adverb
d) conjunction
e) preposition

36) If you do not know to what port you are sailing, no wind is good. YOU
is a(n):
a) preposition
b) noun
c) adjective
d) adverb
e) pronoun
37) Leaders have a keen sense of fairness and justice. KEEN is a(n):
a) adjective
b) pronoun
c) noun
d) verb
e) adverb
38) To know love is to experience the passion of a lifetime. The words “to love”
and “to experience” are
a) gerunds
b) action verbs
c) linking verbs
d) infinitives
39) Josephine fell in love with Napoleon instantly and married him before he left
to fight in the war. Josephine and Napoleon are
a) gerunds
b) common nouns
c) proper nouns
d) verbs
e) infinitives
40) After the meeting, Constantine and Loretta quickly flew to Paris for the holi-
day season. The word quickly is
a) an adverb
b) an adjective

41) The ________ of her college are planning to hold a reunion.
a) alumnis
b) alumnus
c) alumnae
d) alumnas
e) alumna
42) The ________ have been notified of the meeting.
a) stock holders
b) stockholder’s
c) stockholders
d) stock-holders
e) stockholders’
43) Receipts from a shipping company listing the items to be shipped are called
a) cargos
b) bill of ladings
c) embargoes
d) bills-of-lading
e) bills of lading
44) The most suitable expression listed here for referring to a female manager is
a) manageress
b) manager
c) female manager
d) lady manager
e) managerette
45) Which word is correctly spelled?
a) proxies
b) accessoreys
c) journies
d) attornies
e) authoritys

46) The new ________ is required
a) hypothesum
b) hypotheses
c) hypothesi
d) hypothesis
47) ________ are used to show the omission of letters or words.
a) Ellipsis’
b) Ellipses’
c) Ellipsis
d) Ellipses
e) Ellipsises
48) When will your ________ return?
a) sister-in-laws
b) sisters-in-law
c) sisters-in-laws
d) sisters’-in-law
e) sisters in law
49) Which of the following is the correct plural for the word authority?
a) authorities’
b) authoritys
c) authorities
d) authority’s
50) Janice and ________ will give the flyers to ________ who wants them.
a) him; anyone
b) he; anyone
c) him; any one
d) he; any-one
e) he; any one

51) ________ would you like to go with you when you and ________ give the
a) Whom; her
b) Who; her
c) Who; she
d) Whom; she
52) Which one is incorrect?
a) He loves his wife more than she.
b) I know the president better than him.
c) He loves his wife more than her.
d) I know the president better than he.
e) none of the above
53) ________ work was checked except ________.
a) No ones; yours
b) No one’s; yours
c) No one’s; your’s
d) No ones’; yours
e) No ones; your’s
54) Almost ________ work would be better than ________.
a) anyones’; hers
b) anyones’; hers’
c) anyone’s; hers
d) anyone’s; her’s
e) anyones; hers

55) Which one is correct?
a) The company closed its offices.
b) The company closed it’s offices.
c) The company closed there offices.
d) The company closed their offices.
56) The man ________ you should marry is the one ________ gave me the portfo-
a) who; who
b) whom; whom
c) whom; who
d) who; whom
57) Which of the following is a subjective pronoun?
a) her
b) she
c) him
d) me
e) them
58) Which one is correct?
a) The bag of cement sunk in the deep water.
b) She has ran away again.
c) He had just began work.
d) I took it with me.
59) Accuracy in figures ________ the expert accountant, and I have ________ two
a) marks; chosen
b) mark; chose
c) marks; chose
d) mark; chosen

60) John and Sam _________ home from school each day. (present tense)
a) walked
b) walk
c) walks
61) We ________ the service at noon each Friday. (present tense)
a) begins
b) begin
c) begun
d) began
62) The present form of the verb drink is
a) drink
b) drinks
c) drank
d) drunk
e) A or B
63) David ________ to the movies with Sam. (simple past)
a) went
b) has gone
c) goes
64) She is the ________ popular of the two girls.
a) least
b) lesser
c) less
d) none of the above
65) He is the ________ of the two brothers and the ________.
a) younger; friendliest
b) youngest; friendlier
c) younger; friendlier
d) youngest; friendliest

