M4A1 Human Resources

Assignment 1: Discussion—Using Technology to Deliver Training

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Technology can be a vital component of training delivery. Use the Argosy University online library resources and your textbooks to read about training technology.

Using your own experience, module readings, Internet research, and references from the Argosy University online library, respond to the following:

  • Illustrate how technology can benefit the transfer of learning.
  • Explain how organizations have utilized technology in learning. Use your research or examples from your experience.
  • Comment on the appropriateness of the utilized technology in learning.

Support your positions with references from required readings or from other valid sources.

Write your initial response in a minimum of 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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  • Read all posts from your peers.
  • Explain how their experiences differ from yours.
  • Provide substantive comments by contributing new, relevant information or quotes from course readings, Web sites, or other sources; building on the remarks or questions of others; or sharing practical examples of key concepts from your experiences, professional or personal.





Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points

Initial response:

Was insightful, original, accurate, and timely.Was substantive and demonstrated advanced understanding of concepts.Compiled and synthesized theories and concepts drawn from a variety of sources to support statements and conclusions.

Discussion response and participation:

Responded to a minimum of two peers in a timely manner.Offered points of view supported by research.Asked challenging questions that promoted the discussion.Drew relationships between one or more points in the discussion.


Wrote in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner.Responses were error free.Information from sources, where applicable, was paraphrased appropriately and accurately cited.


· From


Managing human resources: Productivity, quality of work life, profits (9th ed.), read the following chapters:


Workplace training


Performance management

Unit 4: Module 4 (Sep 19 – Sep 25)

Module 4 Overview

This module provides an overview of the tools required to design, develop, implement, and evaluate the training and development (T&D) function of HR.

The T&D function of HR accomplishes three objectives:

· To make sure that training needs are met

· To create training programs to fulfill the organization’s development needs

· To assess the effectiveness of the training programs

This module will explore all these areas of training in the HR strategic plan. It will also examine training platforms as well as the levels of training effectiveness.

Through the first assignment in this module, you will observe the use of technology in training delivery. You will also illustrate the benefits of technology in the transfer of learning. In the second assignment, you will study a scenario and based on the problems experienced by the three stores in the scenario; you will design a needs assessment and recommend three specific training initiatives for the employees at the stores. In addition, you will develop a budget of estimated costs to implement the training initiative you recommended.

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· Incorporate strategic human resource management principles in the development of programs that meet organizational needs and enable the organization to maintain a competitive advantage.

· Recommend talent management strategies that support the HR strategic plan and the competitive strategy of the organization.


Unit 4: Module 4 – Components of Training and Development

Components of Training and Development

There are three basic parts of training and development (T&D) related to strategic HR:

· Training needs analysis: The process of determining the training needs of an organization and aligning those needs with the organization’s goals and business objectives.

· Training delivery: The determination of the appropriate medium for delivering training, that is, face-to-face, electronic, blended, etc.

· Training effectiveness: The methodology used to measure the effectiveness of training.

These three components of T&D help groom, mentor, and develop employees’ knowledge and their capabilities to enhance the organizational performance.

Professional organizations such as SHRM and ASTD provide best practices and benchmarks for talent management in reference to needs analysis, delivery, and training effectiveness.

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Unit 4: Module 4 – Training Delivery Platforms

Training Delivery Platforms


Training delivery platforms are the methodologies used to deliver training and play a vital role in the effectiveness of a training program. HR professionals must identify the most suitable platform keeping the training needs in mind.

After the TNA is complete, HR professionals must choose a medium to deliver training. The various types of training platforms can be from these examples:

· Classroom or instructor-led training (ILT): This is a face-to-face interactive training where the instructor and employees meet in a classroom.

· On-the-job training (OJT): This is an informal learning where more experienced and skilled employees train less experienced employees.

· Online/eLearning: This is a self-paced interactive training available on the Internet or the extranet of an organization.

· Self-paced: This can be online or offline and typically used for informal, skill-based learning.

· Computer-based training (CBT): This includes off-the-shelf training programs available on CD-ROM, multimedia training programs that include audio, video, graphics, and animation, and simulations that provide interactive 3D learning environments such as flight simulators.

Each delivery platform has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, HR professionals must evaluate each training platform before deciding on the best delivery method for their organization. They must consider the following factors to compare and contrast the delivery platforms:

· Cost

· Audience

· Desired outcomes

· Resources

Here’s a brief analysis of each training platform based on these factors.

Training Platform



Classroom or instructor-led training (ILT)

· Allows interaction between the instructor and the learners leading to better learning

· Centralized training location requires participants to travel to a certain location for a particular duration

On-the-job training (OJT)

· Real-life training

· No means of validating the effectiveness or quality


· Allows easy access
· Allows easy updates to content

· Requires computer and Internet access
· Requires self-motivation to complete the training

Computer-based training (CBT)

· Cost effective
· No need for Internet access

· Can be repetitious

SHRM and ASTD provide best practices and benchmarks for talent management in reference to delivery platforms.

