ECO(60 Mcqs Answered)

1. The BLS defines the unemployment rate as the percentage of

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the labor force without fulltime employment.


the labor force that is unemployed.

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the adult population that is unemployed.


those unemployed relative to those employed.

____ 2. Government purchases include spending on goods and services by


local, state and federal governments, as well household spending by employees of those governments.


the federal government only.


local, state and federal governments.


state and federal governments only.

____ 3. The U.S. government protects fish, a common resource, by


heavily taxing competing industries.


selling fishing licenses and regulating fish lengths.


subsidizing the fishing industry.


None of the above is correct.

____ 4. A good is excludable if


the government can regulate its availability.


one person’s use of the good diminishes another person’s enjoyment of it.


people can be prevented from using it.


it is not a normal good.

____ 5. Which of the following is included in the consumption component of U.S. GDP?


purchases of newly constructed homes by U.S households


purchases of natural gas by U.S. households


purchases of staplers, paper clips, and telephones by U.S. business firms


All of the above are correct.

____ 6. When taxes decrease, consumption


decreases, so aggregate demand shifts left.


increases, so aggregate supply shifts right.


increases, so aggregate demand shifts right.


decreases, so aggregate supply shifts left.

____ 7. The term market failure refers to


ruthless competition among firms.


a market that fails to allocate resources efficiently.


an unsuccessful advertising campaign which reduces demand.


a firm that is forced out of business because of losses.

____ 8. Which of the following is not included in GDP?


production of foreign citizens living in the United States


unpaid cleaning and maintenance of houses


services such as those provided by lawyers and hair stylists


the estimated rental value of owner-occupied housing

____ 9. The long-run aggregate supply curve shifts right if


the money supply increases.


technology improves.


the price level decreases.

d.All of the above are correct.

____ 10. Markets fail to allocate resources efficiently when


the government refuses to intervene in private markets.


people who have property rights abuse their privileges.


property rights are not well established.


prices fluctuate.

____ 11. Which of the following statements about a well-maintained yard best conveys the general nature of the externality?


A well-maintained yard conveys a negative externality because it increases the property tax liability of the owner.


A well-maintained yard cannot provide any type of externality.


A well-maintained yard conveys a positive externality because it increases the home’s market value.


A well-maintained yard conveys a positive externality because it increases the value of adjacent properties in the neighborhood.

____ 12. Marginally attached workers are people who


are only a few years from retirement.


are not working and are not looking for work, but would work if asked.


are working part-time while they go to school or get training for a better job.


are looking for a better job than they currently have.

____ 13. People will spend more if the price level


falls because falling prices increase the real value of a dollar.


falls because falling prices decrease the real value of a dollar.


rises because rising prices decrease the real value of a dollar.


rises because rising prices increase the real value of a dollar.

____ 14. When goods are not excludable


the free-rider problem prevents the private market from supplying them.


the goods will be produced as private goods but not as

public goods.


the private market will produce the goods but will charge less for them than if they are produced as public goods.


the goods will not be produced since no one values them.

____ 15. In computing GDP, market prices are used to value final goods and services because


if market prices are out of line with how people value goods, the government sets price ceilings and price floors.


market prices reflect the values of goods and services.


market prices do not change much over time, so it is easy to make comparisons between years.


None of the above is correct; market prices are not used in computing GDP.

____ 16. Economists use the term inflation to describe a situation in which


the economy’s overall output of goods and services is rising faster than the economy’s overall

price level.


the economy’s overall price level is rising.


some prices are rising faster than others.


the economy’s overall price level is high, but not necessarily rising.

____ 17. The value and cost of goods are easiest to determine when the goods are


private goods.


natural monopolies.


common resources.

d.public goods.

____ 18. When the consumer price index rises, the typical family


finds that its standard of living is not affected.


has to spend more dollars to maintain the same standard of living.


can offset the effects of rising prices by saving more.


can spend fewer dollars to maintain the same standard of living.

____ 19. Liquidity refers to


the sensitivity of investment spending to changes in the interest rate.


the ease with which an asset is converted into a medium of exchange.


the risk of an asset relative to its selling price.


the relation between the price and interest rate of an asset.

____ 20. The aggregate demand curve


is vertical in the long run.


has a slope that is explained in the same way as the slope of the demand curve for a particular product.


shows an inverse relation between the price level and the quantity of all goods and services demanded.

d.All of the above are correct.

____ 21. An externality exists whenever


a person engages in an activity that influences the well-being of a bystander and yet neither pays nor receives payment for that effect.


a firm sells its product in a foreign market.


markets are not able to reach equilibrium.


the economy can benefit from government intervention.

____ 22. Unemployment that results because it takes time for workers to search for the jobs that best suit their tastes and skills is called


structural unemployment.


cyclical unemployment.


the natural rate of unemployment.


frictional unemployment.