66) The stir-fried vegetables taste ________ and look ________ too.
a) deliciously; good
b) deliciously; well
c) delicious; good
d) delicious; well
67) Which of the following CANNOT be used as a pointing adjective?
a) these
b) this
c) they
d) that
e) those
68) George is the ________ of all the Stafford brothers.
a) wiser
b) wisest
69) Dana works ________ ________ than Susan does.
a) most efficiently
b) more efficiently
70) Three ________ have offices in this building.
a) CPAs
b) CPAs’
c) CPS’s
71) The ________ invited us to dinner two ________ ago.
a) Adamses; weeks’
b) Adamses’; weeks
c) Adams’s; weeks’
d) Adamses; weeks
e) Adams; weeks

72) We ________ pleased with the oldest ________ work habits.
a) aren’t; brothers’
b) are’nt; brothers’
c) are’nt; brother’s
d) aren’t; brother’s
73) One of this ________ duties is to keep a record of all ________ wages.
a) agency’s; employees
b) agencies’; employees
c) agency’s; employee’s
d) agency’s; employees’
e) agencys’; employees’
74) The research _________ are all ________.
a) chemists; MDs
b) chemists; MDs’
c) chemists; MD’s
d) chemists’; MDs
e) chemist’s; MD’s
75) After a ________ consideration, I’ve decided to cross my ________.
a) week’s; t’s
b) weeks’; t’s
c) weeks’; ts’
d) week’s; ts’

76) Leaders take responsibility for themselves, their actions, and the results.
a) correct
b) fragment
c) run-on
d) comma splice
77) Mr. Hanson is out of town, however, we expect him back next week. This
sentence is
a) correct
b) a fragment
c) a run-on
d) a comma splice

78) Although the artist painted four portraits of this lady, only one has been
found. This sentence is
a) correct
b) a fragment
c) a run-on
d) a comma splice
79) I typed all the statistical reports in one day, thus I didn’t have time to proof-
read them. This sentence is
a) correct
b) a fragment
c) a run-on
d) a comma splice
80) Although Washington was the founder of the country and Lincoln was the
preserver. This sentence is
a) correct
b) a fragment
c) a run-on
d) a comma splice
81) Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
a) Little Rock, Arkansas was the scene of tragedy and strife.
b) Little Rock, Arkansas, was the scene of tragedy and strife.
c) Little Rock, Arkansas, was the scene of tragedy, and strife.
82) Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
a) They became ill during the long, and severe winter.
b) They became ill during the long severe winter.
c) They became ill during the long, severe winter.
83) Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
a) Generally speaking, principals are responsible for the acts of their agents.
b) Generally speaking, principals are, responsible for the acts of their agents.
c) Generally speaking, principals are responsible, for the acts of their agents.

84) Which of the following is NOT considered to be a coordinate conjunction in
business writing?
a) but
b) nor
c) so
d) for
e) all of the above are coordinate conjunctions
85) Which of the following is NOT considered to be a short introductory expres-
a) no
b) oh
c) well
d) okay
e) yes
86) My father was a hard working man but didn’t earn much money.
a) add – after HARD
b) correctly punctuated
c) add , after HARD
d) add – after HARD and , after MAN
e) change DIDN’T to DID NOT
87) Among her last words were, “I am settled in my own faith.”
a) add “ after WORDS
b) correctly punctuated
c) add , after SETTLED
d) change , to ;
e) move . to after “

88) The case against the Dallas based-company was handled in Seattle.
a) add-after DALLAS and BASED
b) add-after DALLAS and , after COMPANY
c) add-after DALLAS
d) correctly punctuated
e) add , after COMPANY