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Unit 4: Module 4 – Training Effectiveness

Training Effectiveness


The effectiveness of training programs can be measured using the four levels of the Kirkpatrick model. While most people refer to the four criteria for evaluating learning processes as “levels,” Kirkpatrick never used that term; he normally called them “steps” (Craig, 1996). In addition, he did not call it a model, but used words such as “techniques for conducting the evaluation” (Craig, 1996, p. 294).

· Step 1—Reaction: How did the learners think and feel about the training or learning experience?

· Step 2—Learning: What did the learner learn from the training? How much have their knowledge and skills increased due to the training?

· Step 3—Behavior: How much have behavior and capability improved, and how effectively can learners apply the newly acquired skills in the job?

· Step 4—Results: What are the tangible results of the learning process in terms of reduced cost, improved quality, increased production, efficiency, etc.?

Kirkpatrick suggests the use of instruments (such as questionnaires), document reviews, and/or observations to obtain data for the steps in the process.

Evaluation Level

Evaluation Type




Use happy sheets, verbal reaction feedback forms, post-training surveys or questionnaires.



Use pre- and post-training assessments, interview, and observation.



Use observation and interview to assess the behavioral change, its relevance, and sustainability.



Measures are already in place to assess the results.

Once again, SHRM and ASTD provide best practices and benchmarks for talent management in reference to training effectiveness.

Craig, R. L. (1996). The ASTD training development handbook. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

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Human Resource Mgt & Talent Development

©2013 Argosy University

Case Study:



Review the manner in which the needs assessment model can be applied.

Training and development professionals apply the needs assessment model from the beginning of their
planning efforts. Practically speaking, while our example model has many steps, in reality, the process is
much more fluid with many steps happening simultaneously. For example, early in the process it is about
understanding your issues and goals; you may also be collecting data to support your initial assumptions.
The key to any needs assessment model is to allow the model to serve you, and do not feel constrained
to necessarily follow a step-by-step process.

Here you can see an example of an organization’s approach to a needs assessment.

Needs Assessment

Activities to

policies, tasks,
and processes


Target group for


Knowledge, skills,

and attitude


knowledge skills

and attitude


Training Needs

On-the-job training
and/or guidance









Determining Training


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©2013 Argosy University

The Training Cycle

Training can be best described as a process and can be simply illustrated in the following diagram.

Business Plan

The business plan provides the training and development professional with the overall goals of the
organization. Without the knowledge of the business plan, the training and development (T&D)
professionals can’t effectively develop programs to support organizational objectives.

Training Strategy and


This is the T&D professionals’ statement of their role in the organization. In essence, this is what they will
do for the organization and includes:

 The T&D mission

 The T&D objectives and goals

 The T&D policy procedures

Training Needs Analysis

The fundamental principles governing every training needs analysis are:

 Evaluating what the organization is doing now

 Comparing this to what the organization aims to do in the future

 Analysis of the reasons for the performance gap (what is expected versus what is actually

 Identifying the types of training interventions, which might bridge the gap between the current and

Business Plan

Strategy and


Training Needs

Training Plan

of Training

Evaluation of

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©2013 Argosy University

2 The Training Cycle

expected performance

The training needs analysis is fundamental in ensuring that the identified training is meeting the business

Training Plan

For a T&D plan to be effective, there must be:

 Allocation of specific responsibilities for drawing up and implementing plans

 A clear link to the business plan and the identified training needs

 A process to ensure operational managers and T&D personnel work together to agree upon the
training outcomes and how these will be evaluated

 The plan must be integrated with the training policies and procedures

For every planned training intervention, the following should be outlined:

 The reason for which the training intervention is needed and the intended outcomes for both the
participants and the organization

 The staff for which it is intended for

 The learning objectives, content, method of delivery, and people responsible for designing,
organizing, and delivery

 The cost of training and the implications of required resources

 The time and venue of the training

 The manner in which the intervention will be evaluated

Implementation of Training

Some issues for consideration here are:

 How are company policies, procedures, and standards documented? How does training content
reflect these?

 Who carries out training operations? How are trainer-skills developed in these people and how
are they supported?

 Where are external trainers used and how are their training abilities assessed?

 Where is training carried out?

 How are trainees briefed before and after training interventions?

 How is the work of trainees covered during training?

 How are expenses dealt with for offsite training?

 Who is responsible for setting up training facilities and equipment?

 How is training recorded? This can be manually or via a software package.

Evaluation of Training

Evaluation of training takes place after the session has taken place. To be effective, you should consider
the following:

 Administer the evaluation at the end of the training session to ensure you capture the experience

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©2013 Argosy University

3 The Training Cycle

of the attendees.

 Consider a 6-month post evaluation to measure whether or not the training retained its impact
from the initial experience.

 Compare your first evaluation to your post evaluation to see if your training has long-term impact.

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