Task 2 to be revised (For Puja)

Please re-write the sections (highlighted in yellow) in your own words and resubmitt. I just checked with my mentor and he tld me the assignment has to be submitted by Monday so you will have to finish it by Monday. Let me know if there are any quesiotns.

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Risk Assessment for Health Care of Community

Student’s Name:

Professor’s Name:

Course Title:

Date: 05/08/2013

The demand for the health care is rising as because habits and the lifestyles of the people are changing. Community health needs assessment has a major role to play, that helps the practitioners, policy-makers and mangers for identifying the greatest need and to provide that health care resources are used properly for maximizing the health improvement. Health care assessment requires health care planning tool to be analysis the diseases among the populations. The health needs assessment helps in identifying and prioritizing the need for the health care of the people, focusing on the resources for identifying and addressing the health inequalities among the people. The analysis of the health issues should be conducted and proper measures should be taken for the improvement of the health care in the community. “A community health needs assessment is not a one-off activity but a developmental process that is added to and amended over time. It is not an end in itself but a way of using information to plan health care and public health programmes in the future”,(Rowe Ann, Mc Clelland Anne & Billingham ,(2001),” Community Health Needs Assessment”.

A1. Risk Factors: The candidate needs to provide a logical discussion of major risk factors identified in the assessment.

This assessment focuses on many areas of the hospital that need to be changed in order to stay in business and increase sales and providing healthcare for the members of the community. In reviewing the hospital brochure there are specific pieces that need to be a primary focus which are that Trinity Community Hospital is A Patient Centered Facility.

“Our MISSION at Trinity Community Hospital is to provide quality healthcare for all those in need of assistance”

Trinity’s Commitment We are committed to serving the community in a capacity that

permits every patient to receive the care and support that they require.

Quality and SafetyAt Trinity Community Hospital we endeavor to provide high quality services while ensuring the safety of patients, visitors, and staff.

Service Excellence— We will continue to strive to exceed the service expectations of our patients, visitors, employees, and physicians.

Growth and Profitability— We are striving to grow service volume, to operate efficiently, and to generate sufficient capital for investment.

Risk factor analysis and assessment is conducted to find out the ways to improve the health care amenities so that the best services are provided to the patients who are suffering from the diseases. However, based on the analysis of risk factor, health planning is directed toward generating changeable risk factors in a field of health for better services and for better outcomes.

A community health assessment is regarded as the process of development that is required to be conducted and amended or changed over the time due to innovation and advancement in the field of technology. The community health assessment is a process that helps in identifying and analyzing the risks and opportunities in the way. This is a dynamic process and not an end in itself, as it is a way of using information that is required to plan for the healthcare and public health programs.

The community health needs assessment that would depict the condition of local individuals’ health. This assessment helps in analyzing the major risk factors and causes of poor health, and the actions that is required to address or follow these health risks to be identified.

The research for public health in the Community focuses on social and physical environmental inequities through active participation of community members, representatives of the organization, and researchers in various fields of medical process. The community health research explores and analyzes the major challenges and tries to facilitate all the factors and their implications for carrying out the effective community-based research that aimed at improving the health of public and providing the best services and diagnosis process.

This assessment focuses on many areas of the hospital that need to be changed in order to stay in business and increase sales and providing healthcare for the members of the community. In reviewing the hospital brochure there are specific pieces that need to be a primary focus which are that Trinity Community Hospital is A Patient Centered Facility.

The Trinity Community Hospital has a mission that it wants to render quality services to its patients who need it.


Motive of Trinity: The motive of Trinity Community hospital is to serve the community with all assistance and requirement.

· Ensures Safety and High Quality: The Trinity Community Hospital ensures high safety and quality services with excellence for its patients, employees as well as the people who visit at hospital.

· Growth Oriented: The Trinity Community Hospital has a growth oriented motive it wants to grow in all perspective whether it is in terms of services, profit or capital.

The first and the foremost goal of the Community hospital are to provide excellent services and care facilities to its patients and serve them with qualified and skilled staff. The above mentioned goals or the objectives of the health Care Community also gives a way to some of the major risk factors that the Health care Community does not have.