89) Ms. Blake asked me whether I would attend the conference?
a) add , after ME
b) add , after BLAKE
c) change ? to .
d) correctly punctuated
e) add “ after ME and CONFERENCE
90) Which of the following are used for titles of subdivisions of published works?
a) commas
b) quotation marks
c) semi-colons
d) colons
91) The new drug proved to be highly effective, it has no side effects.
a) properly constructed sentence
b) comma splice
c) dangler
d) has unclear pronoun
e) lacks parallel parts
92) Since I no longer maintain an office downtown for working on this kind of
a) properly constructed sentence
b) misplaced part
c) dangler
d) fragment
e) run-on
93) Being unable to type the letter, the boss fired me.
a) properly constructed sentence
b) comma splice
c) fragment
d) misplaced part
e) dangler

94) Avoid run-on sentences by
a) using a comma and a coordinate conjunction
b) writing each independent clause as a separate sentence
c) changing one of the independent clauses to a dependent clause or phrase
d) inserting a semicolon followed by a transitional expression
e) any of the above
95) Business writing that contains needlessly long words, superfluous words, and
complicated sentence structure is known as
a) gobbledygook
b) choppy
c) concise
96) It is absolutely essential that each and every package be square in shape. The
preceding sentence is an example of business writing that is
a) positive
b) too informal
c) redundant
d) negative
e) too formal
97) Which is preferable for paragraphing a business letter?
a) first and last longest
b) first and second shortest
c) first shortest and last longest
d) first and last shortest
98) A properly folded letter for a small business envelope has
a) four creases
b) one crease
c) three-creases
d) two creases
e) none of the above

99) Which is an acceptable punctuation format with the full block letter style?
a) simplified punctuation only
b) closed punctuation
c) standard punctuation only
d) open punctuation only
e) either open or standard punctuation
100) The most frequently seen business letter styles are
a) indented and full block
b) indented and modified block
c) modified block and full block
d) none of the above

GED 155
English for Careers: Business, Professional, & Technical
9th Edition, 2006
ISBN: 0-13-118386-9
Leila R. Smith
Prentice Hall
925 N. Spurgeon Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701 Phone: 714-547-9625 Fax: 714-547-5777

GED155 English
Final Examination
Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)
1) A joining of two or more businesses into a single body is a(n)
a) arbitration
b) modem
c) amalgamation
d) bill of lading
2) A deficit is the opposite of a
a) cash discount
b) per capita
c) beneficiary
d) surplus
3) Five hundred sheets of paper is a
a) ream
b) tariff
c) merger
d) rider
4) An addition attached to the end of a document is called a
a) verbatim
b) rider
c) byte
d) litigation
5) A specified amount of money not subject to taxation is a(n)
a) per capita
b) exemption
c) royalty
d) lien
6) Mr. Smith’s secretary prepared a detailed ________ of the trip.
a) itinerary
b) itinary

GED155 English
Final Examination
7) Because their credit rating was so poor, they had to put up their
savings as
a) colatteral
b) collateral
8) During a ________, stock prices are ________.
a) merger; output
b) bear market; expected to appreciate
c) bull market; expected to appreciate
d) litigation; gross income
9) The investors discovered that it was not a good time to make investments
because of the ________ of the market.
a) fluctuation
b) fluxuation
10) The second largest stock exchange in the United States is the
b) S&P 500
11) Susan and Jack recently sold their home, and were surprised at how
much equity they had in the home. This is an indication that the home
had ________ in value.
a) appreciated
b) decreased
c) reciprocated
d) depreciated

12) The Governor spoke from the steps of the ________ about the
________ of the strike.
a) Capital; effects
b) Capital; affects
c) Capitol; effects
d) Capitol; affects
13) ________ calculator is not in ________ proper place?
a) Whose; it’s
b) Who’s; its
c) Whose; its
d) Who’s; it’s
14) ________ is excellent, and all things considered, ________ not a bad
a) Moral; its
b) Morale; its
c) Moral; it’s
d) Morale; it’s
15) While Alice was looking ________ Wonderland, she lost sight of
a) though; reality
b) through; reality
c) thorough; reality
d) though; realty
16) Are you ________ sure that speeches will ________ the dinner?
a) quite; precede
b) quite; proceed
c) quiet; proceed
d) quiet; precede

