Case Study

Case Study: Heat Exchanger Rupture Incident 

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1. Using the information in the CSB Case Study, identify probable direct causes, contributing causes, and root causes of the incident. Explain the reasoning you used to reach these causes. You may make assumptions concerning any missing investigative information as long as you clearly state your assumptions. Discuss how and where your proposed causal factors fit into the causation model on page 356 of the course textbook. For the root causes only, provide recommended corrective actions.  

2. Create an Events and Causal Factors chart that follows the timeline of the incident. Be sure to include all causal factors you identified in your discussion, as well as any other conditions and events that are relevant to understanding the accident sequence.  

The chart can be created using MS-Word, PowerPoint, or Excel, or it can be hand drawn and scanned.  

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Completed case study must be a minimum of three pages and maximum of five pages, not including the title page, reference page, and chart. Use APA formatting for all of your assignment, as well as for all references and in-text citations.  


Heat exchanger rupture and ammonia
release in Houston, Texas

(One Killed, Six Injured)

January 2011

The Goodyear Tire and Rubber

Houston, TX

June 11, 2008

Key Issues:
• Emergency Response and Accountability

• Maintenance Completion

• Pressure Vessel Over-

pressure Protection

  • Introduction
  • This case study examines a
    heat exchanger rupture and
    ammonia release at The
    Goodyear Tire and Rubber
    Company plant in Houston,
    Texas. The rupture and release
    injured six employees. Hours
    after plant responders
    declared the emergency over;
    the body of an employee was
    discovered in the debris next
    to the heat exchanger.

    INSIDE . . .
    Incident Description



    Lessons Learned

    Goodyear Houston Case Study January 2011


  • 1.0 Incident Description
  • This case study examines a heat exchanger
    rupture and ammonia release at The
    Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company
    (Goodyear) facility in Houston, Texas, that
    killed one worker and injured six others.

    Goodyear uses pressurized anhydrous
    ammonia in the heat exchanger to cool the
    chemicals used to make synthetic rubber.
    Process chemicals pumped through tubes
    inside the heat exchanger are cooled by
    ammonia flowing around the tubes in a
    cylindrical steel shell.

    On June 10, 2008, Goodyear operators
    closed an isolation valve between the heat
    exchanger shell (ammonia cooling side) and
    a relief valve to replace a burst rupture disk
    under the relief valve that provided over-
    pressure protection. Maintenance workers
    replaced the rupture disk on that day;
    however, the closed isolation valve was not

    On the morning of June 11, an operator
    closed a block valve isolating the ammonia
    pressure control valve from the heat
    exchanger. The operator then connected a
    steam line to the process line to clean the
    piping. The steam flowed through the heat
    exchanger tubes, heated the liquid ammonia
    in the exchanger shell, and increased the
    pressure in the shell. The closed isolation
    and block valves prevented the increasing
    ammonia pressure from safely venting
    through either the ammonia pressure control
    valve or the rupture disk and relief valve.
    The pressure in the heat exchanger shell
    continued climbing until it violently
    ruptured at about 7:30 a.m.

    The catastrophic rupture threw debris that
    struck and killed a Goodyear employee
    walking through the area.

    The rupture also released ammonia,
    exposing five nearby workers to the
    chemical. One additional worker was injured
    while exiting the area.

    Immediately after the rupture and resulting
    ammonia release, Goodyear evacuated the
    plant. Medical responders transported the six
    injured workers. The employee tracking
    system failed to properly account for all
    workers and as a result, Goodyear
    management believed all workers had safely
    evacuated the affected area.

    Management declared the incident over the
    morning of June 11, although debris blocked
    access to the area immediately surrounding
    the heat exchanger. Plant responders
    managed the cleanup while other areas of
    the facility resumed operations.

    Several hours later, after plant operations
    had resumed, a supervisor assessing damage
    in the immediate incident area discovered
    the body of a Goodyear employee located
    under debris in a dimly lit area (Figure 1).