In the field of Oncology Services the area that needs to be targeted is as follows:

· The unhealthy habits of the people in the community as well as the growing population is raising the demand for the oncology services and it is becoming difficult to meet with the demand of the oncology services at the moment

· Scare Resources: The present resources are not sufficient enough to meet the needs and demand of the patients in the Community hospital so the diagnosis and other services cannot be provided with scarce resources.

· Man power: The Human Resource needs to be carefully utilized because they are the powers house or the pillars of success for the community hospital. At present in the hospital there is lack of doctors, physicians and qualified additional skilled staff that is required to meet the uprising demand of the patients.

· Advanced Technology: The latest facilities and advanced equipment is required for the diagnosis and treatment of the equipment so that the latest trend helps in efficient treatment.

· Requirement of Additional Equipment: The community hospital requires additional equipment that would facilitate excellent services and treatment facilities such as Chemo units, linear accelerators and operating suites but they are not currently available.

· The community hospital lacks efficient and effective programs that help in conducting the diagnosis and treatment of patient.

· The Trinity community hospital lacks programs regarding prevention or eradication of cancer

· Educational program that highlights the present lifestyles of the people is lacked in the community hospital.

· Lack of community screening for the top cancer sites (breast, lung, prostate, GI) which should be available throughout the community in order to diagnose and treat the disease as early as possible, thus improving outcomes and lowering costs.

In the Orthopedic Services areas the focus is due to lacking of the following patient services:

· Unaccomplished demand— the orthopedic service is required to be met with the increasing demand of the patient. However, these demands at present are not accomplished or met by the people. in the next five years from


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· Present Resources— The present available resources are not sufficient to meet the needs and demands of the Community hospital. There is a high need of the physicians and doctors to meet the present demand for orthopedic services.

· Scarcity: There are Scarce or insufficient neurosurgeons in the community hospital so the present need or demand at orthopedic center is required to meet them.

· Lack of Equipment: the community hospital lacks many advanced equipment such as imaging equipment, surgical suite for meeting the demand of the patients.

· Lack of Co-ordination: The co-ordination is very weak so quality services are not rendered.

· Lack of educational programs targeting accident prevention and healthy lifestyles especially for the elderly population.

The area that need to be focused in Cardiovascular Services areas are as follows:

· Rising Demand—The Trinity Community hospital is unable to meet the rising demand for cardiovascular services.

· Current Resources— the current available resources are not sufficient enough to meet the need or the rising demand of the Cardiovascular Services.

· Lack of additional Equipment: the lack of facilities, equipment, and other resources are required to provide services with care for the patients who are suffering from cardiovascular disease.

· Lack of Efficient physicians: The lack of skilled or qualified cardiology and cardiovascular surgery physicians is not allowing the community hospital to meet the need and demand of the patient.

· Lack of patient care coordinators to ensure that services are scheduled.

· Lack of emphasis for education concerning cardiac risk factors, healthy living, and lifestyle modification of the community

The other risk aspect that are recognized from the analysis and assessment of health community is eating disorder , unfavorable childhood experiences, depression of parents, obesity, tension, stress and continuous acknowledgement or exposure to negative comments regarding shape, weight, and eating habit among the poor.

A2. Addressing Needs: The candidate needs to provide a logical discussion of whether the healthcare facility in the case study is addressing the needs identified in the assessment.

The CEO is carrying out an analysis and is focusing its attention towards framing and implementing its plans, objectives, tools and strategy for the hospital that would aim at ensuring the viability of the future.

The CEO is well acquainted with the needs and demands of the community healthcare needs so it has to frame such policies and such rules that it would meet its predetermined goals in the future thereby giving priority to the service for the patient and staff. The CEO should carefully understand the importance of the health care planning and its need.

One aspect the CEO will be held responsible for if they don’t address the healthcare needs of the community is accreditation of the Joint Commission and other state and federal agencies. If the needs aren’t met on all accounts the business of operations will be affected and penalties and fines could be implemented. By having the CEO assure that this needs assessment identifies those state and federal guidelines as well as the Joint Commission and the community healthcare needs then the assessment has identified what is needed but had not identified fully a plan in place of implementation.

In reviewing the Hospital Board Profile there are areas specifically identified on each individual that leads towards the needed resources for implementation of this assessment. Such as this piece about the entire “group agrees that there is a pressing needs for new strategies to ensure the organization’s future success”. The profiles of the individuals, goes on to address the specific specialized skills and interest of the hospital board profiles individually. Some of those skills to focus on that are listed are that can help change the organization by addressing the needs specified:

· Mr. Printer: Owner of a very successful communications business.