17) Judy will go over the ________ aspects of the case with you this afternoon..
a) principal
b) principle
18) I was amazed at the number of ________ offered this term.
a) courses
b) coarses
19) The instructor gave us the name of a wonderful ________ to visit on the
a) cite
b) site
20) Mrs. Adams baked a wonderful ________ for the birthday celebration.
a) desert
b) dessert
21) Jack needed more investment ________ to start his landscaping business.
a) capitol
b) capital
22) John will ________ the situation carefully.
a) analyze
b) analyse
23) Mary is ________ her major.
a) changeing
b) changing
24) A lexicographer is a person who
a) censors reference books
b) compiles dictionaries
c) determines new ways to spell words
d) is a very good writer

25) Which spelling is preferred in Standard English?
a) alright
b) all-right
c) all right
d) allright
e) none of the above
26) You would not use IRREGARDLESS in a business letter because it is
a) archaic
b) nonstandard
c) an adverb
d) obsolete
e) misspelled
27) A college dictionary is
a) not suitable for on-the-job purposes
b) also known as a “pocket” dictionary
c) the most convenient kind for students to carry to classes
d) unabridged
e) abridged
28) Which of the following is NOT an abridged dictionary type?
a) college
b) encyclopedic
c) electronic
d) pocket
e) composite
29) Which of the following memory devices is useful for remembering the correct
spelling of privilege?
a) pursue the purse snatcher
b) has an ache because he’s sad to be single
c) he fixed the dent
d) has a leg in it
e) your sister has a tent
30) Which of the following memory devices is useful for remembering the correct
spelling of pursue?
a) pursue the purse snatcher
b) has an ache because he’s sad to be single
c) your sister has a tent
d) he fixed the dent
e) has a leg in it

31) What is the meaning of faux pas?
a) social etiquette
b) social disaster
c) social blunder
d) social awareness
32) Which one names a person, place, or thing?
a) preposition
b) pronoun
c) noun
d) adverb
e) adjective
33) Jose Lopez and Jesus Perez have their offices in the new building. HAVE is
a) verb
b) conjunction
c) noun
d) preposition
e) adverb
34) Jose Lopez and Jesus Perez have their offices in the new building.
OFFICES is a(n):
a) adjective
b) verb
c) noun
d) pronoun
e) conjunction
35) Jose Lopez and Jesus Perez have their offices in the new building. IN
is a(n):
a) pronoun
b) adjective
c) adverb
d) conjunction
e) preposition

36) If you do not know to what port you are sailing, no wind is good. YOU
is a(n):
a) preposition
b) noun
c) adjective
d) adverb
e) pronoun
37) Leaders have a keen sense of fairness and justice. KEEN is a(n):
a) adjective
b) pronoun
c) noun
d) verb
e) adverb
38) To know love is to experience the passion of a lifetime. The words “to love”
and “to experience” are
a) gerunds
b) action verbs
c) linking verbs
d) infinitives
39) Josephine fell in love with Napoleon instantly and married him before he left
to fight in the war. Josephine and Napoleon are
a) gerunds
b) common nouns
c) proper nouns
d) verbs
e) infinitives
40) After the meeting, Constantine and Loretta quickly flew to Paris for the holi-
day season. The word quickly is
a) an adverb
b) an adjective

41) The ________ of her college are planning to hold a reunion.
a) alumnis
b) alumnus
c) alumnae
d) alumnas
e) alumna
42) The ________ have been notified of the meeting.
a) stock holders
b) stockholder’s
c) stockholders
d) stock-holders
e) stockholders’
43) Receipts from a shipping company listing the items to be shipped are called
a) cargos
b) bill of ladings
c) embargoes
d) bills-of-lading
e) bills of lading
44) The most suitable expression listed here for referring to a female manager is
a) manageress
b) manager
c) female manager
d) lady manager
e) managerette
45) Which word is correctly spelled?
a) proxies
b) accessoreys
c) journies
d) attornies
e) authoritys