    Figure 1. Area of fatality

    Goodyear Houston Case Study January 2011


  • 2.0 Background
  • 2.1 Goodyear

    Goodyear is an international tire and rubber
    manufacturing company founded in 1898
    and headquartered in Akron, Ohio. North
    American facilities produce tires and tire
    components. The Houston facility, originally
    constructed in 1942 and expanded in 1989,
    produces synthetic rubber in several process

    2.1.1 Process Description

    The facility includes separate production
    and finishing areas. In the production area, a
    series of reactor vessels process chemicals,
    including styrene and butadiene. Heat
    exchangers in the reactor process line use

    ammonia to control temperature. Piping
    carries product from the reactors to the
    product finishing area.

    2.1.2 Ammonia Heat Exchangers

    Ammonia is a commonly used industrial
    coolant. Goodyear uses three ammonia heat
    exchangers in its production process lines.
    The ammonia cooling system supplies the
    heat exchangers with pressurized liquid
    ammonia. As the ammonia absorbs heat
    from the process chemical flowing through
    tubes in the center of the heat exchanger, the
    ammonia boils in the heat exchanger shell
    (Figure 2). A pressure control valve in the
    vapor return line maintains ammonia
    pressure at 150 psig in the heat exchanger.
    Ammonia vapor returns to the ammonia
    cooling system where it is pressurized and
    cooled, liquefying the ammonia.

    Figure 2. Ammonia heat exchanger

    Goodyear Houston Case Study January 2011


    The process chemicals exiting the heat
    exchanger flow to the process reactors. Each
    heat exchanger is equipped with a rupture
    disk in series with a pressure relief valve
    (both set at 300 psig) to protect the heat
    exchanger from excessive pressure. The
    relief system vented ammonia vapor through
    the roof to the atmosphere.

    2.2 Ammonia Properties

    Anhydrous ammonia is a colorless, toxic,
    and flammable vapor at room temperature. It
    has a pungent odor and is hazardous when
    inhaled, ingested, or if it contacts the skin or
    eyes. Ammonia vapor irritates the eyes and
    respiratory system and makes breathing

    Liquefied ammonia causes frostbite on
    contact. One cubic foot of liquid ammonia
    produces 850 cubic feet of vapor. Since
    ammonia vapor is lighter than air, it tends to
    rise. The vapor can also remain close to the
    ground when it absorbs water vapor from air
    in high humidity conditions.

    The Occupational Safety and Health
    Administration (OSHA) and National
    Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
    (NIOSH) limit worker exposure to ammonia
    to 25 and 50 parts per million (ppm),
    respectively, over an 8-hour time-weighted
    average. Ammonia is detectable by its odor
    at 5 ppm.

    Goodyear Houston Case Study January 2011


    3.0 Analysis

    3.1 Emergency Procedures

    3.1.1 Onsite Emergency
    Response Training

    Goodyear maintained a trained
    emergency response team, which
    attended off-site industrial firefighter
    training, conducted response drills based
    on localized emergency scenarios, and
    practiced implementing an emergency
    operations center. Other employees
    received emergency preparedness
    training primarily as part of their annual
    computer-based health and safety

    Although Goodyear procedures required
    that a plant-wide evacuation and shelter-
    in-place drill be conducted at least four
    times a year, workers told the Chemical
    Safety Board (CSB) that such drills had
    not been conducted in the four years
    prior to the June 11th 2008 incident.
    Operating procedures discussed plant-
    wide, alarm operations and emergency
    muster points for partial and plant-wide
    evacuations; however, some employees
    had not been fully trained on these

    3.1.2 Plant Alarm System

    Although Goodyear had installed a plant-
    wide alarm system, some workers reported
    that the system was unreliable, as in this
    case, when workers were not immediately
    made aware of the nature of the incident.
    Emergency alarm pull-boxes located
    throughout the production unit areas sound a
    location-specific alarm. However, ammonia
    vapor released from the ruptured heat

    exchanger and water spray from the
    automatic water deluge system prevented
    responders from reaching the alarm pull-box
    in the affected process unit. Supervisors and
    response team members were forced to
    notify some employees by radio and word-
    of-mouth of the vessel rupture and ammonia

    3.1.3 Accounting for Workers in
    an Emergency

    Facility operating procedures also outlined
    Goodyear’s worker emergency
    accountability scheme. Supervisors were to
    account for their employees using a master
    list generated from the computerized
    electronic badge-in/badge-out system.