____ 23. National defense is a classic example of a public good because


there are no private firms willing to supply defense goods such as tanks and weapons.


everyone agrees that some level of national defense is important, but only the government knows the optimal amount.


it is difficult to exclude people from receiving the benefits from national defense once it is provided.


there is no market for private security services.

____ 24. To decrease the money supply, the Fed could


increase the discount rate.


sell government bonds.


increase the reserve requirement.

d.All of the above are correct.

____ 25. The inflation rate is defined as the


price level minus the price level from the previous period.


change in the price level from one period to the next.

c.price level.d.

percentage change in the price level from the previous period.

____ 26. Who would be included in the labor force?


Beth, who is waiting for her new job at the bank to start


Dave, who does not have a job, but is looking for work


Karen, who works most of the week in a steel factory


All of the above are included in the labor force.

____ 27. ABC Company produces ink and sells it to XYZ Company, which makes pens. The ink produced by ABC Company is called


an intermediate good.


a preliminary good.


an inventory good.


a transitory good.

____ 28. Which of the following is correct?


The Fed can control the money supply precisely.


The amount of money in the economy depends in part on the behavior of banks.


The amount of money in the economy does not depend on the behavior of depositors.

d.None of the above is correct.

____ 29. If this year the CPI is 110 and last year it was 100, then


the cost of the CPI basket of goods and services has increased this year by 110 percent.


the price level as measured by the CPI has increased by 10 percent.


the inflation rate for this year has increased by 10 percent over last year’s inflation rate.

d.All of the above are correct.

____ 30. Other things the same, as the price level falls, the real value of a dollar


falls, and interest rates rise.


falls, and interest rates fall.


rises, and interest rates fall.


rises, and interest rates rise.

____ 31. When the Fed buys government bonds, the reserves of the banking system


decrease, so the money supply increases.


decrease, so the money supply decreases.


increase, so the money supply increases.


increase, so the money supply decreases.

____ 32. Bank runs


are only a problem for insolvent banks.


are a problem because banks only hold a fraction of deposits as reserves.


will affect neither the money supply nor the money multiplier.


can be neither prevented nor stopped by the Federal Reserve.

____ 33. The labor force


equals the number of people employed plus the number of people cyclically unemployed.


equals the non-institutionalized adult population.


equals the number of people employed.


equals the number of people employed plus the number of people unemployed.

____ 34. Which of the following is included in the aggregate demand for goods and services?


investment demand


net exports


consumption demand

d.All of the above are correct.

____ 35. Which of the following is the most accurate statement about real and nominal interest rates?

a.Real interest rates and nominal interest rates must be positive.

b.Real interest rates and nominal interest rates can be either positive or negative.

c.Real interest rates must be positive, but nominal interest rates can be either positive or negative.

d.Real interest rates can be either positive or negative, but nominal interest rates must be positive.

____ 36. Gross domestic product is defined as

a.the market value of all tangible goods produced within a country in a given period of time.

b.the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time.

c.the quantity of all final goods and services demanded within a country in a given period of time.

d.the quantity of all final goods and services supplied within a country in a given period of time.


____ 37. If you buy a burger and fries at your favorite fast food restaurant,

a.neither GDP nor consumption will be affected because you would have eaten at home had you not

bought the meal at the restaurant.

b.GDP will be unchanged, but consumption spending will be higher.

c.both GDP and consumption spending will be higher.

d.GDP will be higher, but consumption spending will be unchanged.


____ 38. Which of the following is not a tool of monetary policy?

a.increasing the deficit

b.reserve requirements

c.changing the discount rate market operations


____ 39. Other things the same, a decrease in the U.S. price level leads to

a.a fall in U.S. interest rates and decreased demand for foreign bonds.

b.a rise in U.S. interest rates and decreased demand for foreign bonds.

c.a fall in U.S. interest rates and increased demand for foreign bonds.

d.a rise in U.S. interest rates and increased demand for foreign bonds.


____ 40. Goods that go into inventory and are not sold during the current period are

a.included in current period GDP as consumption.

b.counted as intermediate goods and so are not included in current period GDP.

c.included in current period GDP as inventory investment.

d.counted in current GDP only if the firm that produced them sells them to another firm.

____ 41. The Federal Funds rate is the

a.interest rate at which banks lend reserves to each other overnight.

b.percentage of face value that the Federal Reserve is willing to pay for Treasury Securities.

c.percentage of deposits that banks must hold as reserves.

d.interest rate at which the Federal Reserve makes short-term loans to banks.


____ 42. Negative externalities occur when one person’s actions

a.cause his or her employer to lose business.

b.adversely affect the well-being of a bystander who is not party to the action.

c.reveal his or her preference for foreign-produced goods.

d.cause another person to lose money in a stock market transaction.