46) The new ________ is required
a) hypothesum
b) hypotheses
c) hypothesi
d) hypothesis
47) ________ are used to show the omission of letters or words.
a) Ellipsis’
b) Ellipses’
c) Ellipsis
d) Ellipses
e) Ellipsises
48) When will your ________ return?
a) sister-in-laws
b) sisters-in-law
c) sisters-in-laws
d) sisters’-in-law
e) sisters in law
49) Which of the following is the correct plural for the word authority?
a) authorities’
b) authoritys
c) authorities
d) authority’s
50) Janice and ________ will give the flyers to ________ who wants them.
a) him; anyone
b) he; anyone
c) him; any one
d) he; any-one
e) he; any one

51) ________ would you like to go with you when you and ________ give the
a) Whom; her
b) Who; her
c) Who; she
d) Whom; she
52) Which one is incorrect?
a) He loves his wife more than she.
b) I know the president better than him.
c) He loves his wife more than her.
d) I know the president better than he.
e) none of the above
53) ________ work was checked except ________.
a) No ones; yours
b) No one’s; yours
c) No one’s; your’s
d) No ones’; yours
e) No ones; your’s
54) Almost ________ work would be better than ________.
a) anyones’; hers
b) anyones’; hers’
c) anyone’s; hers
d) anyone’s; her’s
e) anyones; hers

55) Which one is correct?
a) The company closed its offices.
b) The company closed it’s offices.
c) The company closed there offices.
d) The company closed their offices.
56) The man ________ you should marry is the one ________ gave me the portfo-
a) who; who
b) whom; whom
c) whom; who
d) who; whom
57) Which of the following is a subjective pronoun?
a) her
b) she
c) him
d) me
e) them
58) Which one is correct?
a) The bag of cement sunk in the deep water.
b) She has ran away again.
c) He had just began work.
d) I took it with me.
59) Accuracy in figures ________ the expert accountant, and I have ________ two
a) marks; chosen
b) mark; chose
c) marks; chose
d) mark; chosen

60) John and Sam _________ home from school each day. (present tense)
a) walked
b) walk
c) walks
61) We ________ the service at noon each Friday. (present tense)
a) begins
b) begin
c) begun
d) began
62) The present form of the verb drink is
a) drink
b) drinks
c) drank
d) drunk
e) A or B
63) David ________ to the movies with Sam. (simple past)
a) went
b) has gone
c) goes
64) She is the ________ popular of the two girls.
a) least
b) lesser
c) less
d) none of the above
65) He is the ________ of the two brothers and the ________.
a) younger; friendliest
b) youngest; friendlier
c) younger; friendlier
d) youngest; friendliest

66) The stir-fried vegetables taste ________ and look ________ too.
a) deliciously; good
b) deliciously; well
c) delicious; good
d) delicious; well
67) Which of the following CANNOT be used as a pointing adjective?
a) these
b) this
c) they
d) that
e) those
68) George is the ________ of all the Stafford brothers.
a) wiser
b) wisest
69) Dana works ________ ________ than Susan does.
a) most efficiently
b) more efficiently
70) Three ________ have offices in this building.
a) CPAs
b) CPAs’
c) CPS’s
71) The ________ invited us to dinner two ________ ago.
a) Adamses; weeks’
b) Adamses’; weeks
c) Adams’s; weeks’
d) Adamses; weeks
e) Adams; weeks

72) We ________ pleased with the oldest ________ work habits.
a) aren’t; brothers’
b) are’nt; brothers’
c) are’nt; brother’s
d) aren’t; brother’s
73) One of this ________ duties is to keep a record of all ________ wages.
a) agency’s; employees
b) agencies’; employees
c) agency’s; employee’s
d) agency’s; employees’
e) agencys’; employees’
74) The research _________ are all ________.
a) chemists; MDs
b) chemists; MDs’
c) chemists; MD’s
d) chemists’; MDs
e) chemist’s; MD’s
75) After a ________ consideration, I’ve decided to cross my ________.
a) week’s; t’s
b) weeks’; t’s
c) weeks’; ts’
d) week’s; ts’