    During the incident however, a malfunction
    in the badge tracking system delayed
    supervisors from immediately retrieving the
    list of personnel in their area. Handwritten
    employee and contractor lists were
    generated, listing the workers only as they
    congregated at the muster points or sheltered
    in place. Later, EOC personnel compared
    the handwritten lists against the computer
    record of personnel who remained badged in
    to the production areas.

    Additionally, although emergency response
    team members were familiar with the
    employee accountability procedures, not all
    supervisory and security employees, who
    were to conduct the accounting, had been
    trained on them. In fact, some of the
    employees responsible for accountability
    were unaware prior to the incident that their
    jobs could include this task in an emergency.

    Since the fatally injured employee was a
    member of the emergency response team,
    area supervisors did not consider her
    absence from the muster point unusual.

    Goodyear Houston Case Study January 2011


    The Emergency Operations Command
    (EOC) declared all Goodyear employees
    accounted for at about 8:40 a.m. Accounting
    for the contract employees continued until
    about 11:00 a.m., at which time the EOC
    ended the plant-wide evacuation and
    disbanded. Only the immediate area
    involved in the rupture remained evacuated.

    At about 1:20 p.m., an operations supervisor
    assessing the damage to the incident area
    discovered the victim buried in rubble in a
    dimly lit area and contacted City of Houston
    medical responders.

    3.2 Maintenance Procedures

    Training requirements for operators in the
    production area included standard operating
    procedures specifically applicable to the
    rupture disk maintenance performed on
    June 10:

    • Use of the work order system
    including obtaining signature
    verification both before the work
    starts and after job was completed;

    • Use of lockout/tagout procedures for
    equipment that was undergoing

    The CSB found evidence of breakdowns in
    both the work order and lockout/tagout
    programs that contributed to the incident.

    Although the work order procedure required
    a signature before work commenced and
    after the work had been completed,
    operators reported that maintenance
    personnel did not always obtain production
    operators’ signatures as required.
    Additionally, work order documentation was
    not kept at production control stations.

    Operators used the lockout/tagout
    procedures to manage the work on the heat
    exchanger rupture disk, but did not clearly
    document the progress and status of the
    maintenance. Information that the isolation
    valve on the safety relief vent remained in
    the closed position and locked out was
    limited to a handwritten note.

    Although maintenance workers had replaced
    the rupture disk by about 4:30 p.m. on
    June 10, the valve isolating the rupture disk
    was not reopened. No further activities
    involving the rupture disk or relief line
    occurred on the nightshift or the dayshift on
    June 11 and the valve remained closed.
    Figure 3 shows the timeline of these events.

    Goodyear’s work order system for
    maintenance requires the process operator to
    sign off when the repairs are completed.
    However, whether this occurred during the
    June 10 dayshift is unclear, and Goodyear
    was unable to produce a signed copy of the
    work order.

    Goodyear Houston Case Study January 2011


    Figure 3. Event timeline

    3.3 Pressure Vessel Over-

    pressure Protection

    3.3.1 Heat Exchanger Rupture

    As Figure 2 shows, a rupture disk and a
    pressure relief valve in series protected
    the ammonia heat exchanger from over-
    pressure. An isolation valve installed
    between the rupture disk and the heat
    exchanger isolated the rupture disk and
    relief valve for maintenance. However,
    when the valve was in the closed position,
    the heat exchanger was still protected
    from an over-pressure condition by the
    automatic pressure control valve.

