When I was running for State Legislator in 2004 (I lost) someone sent me this quotation from Mahatma Gandhi

When I was running for State Legislator in 2004 (I lost) someone sent me this quotation from Mahatma Gandhi. “The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; and worship without sacrifice.” -Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) DQ 1: Define the relationship between law, ethical codes, and professional practice. That is, what was Gandhi talking about? Dq2 What do we mean by the concept of dual relationships in the provision of human services and why are they discouraged? Here are the 8 discussion question, Can you please have them by Friday?   1. I think the relationship between them is the degree of how one do things and what they can do to change things or break it. law, ethical code and professional practice requires certain standards to be held up. I think Gandhi was trying to say to be successful at anything there are certain criteria one must meet. One must also be knowledgeable and have morals and standards to succeed succeed 2. For me I interpreted it as him meaning that the principle, conscience, greed, character, morality, humanity and sacrifice are all things that build our moral and ethical standards, because of external factors some of these things cause our judgment to be swayed. In law we have scandal so it is imortant to have a code of ethics in a place of government as well as where one is employed in order to keep equality without favoritism. 3. The relationship between law, ethical codes, and professional practice is that they all originated from people who believed in morality. In order for laws to be put in place, people need to vote. Those votes will be different, because each person may believe something to be moral or immoral. Obviously, the votes will determine if the law will be put in place or not. I believe what Ghandi was saying is that we are all human. We cannot do something or achieve something, just to do it. There is always a reason behind it. An example is the first part of the statement, “Politics without principle”. People will strive for independence or will try and get the public to see something in a different way, hoping that the people will understand and be all for it. Without principle, how could someone strive to make a change? There has to be a theory behind something. 4. In my opinion, Gandhi define the relationship between law, ethical codes, and professional practice as; Human service professionals should be aware of their relationships with clients power and status, which are unequal. Therefore, human service workers should recognize that dual or multiple relationships may increase the risk of harm to, or exploitation of, clients, and may impair their professional judgment. However, in some communities and situations it may not be feasible to avoid social or other nonprofessional contact with clients. Human service professionals support the trust implicit in the helping relationship by avoiding dual relationships that may impair professional judgment, increase the risk of harm to clients or lead to exploitation. 5. In its simplest definitional form, non-sexual dual relationships in social work practice are relationships that occur when a social worker assumes a second relationship with a client that may cause actual or potential conflicts between their professional duties and their social, religious or business relationships.Relationships may be ethical or unethical, problematic or non-problematic which is why the blurring between professional ethics and standards and practice sometimes occurs. (Kagel & Giebelhausen, 1994; Reamer, 2001; Reilly, 2003). 6. The meaning is to not have an outside relationship with a client or have a friend as a client. They are discouraged because one might not be truthful about information while interacting, and favoritisma nd being biased toward the client because they are your friend. Boundaries will eventually get crossed. My best friend is also my boss who I borrowed money from one time. I can not begin to make one understand the way I felt because I was not paying it back fast enough. I think when she is talking to someone is she talking about me because I have not payed her back yet, and payday could not get here quick enough for that situation, but I will never do it again. It made the friendship very strained. I am sure she was wondering at some point if she was going to get the money back, or had she made a mistake by loaning it to her best friend. Bad situation all the way around. 7. The dual relationship concept in human services is simply explained. A client and professional having dealings outside of a professional setting explains the concept. One example would be a client seeking counseling at an agency. The client and professional begin to work together to begin treatment for a variety of reasons. A short time into treatment. 

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8. The concept of dual relationships is when the clinician assumes a second relationship with a client that may cause actual or potential conflicts between his or her professional or social relationship (Kagel & Giebelhausen, 1994). These types of relationships are discouraged because the lines between ethical and unethical behavior becomes a problem.


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