English Help

I need this done ASAP. Deadline is Saturday , January 5th the earlier you get it done the better you get paid. i only expect an very well written quality essay with an interesting topic

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you must write a personal essay, based solely on your first-hand personal experience(s), told from the first-person point of view, meeting the length requirement of 750 to 2500 words.  This essay should not require or contain any type of research; it should be told from thoughts and memories.

The choice of topic is entirely up to you, as long as you are writing about yourself and your experiences. Please write essay in a femine way since im a female .


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Introduction (10 points): Establishes a specific topicand approach and sets an appropriate tone/moodfor the rest of the essay. Engages the reader andcreates interest.

Coherence and unity (25 points): Ideas flow clearlyand logically as essay is developed. Each paragraphcontains one main idea (with enough detail todevelop that idea clearly and logically) and aconnection to the ideas that precede and follow it.Clear transitions are present between sentences aswell as between paragraphs. Author remains focusedon the topic.

Support for ideas (20 points): Adequate detail andaccurate support provided for each idea introduced.Specific, accurate, and relevant examples are usedto show meaning. Essay does not simply makeblanket claims without support.


Sentence structure (10 points): Sentences arevaried in both structure and length. Sentences arecomplete, expressive, clear, and to the point. Norun-on sentences or fragments.10–9 8–7 6–5 4–1 0Spelling and word choice (10 points): Essay is free ofspelling errors. Appropriate language is chosen foreach situation, fitting the mood/tone set in theintroduction. Word choice complements, does


Punctuation (10 points): Essay is free of errorssuch as comma splices, misplaced commas, andinappropriate end punctuation. All punctuation isused correctly so as not to interfere with comprehension.

Grammar (10 points): Essay uses correct andconsistent verb tenses, subject-verb agreement,clear pronoun-antecedent agreement, and so on.Grammar errors do not interfere with comprehension.


Conclusion (5 points): Provides adequateclosure and reinforces the meaning/significanceestablished in the introduction. Effectively wraps upthe essay.

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