Final Project: Country Research Powerpoint (Due Day 7- assignments forum )

Final Project: Country Research Powerpoint (Due Day 7- assignments forum )
Create a Microsoft
presentation with 20 to 25 slides addressing the following
topics from your country research checkpoint assignments:
o The general history of the country and why you chose it.
o A major industry in your country; do they produce public or private goods? Are there
externalities in this industry? Is the good/service a major export?
o What is the predominant type of employment in the country? Farming? Service? Is there
a lot of unemployment? Are there wage inequalities that need attention?
o The economic health of your country? What is the per capita GDP? Inflation?
o Does your country have a stable currency? What are the monetary or fiscal policies that
have affected growth in your country?
Conclude your presentation with:
o One slide with any recent developments that have affected the economy of your chosen
o One slide with recommendations for your country? Should they increase trade in order to
help their economy grow? Or maybe your country is already industrialized and stable;
what do you recommend? This is the place to play policymaker!
o One slide listing your references.
 Include detailed speaker’s notes for each slide so that you are explaining the few points you’ve
chosen to highlight on each slide. A good presentation highlights 5-7 topics on each slide while
the speaker’s notes fully explore the topics.
 Post your presentation as an attachment in the assignments forum. Make sure it is posted by
the last day of class.
Due 02/17/13 at 11:59 pm

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