Workplace Wellness Assignment

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Chapter 7 Supplemental Activity – Workplace Wellness

Research Workplace Wellness
Workplace wellness is an important topic that concerns office workers. In this activity, you
will do research to learn more about topics related to workplace wellness.

1. Choose a topic related to health problems or injuries that might affect office
workers. Example topics listed below. Ask your instructor to approve the topic you

 Back strain (from improper lifting)

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 Eye strain

 Repetitive stress injuries

 Cuts or burns (for example, from printers or fax machines)

 Injuries caused by hazardous materials (for example, cleaning fluids, printer or
copier toner or ink)

 Breathing problems related to poor air quality
2. Search the Internet or other sources to find at least one article about the topic you

selected. Note the complete title, the author, and source of the article. Include the
date of a printed article or the date you accessed an article online.

3. Read the article and key a list of the main points presented in the article.
Submit to instructor using ACoT e-Learn.

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