    The next day, when operators began a
    separate task to steam clean the process
    piping they closed a block valve between

    the heat exchanger and the automatic
    pressure control valve. This isolated the
    ammonia side of the heat exchanger from
    all means of over-pressure protection.
    Steam flowing through the heat
    exchanger increased the ammonia
    temperature and the pressure in the
    isolated heat exchanger. Because the
    over-pressure protection remained
    isolated, the internal pressure increased
    until the heat exchanger suddenly and
    catastrophically ruptured.

    3.3.2 Pressure Vessel Standards

    The American Society of Mechanical
    Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel
    Code, Section VIII (the ASME Code),
    provides rules for pressure vessel design,
    use, and maintenance, including over-
    pressure protection. Use of the ASME
    Code was required at Goodyear by OSHA’s
    29 CFR 1910.119 Process Safety
    Management Standard.1

    The ASME Code requires that when a
    pressure vessel relief device is
    temporarily blocked and there is a
    possibility of vessel pressurization above
    the design limit, a worker capable of
    releasing the pressure must continuously
    monitor the vessel. Goodyear’s
    maintenance procedures did not address
    over-pressurization by the ammonia
    when the relief line was blocked, nor did
    it require maintenance and operations
    staff to post a worker at the vessel to
    open the isolation valve if the pressure
    increased above the operating limit.

    1 OSHA Process Safety Management regulation, 29
    CFR 1910.119, is a performance-based process-
    safety regulation requiring manufacturers to comply
    with recognized and generally accepted good
    engineering practices on processes containing greater
    than threshold quantities of toxic or flammable

    Goodyear Houston Case Study January 2011


    4.0 Lessons Learned

    4.1 Worker Headcounts

    On the morning of the incident, Goodyear
    erroneously accounted for all its workers
    and declared an end to the emergency.
    Hours later, workers discovered the
    victim buried in the rubble near the
    ruptured vessel. Her absence had not
    been noted due to lack of training and
    drills on worker headcounts.

    Companies should conduct worker
    headcount drills that implement their
    emergency response plans on a facility-
    wide basis. Company procedures must
    account for breakdowns in automated
    worker tracking systems to ensure that all
    workers inside a facility can be quickly
    accounted for in an emergency. Drills that
    simulate such malfunctions should be
    conducted to verify that all lines of
    responsibility and alternate verification
    techniques will account for workers in a
    real situation.

    4.2 Maintenance Completion

    Although maintenance workers had
    replaced the rupture disk by about 4:30
    p.m. on June 10, the primary over-
    pressure protection for the heat
    exchanger remained isolated until the
    heat exchanger ruptured at about 7:30
    a.m. on June 11.

    Communicating plant conditions between
    maintenance and operations personnel is
    critical to the safe operation of a process
    plant. Good practice includes formal
    written turnover documents that inform
    maintenance personnel when a process is
    ready for maintenance and operations
    personnel when maintenance is completed
    and the process can be safely restored to

    4.3 Isolating Pressure Vessels

    Goodyear employees completely isolated
    an ammonia heat exchanger, including the
    over-pressure protection, while steaming
    a process line through the heat exchanger.
    Workers left the pressure relief line
    isolated for many hours following
    completion of the maintenance.

    In accordance with the ASME Boiler and
    Pressure Vessel Code, over-pressure
    protection shall be continuously provided
    on pressure vessels installed in process
    systems whenever there is a possibility that
    the vessel can be over-pressurized by any
    pressure source, including external
    mechanical pressurization, external
    heating, chemical reaction, and liquid-to-
    vapor expansion. Workers should
    continuously monitor an isolated pressure
    relief system throughout the course of a
    repair and reopen blocked valves
    immediately after the work is completed.

    Goodyear Houston Case Study January 2011


    5.0 References

    Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Process Safety Management Standard.