· Mrs. Promo: undergraduate degree in marketing, director of marketing for a local utility company, involved with the local chamber of commerce, recognizes the importance of good healthcare services in attracting new business and industry to the area.

· Mrs. Lopez: Holds a undergraduate degree in journalism and owns a small newspaper, quite popular throughout the Latino community.

· Mr. Holland: holds a CPA and works for a local accounting firm.

· Dr. Joint is an orthopedic surgeon, privileges at Community Hospital.

· Dr. Sharp is a general surgeon, holds privileges at the hospital.

In reviewing the Hospital Fact Sheet the areas in the assessment that are specified that need

addressed are listed below with addressing some of the needs:

· Obstetrics service was not successful and another plan was implemented for an anchor physician group that relocated to the competing hospital (outsourcing of services) and several of the gynecologists still admit patients.

· Hospital’s reputation is reasonably good, however it’s not known for excellence in any specific service-by identifying the need it is the first step of addressing the need.

· Information from community focus groups reveals that the public discerns or to perceive or recognize as being different or distinct with no clear direction for the organization’s future growth and development-there must have been a survey sent out to the community to identify the specific question in the community which addresses the need that the community isn’t aware. By focusing on the market and advertising strategy as one of the board profiles specifically identifies it will certainly meet the need.

· The need was identified that services were lacking for regarding a formal oncology, orthopedic, or cardiology programs even though a few orthopedic surgeons and cardiologists maintain privileges at the hospital. The assessment identifies the need and there is some resolution given the maintenance of hospital privileges.

· The need of a mobile PET scanner is needed because the equipment was ordered and received however the assessment shows that it is poorly utilized and no recommendation for increased usage by the assessment.

· The last piece is the assessment that specifically shows the campus accommodating another MOB (Medical Office Building), space for future development could be strained. The resolution is identified for the capital investment of several additional areas of space that is intended to be developed in the future.

Utilization Trends— With the loss of the OB program and erosion of general surgery volumes accounts for most of the downward trajectory. These historical numbers shows the assessment admissions based upon current and historical data and where the areas of declining are occurring in the organization. The financial trend below also shows the declining patient volume based upon current and historical data.

Utilization Trends

2 Years Prior

1 Year Prior

Current Year









Patient Days












OP Visits




ED Visits




Financial Performance—Declining patient volume:

Current Year

2 Years Prior

1 Year Prior











AR Days




The assessment of the community must recognize and identify its competitive environment or habitat and must analyze the advantages and disadvantages or the pros and cons of each facility. So, the focus should be laid on the areas that are weak and need extra care. The focus or attention is given to the weak areas of the Trinity Community Hospital so that it can be able to maintain its position in the competitive environment and can defeat its rivals or competitors with healthy competition by stressing upon its services and care attitude toward its patients.

The assessment regarding the Oncology Services had analyzed and evaluated the need in the current scenario and has recognized the current demand or need of the patient in Oncology Services field. The assessment evaluated that the demand is rising for oncology services due to aging population or unhealthy habits of the people so the demand is going to increase in the coming areas as it is expected that the demand would rise by fifteen percent where around fifty percent of females and around thirty three percent of men would be effected from the cancer diseases.

The assessment also analyzed and found that the existing resources is not sufficient enough to meet the need and demand of the rising patients so advanced or latest technology and adequate resources are required to prevent, diagnose, the patient.

The assessment also found out that the community hospital lacks skilled physicians and so more and more physicians are required to meet the need and demand; however the process of recruitment is on the way for recruiting physicians in the hospital. The assessment also found out that the facilities and equipment that is required for treatment or diagnosis of the patient is not with the advanced technological world for the treatment of the patient and so more and more advanced technology and advanced equipments are required to be employed in the hospital such as the linear accelerators, chemo units, operating suites, and advanced imaging equipment. The Additional assessment that is carried out revealed that the services available is not up to the mark as because they are not coordinated properly as because there are delay even in the schedule or timetable of the hospital. The hospital lacks educative patient navigator programs for treatment of the patient. There is a very little emphasis on cancer prevention measures and control. The Lack of educational programs that focus on the unhealthy lifestyle of the people is required to be covered up so that the hospital provides all the needed or demanded facilities or services to the patient. The needs assessment is being conducted or addressed by Capital Investment for a Regional Cancer Center.

