
Select a project from the newspaper and do the following: 
1. Cut out and scan the newspaper article, should be local, so that I can read it 
2. Identify how the project meets all of the criteria necessary for it to be considered a project
3. Write a letter to the customer introducing yourself and your 
project management skills
4. Write a scope statement based on your understanding from the article
5. Identify the core resource skillset you believe the customer should have on their team
6. Discuss the type of budget you think the project should align with (you will need to do some research so it is realistic)
7. Write a communication plan
8. Discuss the two highest risks and what the contingency plan for those risks are.  How did you arrive at those risks
9. Communicate how you will manage the project
Given the number of topics that need to be completed, paper should be between 1400 words

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