76) Leaders take responsibility for themselves, their actions, and the results.
a) correct
b) fragment
c) run-on
d) comma splice
77) Mr. Hanson is out of town, however, we expect him back next week. This
sentence is
a) correct
b) a fragment
c) a run-on
d) a comma splice

78) Although the artist painted four portraits of this lady, only one has been
found. This sentence is
a) correct
b) a fragment
c) a run-on
d) a comma splice
79) I typed all the statistical reports in one day, thus I didn’t have time to proof-
read them. This sentence is
a) correct
b) a fragment
c) a run-on
d) a comma splice
80) Although Washington was the founder of the country and Lincoln was the
preserver. This sentence is
a) correct
b) a fragment
c) a run-on
d) a comma splice
81) Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
a) Little Rock, Arkansas was the scene of tragedy and strife.
b) Little Rock, Arkansas, was the scene of tragedy and strife.
c) Little Rock, Arkansas, was the scene of tragedy, and strife.
82) Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
a) They became ill during the long, and severe winter.
b) They became ill during the long severe winter.
c) They became ill during the long, severe winter.
83) Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
a) Generally speaking, principals are responsible for the acts of their agents.
b) Generally speaking, principals are, responsible for the acts of their agents.
c) Generally speaking, principals are responsible, for the acts of their agents.

84) Which of the following is NOT considered to be a coordinate conjunction in
business writing?
a) but
b) nor
c) so
d) for
e) all of the above are coordinate conjunctions
85) Which of the following is NOT considered to be a short introductory expres-
a) no
b) oh
c) well
d) okay
e) yes
86) My father was a hard working man but didn’t earn much money.
a) add – after HARD
b) correctly punctuated
c) add , after HARD
d) add – after HARD and , after MAN
e) change DIDN’T to DID NOT
87) Among her last words were, “I am settled in my own faith.”
a) add “ after WORDS
b) correctly punctuated
c) add , after SETTLED
d) change , to ;
e) move . to after “

88) The case against the Dallas based-company was handled in Seattle.
a) add-after DALLAS and BASED
b) add-after DALLAS and , after COMPANY
c) add-after DALLAS
d) correctly punctuated
e) add , after COMPANY

89) Ms. Blake asked me whether I would attend the conference?
a) add , after ME
b) add , after BLAKE
c) change ? to .
d) correctly punctuated
e) add “ after ME and CONFERENCE
90) Which of the following are used for titles of subdivisions of published works?
a) commas
b) quotation marks
c) semi-colons
d) colons
91) The new drug proved to be highly effective, it has no side effects.
a) properly constructed sentence
b) comma splice
c) dangler
d) has unclear pronoun
e) lacks parallel parts
92) Since I no longer maintain an office downtown for working on this kind of
a) properly constructed sentence
b) misplaced part
c) dangler
d) fragment
e) run-on
93) Being unable to type the letter, the boss fired me.
a) properly constructed sentence
b) comma splice
c) fragment
d) misplaced part
e) dangler

94) Avoid run-on sentences by
a) using a comma and a coordinate conjunction
b) writing each independent clause as a separate sentence
c) changing one of the independent clauses to a dependent clause or phrase
d) inserting a semicolon followed by a transitional expression
e) any of the above
95) Business writing that contains needlessly long words, superfluous words, and
complicated sentence structure is known as
a) gobbledygook
b) choppy
c) concise
96) It is absolutely essential that each and every package be square in shape. The
preceding sentence is an example of business writing that is
a) positive
b) too informal
c) redundant
d) negative
e) too formal
97) Which is preferable for paragraphing a business letter?
a) first and last longest
b) first and second shortest
c) first shortest and last longest
d) first and last shortest
98) A properly folded letter for a small business envelope has
a) four creases
b) one crease
c) three-creases
d) two creases
e) none of the above

99) Which is an acceptable punctuation format with the full block letter style?
a) simplified punctuation only
b) closed punctuation
c) standard punctuation only
d) open punctuation only
e) either open or standard punctuation
100) The most frequently seen business letter styles are
a) indented and full block
b) indented and modified block
c) modified block and full block
d) none of the above

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