The assessment of the Orthopedic Services and its needs were recognized and were analyzed in context with the demand of the patients. The assessment conducted found out that the need or demand for orthopedic services is definitely going to rise in the coming five years because of the unhealthy habits of the people and according to the data or research it is found that the orthopedic cases would increase so the hospital is required to have all advanced equipment and facilities for the treatment and diagnosis of the patients. The assessment also analyzed or identified that the facilities and equipment that is needed for treatment or diagnosis of the patient is not as per the latest advanced technology for the diagnosis or care of the patient and so more and more advanced technology or advanced equipments is required in the hospital for providing quality services to the patients.

Moreover, the lack of physicians is an important area of concern in the community hospital and requires great attention. The assessment also found out that the community hospital lacks skilled physicians and so more and more physicians are required to meet the need and demand; however the process of recruitment is on the way for recruiting physicians in the hospital so according to some sources it is found that the recruitment of physicians is being conducted and is given due importance in the hospital so that the demand of the patients can be met.

The advanced equipment is needed for the treatment and diagnosis of the patients such as imaging equipment, surgical suites, and physical therapy/rehab capacity. The Additional assessment that is carried out revealed that the services available is not up to the mark as because they are not coordinated properly as because there are delay even in the schedule or timetable of the hospital. Educative programs are required to be carried down. The assessment identified the requirement by the Capital Investment for Regional Orthopedic Center.

The assessment of the Cardiovascular Services: The needs and demands were identified and analyzed. The current or the existing resources shows that additional facilities, equipment, physicians and other resources will be needed to rendering quality care services for the cardiovascular disease. The advanced equipment would be required for the assessment and treatment of the patients such as cath labs, surgical suites, and cardiac rehab capacity in the hospital. The assessment also identified that Patient care coordinators are required to improve their services so that the patients get the best and timely services. The data also showed that the focus or importance should be given to the education programs concerning the cardiac risk factors, healthy living in the community. The assessment also revealed that the needs identified must be met by capital investment of the Cardiovascular Center Noted for Clinical and Service Excellence.

So, the health planning should be done effectively and in an efficient manner to meet the effective demand of the health of the people. People should be made aware of the diseases that affect them due to their unhealthy practices. Yes the facility that is being provided is well addressed in the health community assessment. Due to rise in problems the rise of new technology for diagnosis is also increasing.

B. Health Planning Summary The candidate needs to provide a health planning summary outlining recommendations of how to resolve any outstanding community health needs.

While carrying out the assessment and reviewing the risk factors for the Trinity Community hospital it was ensured that the hospital needs to work on its weak areas and hence many recommendations are required to be implemented in order to meet the demand and needs of the rising population who are suffering from various diseases. The hospital needs to work on its risk factors if it wants to make business and win the confidence of the public in the society. The first and the foremost step that the community hospital must incorporate or implement is the utilization of the human resource. The human resource is very important for the success of the business and if the human resource is not utilized then other material or Equipment would lie idle. The following are individual that poses specific backgrounds and interest that would be beneficial to build the business for the Trinity Hospital.

· Mrs. Promo thinks that advertisement and marketing plays very important role for enhancing the business and productivity of any business. She believes that marketing and excessive advertisement of the hospital would build up an image and would earn a recognition as well as an identity for the hospital and moreover, it would also cover the down ward trend of the hospital and so considering this fact she should be made responsible and in charge of the advertisement and marketing plan for the business of the hospital.

· Mrs.Lopez gives importance to the sufficient services of the health care and she ensures that the services are available to all the groups in the community and thus the sales would also increase and this would be beneficial to the hospital. So, Mrs. Lopez would also be included in the marketing and advertising department of the hospital and would also assist Mrs. Suzanne for e marketing and advertising plan to include diverse members of the community.

· Dr. Sharp has great interest in services for cancer disease and he along with his team is planning as well as working for recruitment of skilled and qualified trained oncologic surgeon. Dr. Nene is given expertise in the field of Oncology services and thus he is made in charge of the Oncology department.

· Dr. Joint and his team are working very prudently for opening a branch office near the campus of the hospital. He needs a trained and active committee for successful implementation of the project and so for this around 6,000-square-foot physical therapy/rehab center is required to be constructed that may involve an investment up to $7, 00,000.

