Several questions

1. Name the internal organs of the female reproductive system.

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2. Name the other organs of the female reproductive system.

3. Describe the structure of the ovaries.

4. Name the ligaments of the ovaries.

5. Name the three structures housed in each suspensory ligament.

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6. What is the mesovarium? What is its function?

7. Name the capsule that surrounds each ovary. What tissue type is it?

8. Name the two regions of the ovary. Which region contains the ovarian follicles?

9. What is located within each follicle?

10. What event triggers development of some follicles?

11. What events occur during ovulation?

12. The remnant of the ruptured follicle is the , which later degenerates into a .

13. Where are the uterine tubes located? What is the mesosalpinx?

14. Into where do the uterine tubes directly open? Why?

15. Name the four segments of each uterine tube.

16. What are the fimbriae? What is their function?

17. Where does fertilization normally occur?

18. What is the shape and function of the uterus?

19. Name the three regions of the uterus.

20. The uterus’ hollow lumen connects to the vagina via .

21. Describe the three layers of the uterus.

22. Describe the two layers of the lamina propria. Which layer is shed during menstruation? How is it regenerated?

23. Name the three functions of the uterus.

24. Describe the three layers of the vaginal wall.

25. How do bacteria help inhibit the growth of pathogens in the vagina?

1. What is the composition of the breast?

2. What muscle is deep to the base of the breast?

3. The “tail” of the breast extends into the .

4. Into what structures do the suspensory ligaments divide the breast?

5. What tissue partially replaces the breast fat tissue during pregnancy and lactation?

6. The allows movement of the breast independent of the thoracic wall muscles.

7. What are the functions of the suspensory ligaments?

8. What is the function of lactiferous ducts?

9. Where does each duct open?

10. Name the region between the labia minora.

11. What is the urogenital triangle?

12. Describe the structure of the labium minus. What is its function?

13. Describe the structure of the labium majus. What is its function?

14. Describe the structure of the vagina. What is its function?

15. Define parturition. What is the standard measure for timing parturition?

16. Name the structure that varies its position with the fullness of the urinary bladder and rectum. What is the function of that structure?

17. The junction of the cervical canal and what structure forms the internal os? What is the function of that structure?

18. Name the female gonads. What is their function?

19. Name the location for a tubal ligation. What is this procedure?

20. Name the location where the cartilage softens in late pregnancy to allow a slight separation of the pubic bones.

21. Name the structure that conducts the ovarian vessels and nerves.

1. What is the normal human chromosome number? This number is referred to as .

2. There are pairs of chromosomes, known as pairs.

3. What process occurs before both meiosis and mitosis? What happens to the chromosomes afterward?

4. How many successive divisions occur in meiosis?

5. List the events of the first division.

6. List the events of the second division.

7. Define haploid.

8. How many cell divisions occur during mitosis? What is the result of mitosis?

Animation: Meiosis

After viewing the animation, answer these questions:

1. Sperm and egg cells are formed through the process of . Where are these cells found?

2. Are the germ-line cells diploid or haploid? Through the process of meiosis, the cells produced will be , having set(s) of chromosomes.

3. During fertilization, these cells to form a offspring.

4. Name the phase of meiosis when the DNA replicates and each chromosome becomes doubled.

5. These doubled chromosomes consist of .

6. The first division of meiosis, meiosis I, .

7. In the second division, meiosis II, .

8. What is the result of meiosis?

9. What changes have occurred to the chromosomes during prophase I?

10. Name the structure that joins identical sister chromatids.

11. What is crossing-over? What events occur just prior to crossing-over?

12. As a result of crossing-over, how do the two sister chromatids of one chromosome compare?

13. List the events of metaphase I.

14. What is independent assortment?

15. List the events of anaphase I. Describe the chromosomes during this phase.

16. How many members of the homologous chromosome pair will be in each new cell at the end of anaphase I? Are these new cells haploid or diploid?

17. List the events in telophase I.

18. Define cytokinesis.

19. What are the results of meiosis I?

20. How does meiosis II compare to mitosis?

21. List the events of prophase II.

22. What action occurs among the chromosomes during metaphase II? How does metaphase II compare with metaphase I?

23. What events occur during anaphase II? During telophase II?

24. How many cells result from meiosis? How do they compare genetically?

Animation: Unique Features of Meiosis

After viewing the animation, answer these questions:

1. Name the three unique features of meiosis.

2. Describe the events of synapsis.

3. Describe the events of crossing-over.

4. What is another name for crossing-over?

5. The name for the first nuclear division is .

6. What is the result of reduction division?

7. What effect does crossing-over have on the sister chromatids of each daughter cell?

1. Female reproductive cycles are initiated usually between the ages of and , a period known as .

2. How long is the average female reproductive cycle? Where do the changes occur during the cycle?

3. During each cycle, the hypothalamus releases , which stimulates the to release two hormones, and .

4. Name the target organ for these hormones.

5. Name the two components of the female reproductive cycle.

6. Ovulation occurs on day of the -day ovarian cycle.

7. What are the 14 days prior to ovulation called in the ovarian cycle? The 14 days following ovulation?

8. What regulates the ovarian cycle?

9. Ovulation occurs on day of the -day uterine cycle.

10. Describe the two subdivisions of the uterine cycle that occur before ovulation. And the 14 days following ovulation?

11. What controls the uterine cycle?

12. Describe the first five days of the follicular stage.

13. What occurs during this time in the uterine cycle? This is the phase, commonly referred to as .

14. Describe the ovarian events during days 6–13 of the follicular phase.

15. Describe the ovarian events two days before ovulation. What hormones influence these events?

16. What causes the final maturation of the follicle? How soon before ovulation does this occur? What is another name for the mature follicle?

17. What event occurs in the primary oocyte just prior to ovulation? What does this form?

18. What event occurs in the uterus during the proliferative stage? Name the hormone responsible for this event and where that hormone is produced.

19. Describe the events of ovulation. What hormone peaks at this time?

20. During the luteal stage, what structure is formed from the remaining luteal cells? What is the function of this structure and the hormones that it produces?

21. After the ovum is fertilized and implants in the uterine wall, what hormone is produced by the cells of the implantation site? What is the function of this hormone?

22. How long does the corpus luteum continue hormone production? What transition takes place after this time? What structures produce hormones in the place of the corpus luteum?

23. If fertilization does not occur, when does the corpus luteum become the corpus albicans? What effect does this have on hormone levels? What events do these changes initiate?

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