Due 02/20/2013

I need a business guidebook about Japan. Use files below to help aid in this project.

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Final Project: Guidebook

Develop a detailed 1,250- to 1,500-word guidebook for employees preparing to conduct business in Japan.

Address the following needs in your guidebook:

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How employees preparing to conduct business in the selected host country might overcome cultural shock

• How employees preparing to conduct business in the selected host country might prepare for each aspect of the cultural experience

• How employees preparing to conduct business in the selected host country might optimize successful intercultural communication

Also Individual

Final Project: Guidebook Resource: Associate Level Material: Final Project Overview and Timeline

Develop a detailed 1,250- to 1,500-word guidebook for employees preparing to conduct business in the host country you selected in Week One.

Address the following needs in your guidebook:
• How employees preparing to conduct business in the selected host country might overcome cultural shock
• How employees preparing to conduct business in the selected host country might prepare for each aspect of the cultural experience
• How employees preparing to conduct business in the selected host country might optimize successful intercultural communication

Include the following sections in the guidebook about Japan:

1. Universal Systems

2. Cultural Values

3. Language and Thought

4. Global Etiquette

5. Business Customs

6. Negotiation Strategies

7. Culture Shock

Include photos, illustrations, or diagrams as appropriate. Document the source of each media item you include.

Include a minimum of six outside resources, in addition to Intercultural Business Communication.

Format the guidebook consistent with APA guidelines.

Global communications

Global communications is a world class provider of wireless communication services. The company has over the years taken the needs of the clients into consideration and that has led the organization realize its objectives of providing the services globally. The organization is has since shifted its focus to ensuring that the most effective communication means are achieved by people of walks of life.

Xyz company


Address 2

Gokita, ST 0711431

Global communications


Address 2

N, Lawrence, 66044

(213) 555 0125

Fax (213) 555 0145

Web site address

Communication for development

Experience: the negotiator posses plenty negotiation experience. They posses the experience required in negotiating in different environments and circumstance.

Confidence: The characteristic is essential to any negotiation situation.

Respectful: The negotiator acts respectfully no matter their relationship with the other side.

Bold: the negotiator does not fear taking risks as long as the payoff is worth taking the chance.

Articulate: the negotiator is able to articulate the ideas in mind. What is in the mind of the good intercultural negotiator is easily articulated into sensible statements.

Direct: The negotiator is direct in their argument. The good intercultural negotiator does not beat about the bush in their statement. They go direct to the point of the matter.

Unemotional: An expert negotiator is not swayed by distractions and they turn quickly to the issue at hand. Feed a sheet of paper through the manual feed tray of your printer, printing the first page, and then feed the same sheet through the manual feed tray again, printing the second page on the other side. For more information, refer to the documentation for your printer.

Characteristics of a good intercultural negotiator

There are certain characteristics that a good negotiator possesses. The characteristics makes them become more effective than other individuals when negotiation for a certain deal. The characteristics are?

Skilled: the negotiator possesses the know how that negotiation requires. The skills of the negotiator are strengthened by the knowledge of the negotiation theory, tactics and strategy.

Convincing power: good intercultural negotiators know the right choice of words which are pleasing g to the negotiating partner’s ears. They use those words and actions tactfully to change the minds of those they are in negotiation with.

Flexible: good intercultural negotiators know easily adapt to new communicational atmosphere. They easily understand the new basic accent and communication signs of the host nation.

The behavior that a negotiator

modifification made so AS TO negotiate in your selected host country
A negotiator from America will have to modify the American behavior of talking much with less non-verbal actions when negotiating in Japan. In Japan the negotiator should communicate much with non-verbal communication as the Japanese are more focused on the negotiators implications.

Steps to follow when negotiating in your selected host country
The negotiator should first understand the issues at hand. Once in negotiations, the negotiator presents their case. The negotiator should listen to the other side of the negotiation. When the process of finding solution is complete, the final part of the process is entered into. The contract is then accepted and signed by both parties. The final step is fulfilling the agreement.

Cultural bases for negotiation conflict
Negotiation conflict could be as a result of the misunderstanding brought about by cultural differences. For instance shaking one’s head from side to side means refusing an idea in America whereas the same non-verbal communication means agreeing to the Idea in India.
Strategies to managing the conflict

Understanding the culture of the host country-by understanding the cultural aspects that may cause conflict due to lack of communication early, the situation may be avoided before the negotiating time.

Learning intercultural communication-By learning intercultural communication one knows and understands how people from different countries and cultures communicate, act and view the world around them.

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