· Mr. Holland takes a keen interest in the healthcare policy of the hospital and its legislation. Basically those which are related with the healthcare finance, and she mostly communicates about it with the hospital CFO. Considering his interest she would be involved in the health care reform policy guidelines of the hospital. So, he should be included in the committee for healthcare finance.

· Mr. John Printer: He is blessed with the gift of Gab and hence he posses excellent skill for Communication and development of the hospital. Mr. John should utilize his skills and so he should be made the consultant and so he should attend the meetings that need to specify any kind of change in the hospital. He would help the hospital with his skills and would facilitate with great results.


In reviewing the Hospital Fact Sheet there are focus areas that needs to be addressed

specifically the following areas:

· Given there are no cancer specialists practice at the hospital, there are however, a

group composed of eight medical oncologists and two radiation oncologists has expressed interest in an affiliation to develop a new cancer program. These individuals should be included on the Capital Investment for Regional Cancer Center project in order to make it a successful implementation.

· The premier orthopedics groups have several practices that are planning to open branch offices near the hospital campus. These groups should come together to form a committee and be involved with the Capital Investment for Regional Orthopedic Center project in order to make it a successful implementation and include their expertise in the matter. This would also include expansion of a new 15,000-square-foot physical therapy/rehab center to support orthopedic program development would have to be constructed on campus, purchased adjacent to campus, or leased adjacent to campus.

· The space at the hospital should be utilized for building the two cardiac catheterization labs to increase the need of the patients.

The next focus areas should be the payer mix of




, and self-pay patients. In three out of four fields there has shown progress below. However, there is a decline in the self-pay arena which needs to be addressed. Possibly a plan created that would include financial counselors and having the self-pay fill out applications to see given their income levels if they met certain exceptions to a lower co-pay that the hospital could then use the additional funds that aren’t paid as a write off to help the non-profit status of the hospital.

Payer mix of Medicare, Medicaid, and self-pay patients is increasing.

2 Years Prior

1 Year Prior

Current Year


















Additional areas of recommendation would be to focus on the following for increase of


Service Region— High tech business and industry find the area attractive as do retirees from across the nation. Population growth of 4% per year. Reaching out with the marketing and advertising to specifically focus on the high tech business and industry firms to increase the patient population.

Competitive Environment—Focus on the two primary competitors of the hospital which are listed below specifically the red areas that are highlighted where the competitors are lacking:

Tertiary Medical Center, a 700-bed facility, is ten miles away- Noted for excellent, comprehensive heart center. Strong orthopedic and neurosurgery programs. Cancer services available; poorly organized; no ACOS accreditation. Strong financial performance; growing market share. No teaching programs or academic center affiliations.

Regional Hospital, a 350-bed facility, is located seven miles away. Regional’s reputation is excellent throughout the service area. It offers a wide range of services, but is not designated as a trauma center. Cancer services available; poorly organized; no ACOS accreditation. Strong orthopedic services. Cardiac services including open heart surgery. Adequate financial performance; growing market share. No teaching programs or academic center affiliations.

Quaternary Medical Center, one of the nation’s foremost academic research and teaching institutions, is located 60 miles away, but is not considered a significant competitive threat. It boasts a comprehensive cancer center of international repute that attracts patients from across the nation and around the world.

Many of the deficiencies of the other hospitals is on the strategic plan for our hospital to add or update or change in order to meet the demand of the patient population which would put the hospital ahead of the others.

The next recommendation would be to focus on the hospital’s strategic plan. In reviewing the plan the management team determined that the hospital’s value to the community would be greatly enhanced by development of a few premier programs clearly differentiated from those offered by competitors rather than continuing to offer only baseline medical/surgical services. Clearly, the focus was specific to the mission, vision, values of the organization listed below:

Mission: To provide outstanding care for all our patients

Vision: To position Trinity Community Hospital as a premier provider of cancer, orthopedic, and cardiovascular services

Values: To emphasize four basic principles of success as we work to achieve our mission and vision

•Quality and Safety

•Service Excellence

Staff Achievement

•Growth and Profitability

The first of the goals under the strategic plan to recommend was to continually develop the Regional Cancer Center Noted for Clinical and Service Excellence for the patient population.

