why I should be selected to recieve this grant

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Addresses why this opportunity is important to you and what you will give and get from the experience Includes a paragraph about each of the organizations you would like to work with (listing up to 5 organizations): Information about the organization and who/what it serves Where the organization is located What you will do as an intern/volunteer — I need to make this paper into an actually paper. currently, it is just broken thoughts and half-paragraphs. It is also not organized well. With the material I have given, please write me a grant application letter. I am highly qualified for the grant, but don’t have time to write this essay – I need it to reflect competence and passion for volunteering this summer.

I am applying for a Wellesley Serves! Grant in order to provide the means for my continued service to disadvantaged young people in the Boston community.

Beginning in the latter half of my first year at Wellesley, I began to volunteer at the Cambridge Community Center. This experience was so fulfilling that I realized after awhile that it was my favorite extra-curricular activity, competing even with my social life. As my relationship with the people at Cambridge Community Center developed, I began to get other Wellesley students interested in the work that I was doing there, and in the possibility that they could also find ways to make a contribution. I began to plan and began organizing an outreach organization to bring volunteers with me to the CCC twice a week. Harnessing the energy and charity of my fellow students, I have been able to benefit the Center greatly, expanding programs and providing regular, dependable volunteers.

Cambridge Community Center has been an integral part of the Cambridge community since 1928, when it was founded by a group of black ministers who were concerned about the health and welfare of the children in the Riverside neighborhood of Cambridge founded the Center.

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Since its incorporation in 1929, the Center has been an integral part of Cambridge and has provided quality services that address community needs. It offers a wide range of social, educational and recreational activities to people of all ages and backgrounds. I have been working primarily in their After-school program, which provides many structured activities including tutoring to help build and improve literacy skills, athetics, music, science discovery and computer literacy – this is what I want to do with the help of this grant.

Over winter break I interned with CCC tutoring and administrative duties tutoring – began to notice a keen interest among the many children of Haitian immigrants in the fact that I was studying French. After informally teaching them some simple French phrases and dialog, and seeing their excitement, I discussed the possibility of teaching French in a more formal way with CCC administration. They were quick to embrace the idea, and I am now teaching two hours of French every week.

I have developed a strong connection to these kids, and have made emotional bonds with them that have increased my passion for teaching and having a strong social component to my future career (probably a professor). Learned so much from each of the kids I’ve worked with – from working with troubled children trying to get on track, to encouraging stellar students to dream big – know I want to play a supportive, motivational role in whatever I end up doing

Increasingly, I see myself teaching as part of my future career. I have been getting real experience with developing course plans, etc

Teaching is the best way of learning – so teaching French will allow me to solidify my understanding greatly

CCC has expressed that they are really benefiting from having me around, and expressed that they would really like me to stay on full time for the summer, and that I have and can do a lot of good for the kids and the center

Since I am applying for a grant for the summer, I will be working in The Summer Enrichment Program is a full time day program for children ages 4.9 -12 As with the after school program, it includes a wide array of learning opportunities, including sports, Arts and crafts, writing workshops, science discovery, and computer classes . The children participate in hobby time and go on weekly field trips outside the city, from hiking in beautiful State parks, to fishing for crabs on the beach.

As an intern : will teach French, look after the kids, chaperone / plan field trips, be involved with planning events with the staff, helping with administrative and clerical duties and publicity for the center.

Will allow me to devote my full energies and time to this organization, to deepen my appreciation and understanding of this organization, and I can already see, gain insight into organizations in general.

Deepen my connection with the broader community, and likely increase my understanding of how I can continue to contribute – can give same knowledge to students. I am hopeful that this opportunity would also give me the opportunity to develop more and better ways for Wellesley student volunteers to become involved and aware of the Cambridge community.

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