MT460-03: Management Policy and Strategy

 Unit 1 Transform your SWOT analysis into your professional resume.Here is your chance to either improve your current resume or create a new one as graduation will be here before you know it. You will want to include this in your networking pages / sites, future employer application packages, and for the day of your interview to hand to the interviewer. The idea is to create a concise and effective way to promote who you are as a business professional. All of the hard work you have done in this unit will now pay off. Are you ready? Let us go.There have been many types of professional resumes created in the past. There is one that can be utilized either as a one-pager with a list of Actions/Results, or the traditional method that incorporates the previously mentioned list. The idea is to create the latter and to have the flexibility of two types of resumes in one. There is a sample Resume in Doc Sharing for your review. Here are some steps for you to follow.Click here to read the steps that you should follow for creating your resume.Assignment Checklist:·       Articulate how to transform Strengths and Opportunities into Actions/Results. Assignment Checklist:·       Articulate how to transform Strengths and Opportunities into Actions/Results.·       Create a personal SWOT analysis.·       Create a professional resume. For example:·    Action Results Resume·    Full Resume 

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