    29 CFR 1910.119, 1992.

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section

    VIII, Division I, 2004.

    Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS). Plant Guidelines for Technical Management of

    Chemical Process Safety (revised ed.). American Institute of Chemical Engineers

    (AIChE), 2004.

    CCPS. Guidelines for Engineering Design for Process Safety, AIChE, 1993, p. 539.

    Goodyear Houston Case Study January 2011


    The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) is an independent Federal agency
    whose mission is to ensure the safety of workers, the public, and the environment by investigating and
    preventing chemical incidents. The CSB is a scientific investigative organization; it is not an enforcement
    or regulatory body. Established by the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, the CSB is responsible for
    determining the root and contributing causes of accidents, issuing safety recommendations, studying
    chemical safety issues, and evaluating the effectiveness of other government agencies involved in
    chemical safety.

    No part of the conclusions, findings, or recommendations of the CSB relating to any chemical accident
    may be admitted as evidence or used in any action or suit for damages. See 42 U.S.C. § 7412(r)(6)(G).
    The CSB makes public its actions and decisions through investigation reports, summary reports, safety
    bulletins, safety recommendations, case studies, incident digests, special technical publications, and
    statistical reviews. More information about the CSB is available at

    CSB publications can be downloaded at or obtained by contacting:

    U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard
    Investigation Board

    Office of Congressional, Public, and Board Affairs
    2175 K Street NW, Suite 400
    Washington, DC 20037-1848

    (202) 261-7600

    CSB Investigation Reports are formal,
    detailed reports on significant chemical

    accidents and include key findings, root causes,
    and safety recommendations. CSB Hazard

    Investigations are broader studies of significant
    chemical hazards. CSB Safety Bulletins are

    short, general-interest publications that provide
    new or noteworthy information on

    preventing chemical accidents. CSB Case
    Studies are short reports on specific accidents

    and include a discussion of relevant prevention
    practices. All reports may contain safety

    recommendations when appropriate.�

      1.0 Incident Description
      2.0 Background
      2.1 Goodyear
      2.1.1 Process Description
      2.1.2 Ammonia Heat Exchangers
      2.2 Ammonia Properties

    • 3.0 Analysis
    • 3.1 Emergency Procedures
      3.1.1 Onsite Emergency Response Training
      3.1.2 Plant Alarm System
      3.1.3 Accounting for Workers in an Emergency
      3.2 Maintenance Procedures
      3.3 Pressure Vessel Over-pressure Protection
      3.3.1 Heat Exchanger Rupture
      3.3.2 Pressure Vessel Standards

    • 4.0 Lessons Learned
    • 4.1 Worker Headcounts
      On the morning of the incident, Goodyear erroneously accounted for all its workers and declared an end to the emergency. Hours later, workers discovered the victim buried in the rubble near the ruptured vessel. Her absence had not been noted due to la…
      Companies should conduct worker headcount drills that implement their emergency response plans on a facility-wide basis. Company procedures must account for breakdowns in automated worker tracking systems to ensure that all workers inside a facility c…
      4.2 Maintenance Completion
      Although maintenance workers had replaced the rupture disk by about 4:30 p.m. on June 10, the primary over-pressure protection for the heat exchanger remained isolated until the heat exchanger ruptured at about 7:30 a.m. on June 11.
      Communicating plant conditions between maintenance and operations personnel is critical to the safe operation of a process plant. Good practice includes formal written turnover documents that inform maintenance personnel when a process is ready for ma…
      4.3 Isolating Pressure Vessels
      Goodyear employees completely isolated an ammonia heat exchanger, including the over-pressure protection, while steaming a process line through the heat exchanger. Workers left the pressure relief line isolated for many hours following completion of t…
      In accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, over-pressure protection shall be continuously provided on pressure vessels installed in process systems whenever there is a possibility that the vessel can be over-pressurized by any pressu…

    • 5.0 References

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