SEM 2 PART 1 submit a 200–300 word essay 1. Describe the characteristics of a creative early childhood care professional. What is something that you have done that was personally creative? How did you participate in these activities and what were y

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Creative Development And Disabilities

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Describe the characteristics of a creative early childhood care professional. What is something that you have done that was personally creative? How did you participate in these activities and what were your feelings about these experiences?


Passion and Enthusiasm for Children

According to professional report more than anything else, it’s important to have a passion for what you do. To become a truly effective teacher something stronger than enthusiasm is needed to meet such studies.

2. Humor and


Huge Patience is needed when you are engages with young children all the day. In this age children have little self-control, short attention spans and different other challenges so in this situation Teacher needed to be soft and polite in his behavior.

3. Effective Communication Skills

To tackle young children teachers needed to have effective communication skills so that there will be no communication gap and both can communicate at their respective level.

4. Respect of Differences for Each Student

When come to school each child belongs to specific and unique personality and style of learning. In this scene teacher is duty bound to taught every child according to child’s style of learning and do not impose his own style.

I make sketches in my childhood that was sole creative activity for me. I participate in the entire sketch making competitions that were organized on my school level. I get valuable lessons from my creative activity that comes true in my practical life like concentration on work, passion for winning, and discipline etc.

2.      Take some time to reflect on the most creative teacher or co-worker that you have worked with during your lifetime. What characteristics did they possess or work environment did they create that seemed to inspire the people around them to be more creative or thoughtful? How did they make a difference in your life? 


Ronny Dewy was my best drawing teacher who possess the following characteristics




Willingness for risk


He inspired us to do more by encouraging us and organizing different events to polish my skills. He was the best role model for me. Due to his untiring efforts and valuable lessons I am professional sketch expert.


3.      Why are open-ended activities so important in the classroom?

Open ended activities are valuable because it encourages children

· Towards exploring ideas,

· Solving meaningful problems and issues

· To polish their creativity.

Part 2

1. Give a brief summary of the disability.


Epilepsy Summary:

Epilepsy is said to serious disorder. According to a report issued by the Epilepsy Foundation of America, a seizure in epilepsy happens when a brief, strong surge of electrical activity affects specific part or complete Seizures can last from a few seconds to a few minutes.

· Symptoms of epilepsy includes,

· Convulsions and

· Loss of consciousness,

· Blank staring,

· Lip smacking, or

· Jerking movements of legs and arms specially.

To diagnose epilepsy is a multi-step process. Doctors need to know complete history of patient and signs before the epilepsy attack began. Diagnosing techniques includes

· Complete physical check up

· Examination about nervous system

· Blood test

· electroencephalograph (EEG)

· CT (computerized tomography)

Its treatment contains anti-epileptic medication that is the most common and effective to cater this disease. It works effectively for stopping seizures in more than 70% of patients

In case anti-epileptic medications are not effective in stopping seizures of person, other treatment options may be adopted. These include:

· To remove those areas of brain that promotes seizures by surgery

· Stimulation of the vagus nerve in nervous system through electrical shock

· ketogenic diet is recommended to patient

2. How is the disability addressed in school? What would be your role as an Early Childhood Care Professional if this child were in your class?


Children with epilepsy feel stress while going to school. They got confuse about having a seizure in class or students reaction towards them. I will automatically call an ambulance for emergency situation if affected child feels some signs of seizure. I will behave epileptic child fairly and more politely and help him to learn as normal students.




2. Adams, C.M., & R.L. Pierce. 2004. Characteristics of effective teaching. In Traditions and innovations: Teaching at Ball State University

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