Ways to accomplish the above strategy would be to investing in the Capital Investment for Regional Cancer Center: Oncology center with simulator, linear accelerator, infusion suite—$8,000,000 (includes renovation of vacant space in MOB 1).

The next recommendation would be to invest in the capital investment development of a Regional Orthopedic Center Noted for Clinical and Service Excellence. This would focus on the strategies listed below:

To insure the focus is met the capital investment of building the regional orthopedic center is complete to include: 5,000-square-foot physical therapy/rehab center—$600,000 if constructed on campus; $700,000 if purchased adjacent to campus. Radiology expansion/second MRI—$3,000,000 in order to meet the public population demand.
The next area of focus was to insure the accomplishment and development of a Cardiovascular Center Noted for Clinical and Service Excellence. This would include the capital investment of the Cardiovascular Center’s Cath labs (2)—$4,500,000, (2)Cardiac rehab expansion—$500,000. The strategies listed below would be accomplished by investing in this project.

Plan Summary

By having a successful implementation of the plan outlines above it will increase the volume and improved performance for Trinity Community Hospital. The specific aspect is the important piece of the plan will make available the advanced technology approaches for diagnosing, preventing, and eventually treating different types of disease processes that can have a huge impact on the community and people’s lives. These health problems may be looked at as insurmountable in certain timeframes, they are not. These health issues and education issues can be adjusted and remedied by making these changes and in the end helping the patient population and the business.
One of the focus would be to increase the membership of the patient population and one way to do that is increase our available services so that patients will choose out hospital over the three others in the area. The best way to increase our membership is to design a very extreme advertising and marketing strategy. In these types of campaigns it will be important to focus on our name brand Trinity Community Hospital and what services we bring to the community and that we are the most technologically advanced hospital in the area. The way to market our brand will be specifically advertising on the radio, television, and billboards for the community.
Another piece to focus is in the financial arena and accounts receivables which should be within a 30 day turn around for payment of services. The faster money is back in the business the faster to invest in the needed services and equipment. Once the finances are back on line to where they need to be by increasing the patient population this should help the hospital run with very few issues for the next five years. If the hospital doesn’t change with the growing times, then we won’t be in business for the community that we serv. Trinity Community Hospital wants to remain in business for the good of helping people for several years to come and many generations of families, therefore we must make it a priority to change and move with the times of tomorrow. By implementing the outlined plan above Trinity Community Hospital should be successful in the specialization and offering to the community of a service excellence value, while remaining low cost to the consumer and delivering high quality.

· Scifert W Robert,” Using Risk Factors to Assess Health Care Access in a Community”.
· Phillipon J. Donald & Wasylyshy A. Shiela (2008), “Health Care Reform in Alberta”.
· Koeter  Mvan den Brink  WOrmel  J Chronic psychiatric complaints and the General Health Questionnaire. Br J Psychiatry. 1989;155186- 190
· Rowe Ann, Mc Clelland Anne & Billingham ,(2001),” Community Health Needs Assessment”.
Strategy A: Offer Distinctive Clinical Programs and Services
•Spine, total joint, hand
•Comprehensive rehab and support programs
•Best practices and treatment protocols

Strategy C: Enhance Service Access
•Fast-track scheduling
•Coordination of services

Strategy B: Emphasize Prevention of Injury and Disease
•Community education
•Screening and risk assessment
•Outreach services to underserved communities

Strategy A: Offer Distinctive Clinical Programs and Services
•Peripheral artery disease, heart failure, electrophysiology
•Cardiology for women
•Evidence-based treatment

Strategy C: Enhance Service Access
•Fast-track scheduling
•Coordination of services

Strategy B: Emphasize Prevention and Control of Cardiovascular Disease
•Community Education
•Screening and risk assessment
•Outreach services to underserved communities

Strategy C: Enhance Service Access which was also identified as lacking services in the other area hospitals:
•Fast-track scheduling
•Patient navigation

Strategy A: Offer Distinctive Clinical Programs, Services unlike the other hospitals in the area. The areas of focus would be specific to:
•Multidisciplinary, disease-focused clinics: breast, GI, lung, prostate
•Comprehensive medical, surgical, radiation, support services
•Evidence-based treatment and access to leading clinical trials

Strategy B: Emphasize Cancer Prevention and Control which is also lacking in the other hospitals in the areas:
•Community education
•Screening and risk assessment

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