____ 43. Tax cuts

a.shift aggregate demand left while increases in government expenditures shift aggregate demand right.

b.and increases in government expenditures shift aggregate demand left.

c.and increases in government expenditures shift aggregate demand right.

d.shift aggregate demand right while increases in government expenditures shift aggregate demand left.


____ 44. A positive externality

a.benefits consumers because it results in a lower equilibrium price. a benefit to a market bystander.

c.provides an additional benefit to market participants.

d.causes the product to be overproduced.


____ 45. The U.S. government pays an economist at the U.S. Department of Commerce $50,000 in salary in 2006. The economist then retires. In 2007, the government pays him $30,000 in retirement benefits. Which of the following is correct?

a.The 2006 payment is included in 2006 GDP as government purchases, but the 2007 payment is not included in 2007 GDP.

b.The 2006 payment is included in 2006 GDP as government purchases, and the 2007 payment is allocated to previous years’ GDP according to the amount of work performed by the economist each year.

c.Each payment will be included in GDP as government purchases for the respective years.

d.The 2006 payment is included in 2006 GDP as government purchases, and the 2007 payment is included

in 2007 GDP as government transfer payments.

____ 46. The natural rate of unemployment is the economist’s notion of

a.structural unemployment.

b.cyclical employment.

c.full employment.

d.frictional unemployment.


____ 47. Which of the following would be counted as unemployed according to official statistics?

a.Jenna, who is on temporary layoff

b.George, a full-time student who is not looking for work

c.Larry, who has retired and is not looking for work

d.All of the above would be counted as unemployed.

____ 48. The wealth effect, interest rate effect, and exchange rate effect are all explanations for

a.the slope of the aggregate demand curve.

b.everything that makes the aggregate demand curve shift.

c.the slope of long-run aggregate supply.

d.the slope of short-run aggregate supply.

____ 49. When the dollar appreciates, U.S.

a.exports increase, while imports decrease.

b.exports decrease, while imports increase.

c.exports and imports decrease.

d.exports and imports increase.


____ 50. If the Federal Reserve decided to lower interest rates, it could bonds to lower the money supply.

b.sell bonds to raise the money supply.

c.sell bonds to lower the money supply. bonds to raise the money supply.

____ 51. The government buys a bridge. The owner of the company that builds the bridge pays her workers. The workers increase their spending. Firms that the workers buy goods from increase their output. This type of effect on spending illustrates

a.the crowding-out effect.

b.the Fisher effect.

c.the multiplier effect.

d.None of the above is correct.

____ 52. The interest rate that the Fed charges banks that borrow reserves from it is the

a.reserve requirement. rate.

c.federal funds rate. rate.


____ 53. The consumer price index (CPI) and the GDP deflator are two alternative measures of the overall price level. Which of the following statements about the two measures is correct?

a.The CPI reflects a fixed basket of goods and services; the GDP deflator reflects current production of goods and services.

b.The CPI can be used to compute the inflation rate; the GDP deflator cannot be used to compute the inflation rate.

c.The CPI reflects the prices of goods and services produced domestically; the GDP deflator reflects the prices of all goods and services bought by consumers.

d.The CPI involves a base year; the GDP deflator does not involve a base year.

____ 54. The CPI is a measure of the overall cost of

a.stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.

b.goods and services bought by a typical consumer.

c.inputs purchased by a typical producer.

d.goods and services produced in the economy.


___ 55. A cheeseburger is

a.nonexcludable and nonrival in consumption.

b.excludable and rival in consumption.

c.nonexcludable and rival in consumption.

d.excludable and nonrival in consumption.

____ 56. Fiscal policy refers to the idea that aggregate demand is changed by changes in policy.

b.the money supply.

c.government spending and taxes.

d.All of the above are correct.

____ 57. Other things the same, when the price level falls, interest rates

a.fall, so firms increase investment.

b.rise, so firms decrease investment.

c.rise, so firms increase investment.

d.fall, so firms decrease investment.


____ 58. Cyclical unemployment is closely associated with

a.long-term economic growth.

b.changes in the minimum wage.

c.fluctuations in the natural rate of unemployment.

d.short-run ups and downs of the economy.

____ 59. In the short run an increase in government expenditures

a.raises neither real GDP nor the price level.

b.raises real GDP and the price level.

c.raises the price level, but not real GDP.

d.raises real GDP, but not the price level.

____ 60. A transfer payment is a payment made by

a.consumers, but not in exchange for a tangible product.

b.government, but not in exchange for a currently produced good or service.

c.foreigners, but not in exchange for a domestically-produced good or service.

d.firms, but not in exchange for capital equipment.

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